How do I join antifa


Just go to any barista and ask for the red mocha latte.

You don't want to. Those people are idiots, and make a laughing stock out of anarchism and communism. If you really want to join them, I hope you're only doing so out of a want to be fun and "hip"

do be retarded. you can be an anarchist, but don't be an activist

Anarchism and communism makes a laughing stock out of itself.

1-buy a dildo
2-suck on it


>1. drink bleach

1) stuff your ass with the largest buttplug you'll find
2) put on girly panties
3) dress in black
4) start to chimp out
5) you're done

This is how I joined

I'm not going to report you. But you may be interested in the fact that you are already free to move to a remote woods and be free of government, like a real anarchist. But you already knew that. Yet you are still here. Which means you aren't really an anarchist.

What every concerned Sup Forumsitburo should do is join your local antifa group and slowly redpill them from the inside. If it doesn't work just make them look bad

Sounds like my average friday night.

dont bother if your a

its full of idpol neolibs and it is a watered down knockoff of euro antifa

Fellow antifa member here, I had to hang myself infront of my antifa friends to let them know i'm cool

>implying you can be banned or reported from Sup Forums

Sorry m8 but that's not how this place works. Everyone speaks just the same here. You are not judged by your character, but rather the content of your statements and discourse.
In either case, welcome to Sup Forums, you're here forever.

as expected from the eternal anglo

you get a liberal arts degree and when you realize you cant pay it off ill tell you

How come you're not a fan of them the way many other anarchists and communists seem to be? Is there much debate in those groups about antifa?

Jump off a cliff and join them in hell

Become a Jew we are neutral

Late reply but many actual anarchists and communists don't like antifa, believe it or not. Some of us are more mature and don't think being loud is the best way to grab support for the cause. I guess the best comparison I could give to this would be stormfront to the alt-right where the alt-right are the new kids which are loud and stormfront are the group of older, more mature people who want to take things from a slow and educated angle.

its easy. Just dial 1-800-FAGGOTS


They are fascists tb h.

More like, how do I hop on the Soros cash wagon? I'm willing so shill for money, please give me cash

I can take you right to them.

how good at flinging your own poo are you?

why would you ant to join violent hateful anti-Whites?

If “anti-racists” are so unconcerned with race, how come they only have a problem with White Countries, White Cities, White Neighborhoods, White Workplaces, White schools?
I’ve never seen any “anti-racist” complain that any place is too brown and it has to become LESS brown to combat racism.
Who do they think they are kidding?
“Multiculturalism” = White GeNOcide
Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.

>How do I join an organisation of unorganisation

>Some of us are more mature
but you still believe in fairy tales like "eberbahdy eqwulls!!1"

destroy some public dustbins

The Juden hates anarchism, as it strips him of any power that he would have. The same can be said with true communism to a lesser but still valid extent.

>b-b-but marx is a jew!
Marx denounced his Judaism.

It's not just the dildo, you need to prove that you're truly tolerant. You need to take a knife and cut your balls off. You can keep the shaft of shame, but you should probably just go full AnCom and cut the sausage off too. Plan your surgery with your local doctor and make it official. Welcome to Antifa Zothzister.

Read this OP

>anarchism and communism
How can you even put this in one sentence with a straight face?

They are complete opposite ends of the spectrum.

They're really not. If you had actually read any classical anarchist thinkers you would soon realise this.

>Marx denounced his Judaism.
so what? jews are a race, not a religion

>muh true communism
you mean a dictatorship of the intellectuals?

anarchism is another great sounding idea, but new hierarchies would form. what so you see as the difference between anarchism and libertarianism?

Go to any gollege campus and look for the color/signs and just force yourself.
Say something like fk the nadzziis xddd and you are good to go.

But be prepared you are going to ruin your life and meet the most braindead people on earth.

this is like religitards saying atheists all follow some rules nobody has ever heard of before

how do i get off this planet

No, it's just a combination of the two most retarded ideologies possible.

Just go to any bar that plays lots of punk music and holds venues. Look for the crustie with a DOOM patch.

Also, you don't want to hang with them. It's pizzagate-tier.


The word you're looking for is totalitarian.

ask soros?

>the fact that you are already free to move to a remote woods and be free of government

thats not true

Put on black attire, bash some cops and fashies and you're antifa. Don't make the same mistake american antifa did, stay away from SJW and their identity politics.

You're not an anarchist your a shitard libturd commie like the rest of the self proclaimed commies

Maybe it's time to shut down the computer and read a book.

Quit the act everyone knows commies pretend to be anarchists because they are vilified. The only anarchy that happens in communism is right before and after the failure.


>a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable

>a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production

I guess antifa are completely braindead to think the two are even remotely compatible. They are mutually exclusive.

If you consider yourself a pawn who wants to work for someone who cares not for your goals and only wants to use you to create fear while portraying you as a heartless barbaric fool go for it. If you genuinely want to change things let go of your hate and start within. You'll find you no longer want to join a mind controlled gang of people with limited perspective. Puppets being played by the master Soros. A used and abused kid.

Anyone who thinks violence will assist them in anything other than momentary thrill and satisfaction will be disappointed. It is empty. So many humans are waking up to this.

If you want change, grow a pair and actually change. Use your mind and soul and heart to change yourself and the world. Spewing hate and destroying the Earth will only breed more hate.

If you dislike the system, stop buying useless amounts of crap you don't need. Stop watching tv. Put your phones down and experience nature. Look around and get to know the Earth and the amazing wonder it holds before you destroy it. You are young. You were meant to be happy. This is not the way and youd know it deep in your soul if you took a moment to breathe and let your soul speak. Make an informed choice.

Guess whos getting more shit done

Just stick your head up your ass and you've joined.
Easy Peasy.

If your an Anarchist you should revolt against all the Rulers.

Siding with the Communists will bring the Chaos you want, but also a new Tyrant. So its not getting you anywhere.

Go back to the gnosis of Anarchy my friend.

Rebel against the Archons.

Anarchists want to reach communism by destroying the state domination and through self-organization of communes. Communists want to reach communism by taking over the state and using it to impose the organization of communes on everyone. It's not that hard to understand, honestly. Communism as an economical theory is, and has always been, a stateless society.

dye your hair blue get some piercings and head to your local starbucks they'll come to you it doesn't hurt to wear some communist symbols and read a book on Carl Marx when you're sipping your latte. Then KYS.

You take a knife and you cut your jugular.

shut up kike faggot
>you fucking meme race

Stand on a chair. Tie one end of a rope to the ceiling fan and the other end around your neck. Kick the chair over.


Jej. He's more likely to be on the producing end of this arrangement than the consuming end.

Put a plastic bag over your head and inhale deeply for five minutes. An Antifa commisar will come see you shortly to confirm your membership.

Apply on the Soros website

Start a cooperative
Don't waste yourself in an Antifa gang

FUCK OFF 1 post baiter faggot

I think you'd be surprised. The methods are different, but the intentions are the same.

>no rules except the rule that you have to give all of your money to the government to give to other people
you are a dumbfuck

Become a porn star of pubic hair fetish you might join them. Like moldylox