Daily reminder that the reason most of us got involved with politics and the #1 reason why Donald Trump is president is...

Daily reminder that the reason most of us got involved with politics and the #1 reason why Donald Trump is president is because this young lady couldn't keep her crab-infested mitts off our video games.

Let's give it up for Zoe for red pilling an entire generation.

thanks zoe

Thanks zoe

Thanks Zoe.

If that's why you're interested in politics you should neck yourself.

An entire generation of sexually frustrated, cheeto munching loser angry fucks. I dont see why we should get all happy about this. Look around you for fuckssake

Was Zoe the ultimate red pill?

you can't be this delusional

I don't think she's biologically female

Thanks Zoe
Thanks Internet Aristocrat
Thanks 5 guys

I stopped paying attention to the whole feminists vs gamers before Zoe ever turned up it was Anita shitposting that did it for me.

It wasnt Zoe as it was the media reacted.

It was a very simple story that games reviewers promoted and gave her "game" positive reviews in exchange for sex.

And the media completely span it to turn it in to cis whites males are the devil.

Everyone saw how the media lies and keeps doubling down. Between the story breaking and finishing so many people got red pilled on what the media is doing.

THey reacted the way that they did because Zoe went crying to them and started calling in markers.

>when a feminist game "developer" unable to remain faithful to her boyfriend causes a political upheaval without precedent in US history and completely shifts global geopolitics, as well as drastically radicalizing political culture in the US to the point of it being unironically called Weimar America

I'd really like to know if she ever thinks what the world would be like today if she wasn't a completely selfabsorbed feminist harpy.


Dont forget shirtstorm, another big redpill

Thanx baby-boo without u I wouldn't have a final victory condition (ethics in game journalism) that requires the complete overhaul of US institutions



where do you think you are mate

no, it isn't, fuck off newfags

True enough, this one was the final wake up for many people. Matt may have landed a spacecraft on a comet, but his t-shirt was mankinds greatest awakening.

daily remind i have been here for years becasue a jew tried to fuck me over....

you new fucktards think you are caped crusaders but are really just insufferable asshats


LOL this is hilarious material bro.
you should go on tour.


Not an argument gaymergayter.

>look around
>see white people with pride
>see Nazis in America

Fuck off faggot you get the rope

>LOL this is hilarious material bro.


m8 i've been here for way too long and I don't even know what gamergate was about, who gives a single flying shit

It's much broader than that

>gamergate leads to a possible Second American revolution

I pity your shortsightedness

/new/ was already an anti semitic white nationalist board before this tumblr thot.

If not her then some other "scandal" wouldve brought more people into it.

Don't be naive. Any genuine oldfags know the true importance of gamergate. There was not a single greater instance of political awakening for an entire generation of young people today. That was the power of Zoe's snatch.

she said i was a cutie once

Yeah because anbody that got interested in politics after you or for a reason you deem unworthy is beneath you

You are a faggot cancer tumor

I dont give a shit about that bitch or how much cum she guzzles but im insulted at what she dared call a "game"

>Yeah because anbody that got interested in politics after you or for a reason you deem unworthy is beneath you
Strawman and not an argument. Read my post and try again gamerbaby.

gamergate increased the population of Sup Forums enough for it to go from being a shitposting nuisance for the rest of Sup Forums to being an actual political force to be reckoned with online

High horse faggot shareblue probably

gamergate had a big part in stirring up right-wing activism online

I'm not blaming a slut for acting like a slut, I'm blaming journos who couldn't keep their dick in their pants.

Many of the /b tards are now /pol shtposters

They have grown up, no more LOIC attacks and raiding BlogTV

She doesn't. She's not even aware of all that.

Trips of truth

>mentally ill man pretends he's a woman
>sucks some other men's dicks for good reviews for his """"game"""""
>somehow women are at fault
really gets the noggin' joggin'

Your argument is shit kangaroo faggot people get involved in politics for millions of reasons and your some kangaroo fucker that gets to chose with reasons are valid kys undernigger your posts are shit just like your feeble-minded sunburnt brain

before gamergate Sup Forums was the biggest board
after gamergate Sup Forums became the biggest board

Sup Forumstards were drawn in later, as they always are to a large crown

damn i want those tits

lol what a bunch of fucking babies

Not an argument.

