
How do we fix them?

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lol i posted it again

Nice dude I'm the owner of it.

givem da dik lol

Just impregnate them and they'll automatically start focusing on kids because it's in their nature to do so.

By forcing all of them to wear diapers and call their husbands "daddy"

I guess haha. But seriously there is something wrong with them. They are mentally impaired.


Ummm,. That's kind of weird dude.

Dont allow women access to smartphones and destroy social media.

>posting your womans nudes on the internet
might as well just whore her out already senpai

Get em preggers within non-racemixing marriage
This is the only solution but nobody has the balls to do it these days especially with the kikes pushing for just the opposite

I agree and disagree at the same time. One part keeps em in their place the other part prevents their selective breeding which results in a less attractive offspring. Then again Muslims never had a problem with breeding Uggos so..

It's the only way to fix them.

Not my girl just a tinder slut.

I've seen this happen but the only problem is that they usually become single mothers at least in my area.

Maybe stop posting their nudes on them dipshit?
If you wanna post nudes go fucking nuts. Just don't come bitching to us when your girl becomes a mentally unhinged whore.

By being a man.


Condition them to wear pants in public, and not denim underwear.

Let them know that dressing half naked makes them dumb animals; like African spear-throwers.

Remind them that the reason women originally wore dresses and skirts and mini-shorts and high-heels was to let their male counterparts know that they are physically-weak and won't run away from their attempts to mate with them.

Basically just teach them not to be dumb subservient willfully-beta animals.


Give them a penis.

They can keep the boobs and hips though.

STOP putting pussy on a pedestal and give them directions. If they don't want to listen, take a lose and find another bitch.

Stop being a cuck? Quit sucking dick? stop trying to fix what you never can? Psychologically break them so that they'll never leave?

Life has many doors Edd Boys.

And as I said, they should be wearing diapers at all times.

White women are taking part in the white women sex strike against White Genocide, and they naturally have become averse to the institution that would pretty much require such intimacy, namely marriage. If you want to stop this kind of thing and restore white fertility and white marriage then what's required is for you to stop White Genocide.

White women have stereotyped—correctly—white men as being sick and self-hating, white anti-white traitors. Why would a member of the weaker sex want to be in a relationship with a white man, someone who likely has something against her for her own white race, sick and self-hating as he is? No, she'd rather take part in the white woman sex strike against White Genocide, #WWSSAWhiteGenocide.

Why else do you think that when Daddy tells them to get qualified and get a career, she obeys but when he tells her to find a nice white man and make white babies, she disobeys? #WWSSAWhiteGenocide, the white woman sex strike against White Genocide.

White rabbit, is that you?

slap them

Training collars.

JPOutlook—but Whitaker Online, yes.


Women are secondary. We have to make modern men strong again. When strong traditional men reemerge, the women will follow.

I don't understand. Do you want or do you not want white genocide?
Plus, not all men are self-hating or anti-whites, you know. I mean, you're on Sup Forums. It may not have been great the past months, but there are surely not that many self-hating faggots.

user., you're not supposed to_like_ the sex strike against White Genocide; you're supposed to stop White Genocide.




Women aren't broken just because they don't want you. There's nothing in the world that will fix a woman to make her want to want to touch your fat ugly ass.

I don't know but I think you would be much happier if ya just waited for the sex robots you would probably have a better time with them then real women as they don't waste money, nag, get fat, or old
And bjs any time you want.

>How do we fix them?

>t. virgin

be better fathers to your daughters

That is 1/2 the problem. Modern fathers treat their daughters like princesses.
No guy will measure up.

>Projecting this hard on a Botswani Fresh Water Fish Cultivation forum.

How can you fix something not under your direct control? In order to influence something that doesn't explicitly belong to you, you need intelligence to do so. But the sides of the problem are men and women, as groups and not as individuals. What that means is men AS A GROUP need to do something intelligently together, to change women AS A WHOLE. Are the entirity or at least majority intelligent enough and most importantly willing to contribute to the "fixing" of women? No? Then there can be nothing done. At least not in the grand scale of things. And there's that.