Kek. Right now in Perth City


Other urls found in this thread:

Perth has black people? what the fuck


>Perth niggers discover reddit

What are they actually doing?

>may may masks

how to not get yourself taken seriously in 2017 101

>fat women
>display laptop like a retard
i can't even

What are these faggots doing?


Yeah ??? I thought sudanese subhumans were only in melbourne

What the actual fuck is going on there?

Busy protesting about some bullshit. Couldn't see because the first laptop I looked at had died, and the second had a privacy screen on making it impossible to read.

>Normies think these masks are the face of Sup Forums

>we are anomalous
>we are region
>forgive and forget
>expecto patronum

Someone post it

hahahaha fucking cucked aussies

There are nigs everywhere in Aus.

Free laptops

>all women
not surprised, i don't even know what this is about but I know it's retarded because of the masks



>all women

I bet they've never posted on Sup Forums in their lives.

I live in Perth. Where is this?

ayo wat dey douin man

It's over. Drumpf is finished now

Obviously in front of Piccadilly Arcade you mong

I am now a #Cruzmissle

Where is that in relation to the giant cactus? I never go into the city because it's filled with weird people.

Theres lots of ugandans and sudanese in Perth

>anonymoose masks
>apple laptops

it's cube of truth campaign, saw people doing this same shit in my city. it's a vegan anti animal abuse movement move along

this lol

Dey gib us dem laptops. they is free in dem street.


>it's a vegan anti animal abuse movement

Fucking kill me. Get that degenerate shit out of my city.

Perth City, near London Court.

This is even worse than that time I saw a free palestine march

Fucking cancers, all of them

There were like 15 people doing a FUCK DRUMPF rally I think a day after the election

They everywhere mate

Was this taken in NZ?

looks like the cube of truth. Vegans showing movies from slaughterhouses. Never understood why they use Guy Fawkes masks, perhaps people dont understand the symbolism...

This mask trend has ruined the original movie for me.

Of course, even our country can't be free of these monumental twats




FREE LAPTOPS TAKE ONE! someone go hold that sign next to them

Are they showing videos about animal slaughter? I've seen these people in Sydney too.

what the fuck lmao

>dumbcunts standing around
>not one got glassed

the state of this country


because them wearing masks and holding out laptops gets people curious. I saw their website on the placard, googled it and once I saw what it was I moved on and bought a hot dog at the nearby farmer's market

up by perth underground station
to the right of the former topman shop if you're walking up from the cactus

Yeah, looks like Dunedin to me.

wait a second i just thought of something...

why doesn't the world just make rightwing reveal squads RWRS. the entire function of the group is to bumrush people in masks or covering their faces and tear the masks off whilst recording. like flashmob style.

gotta get a bunch of parkour cunts to do it for the quick getaway.

Must be pretty a old photo

yeah man, that's back from the original chanology protests
almost 10 years ago now. time flies

And yet life is shitter now then it was then

>cube of truth campaign

Must be nice living in a area where you dont need to guard your laptop.




we international now

Is Sweden that bad? Your country in genuinely lost friend.

The Aus/pol/ thread is up fellas: Aus/pol/ thread:

they are everywhere
the asians and muslims have exploded aswell in pop, you are a minority as a white male walking around the city at certain times and days in perth
get out of the citys

It's a laptop giveaway for nonwhites only, you fucking retards. There have been like 15 threads about it.

>Blacks are now part of our society

I was fine with the arabs and the asians since they tend to more or less work hard and contribute.

But I will not tolerate the fucking blacks. Left South Africa to get away from these pieces of literal walking shit.

I really hope the liberal party will tighten our immigration policies so only the very skilled and somewhat wealthy people can come here.

Not useless poor people who will not except our culture.

On top of that Perth is filled with insufferable South Africans and Poms. It's easily the worst city in Australia.


Choose one.

someone walk up to them in a guy fawkes mask and whisper "anonymous is watching you" or some cheesy threat like that

>I was fine with the arabs


The Arabs tat are here tend to mainly be Christian Lebanese that do contribute to the society.

Yes large portion can be horrible pieces of crap but no larger then the bogans.

They barely scrape a pass.

'member when anonymous was shitposters and Sup Forumstards?

I've wanted to emigrate to Australia for years because I have family there. I work hard, I have a decent job, and I have an education. But because I'm white, it's basically impossible for me to move there. Pretty fucked up if you ask me. I really am starting to think Europeans have some kind of self-hating mental illness that runs deep.

None of these faggots were those faggots. They're just jumping someone else's train. Probably controlled by feds or Soros. Maybe both.

have you actually spoken to the blacks? They actually assimilate into western culture better because all they do is worship african americans and their degenerate nigger culture, which just so happens to be the main influence on modern western culture, e,g they fit right in.

it's not rare to see white girls with african migrants in Sydney CBD, usually see two or more "couples" like this when I go out.

That one guy on the right was known as NZFG back in the day.

So in other words controlled by the same faggots even though they aren't the same faggots themselves.

Move to New Zealand, get permanent residency there then move here. A lot of people do that and apparently it's much easier.

Think of it like that horrible Mike Allred run on X-Force that became X-Statix. More like that.

This to a T. The arrogance from the pommy wank stains is unbearable, would rather them then niggers or muzzies obviously but god they need to kill themselves.

fuck off you're full

always amazes me when Canadians try to talk shit like this. The only reason your country is relevant right now is because its going down the fucking drain, retard.


>I was fine with the arabs and the asians


He's not President of the World. What the fuck is wrong with these idiots.

This isn't a happening.
These look like the same dumb cunts who were protesting against fat shaming in the nude last year in Murray St Mall though.
I'm pretty sure they're all hippy drug addicts from the doof crowd.

Tell them it's treason to effect foreign elections.

I met Tim Glasson the founder of Hallensteins and Glassons when I was a young man. friend of my father.

t. just woke up from a 20 year coma

It's not treason against a country you're not a citizen of, which is why people who call Assange a traitor are retarded

when i went a few years ago there were literally abos on every corner of the city drinking goon and getting into fights. the rest of the populace was too cucked to do anything about it. just like every other australian city. also sudanese loitering about every bottle shop. savages everywhere.

They don't know that.

Yep, Perth is literally worse than Albany where I live, and Albany is like the Noongar's sacred birthplace or some shit. I live right next to an abo neighbourhood and I've had far more pleasant experiences than when I've been to Perth.

City abos might as well be a different breed

At least they also hate niggers

you can say the same thing about australia


Except that we're out doing shit in the world, to the point that fucking ISIS is bitching about us, while you leafy cunts are...well, what aren't you doing?

>You're certainly not running your country properly that's for sure

Nice! Did you put marmite on it?