Kangaroo nigger

IT IS KNOWN, and it's one of the most powerful truths that won't be accepted by the normies in our generation.

SJWs were cruising just fine, until they messed up with autistic gamers.

This faggot is 100% right.
You guys are just involved in politics because you are against something.
Extremely destructive and immature.
Also explains why most of the people here support elements in order to fuck something up not in order to construct.

Nah, more likely it was the catalyst that woke a lot of young people up, spawning a (genuine) interest in world politics.

It certainly did for me. Thanks Zoe.

Nice vpn kangaroo nigger lets just accept white Genocide

Clean your room and get a 23 and me and see how much aboriginal dna you have

>Clean your room and get a 23 and me and see how much aboriginal dna you have
Not an argument, Jamal Cletus-Hernandez.

I just wanted to play video games.

I would occasionally watch Jon Stewart and laugh at the stupidity of Team Red, and think I was intelligent and insightful about politics for a moment, then I'd just go back to playing video games and remain apolitical.
Then they went after my video games.
Then I looked into the media.
Then I looked into the government.
Then I looked into the banking system.
Then I looked into who owns them all.
Now my eyes are open and I can never close them again.

You're not redpilled until you've given up videogames.

Donald Trump is president because of Donald Trump.

I hope you've found a better reason since then.


I like these better

I still just want to play video games

I hate being aware of all of this

Maybe if I help stop it someone else can just play video games

so you don't remember nearly hundreds of threads being pruned the exodus to hate c h a n. The infamous he does it for free

How mad do you think Alex is that he paid for a titjob and then she dumped him?

For me personally it was bernie sanders because he opposed iraq, and then seeing the insides of how it got rigged against him pretty much pushed me away from the left for good.

You losers aren't called the ARMY OF UNFUCKABLE HATE NERDS for no reason.

The problem is, the shit you want makes your life worse. You're like lifestyle cutters. Your hate makes you cucks.


what a shit insult. This is why SJWs lost, all their insults were either 13 year old girl tier, or showed how much their enemies affect them emotionally

That's not an SJW insult. He called you unfuckable, which is just mean. Also he made fun of cutters which is a sign of mental illness. SJWs would never do that.

You are cucks, though.

The Franz Ferdinand of our times

nice jugs

>It was a very simple story that games reviewers promoted and gave her "game" positive reviews in exchange for sex.

They didn't even give her positive reviews, it was the exposure they gave her, they'd mention her shitty game when writing about other games, they'd bring it up on podcasts and mention her by name when talking about important indie developers.
For indie devs exposure it more important than reviews because it's free advertising and she traded sex for them putting her name in as many places as they could.

They gave her good reviews also but that wasn't the point of it, the point was to get everyone she could talking about how important it was that she was making games.

>SJWs were cruising just fine, until they messed up with autistic gamers.
The winner in all culture wars is the one most resistant to change. SJWs have managed to be that for years but gamers, holy fuck do we fucking hate people fucking with our games.

Reminder that she has a chip implanted in her wrist with the source code for Deus Ex on it. Because she's a nerd.

Eron would be the Franz Ferdinand. She would be his Serbian assassin.

>Guy falls in love with fat pass around girl
>pass around girl gets passed around
>"abloobloobloo I'll blog about it"

It's such a cuck story, it's super apropo. Just another story of sexual frustration from a loser. And that identifies the alt-right. Women reject them so they reject women, to the point of not even fapping to them.

The gene pool is self-cleaning.

Daily reminder that the so called male feminist allies end up being the ones who get convicted of sexual harassment.

Gamers just wanted to be left alone with their games. They literally hurt nobody, but that wasn't enough for you. You retards woke up an entire generation of apolitical young people and turned them against you. Well done, retard.

Ive been playing vidya forever but have no idea about this bitch and the whole gamergate thing

This exactly. These "muh video games" manchildren don't actually hold a solid grasp on politics beyond "getting rid of muh sjws". That's literally it. These are the people that hang out on /r/the_donald. These are the people that end up in those cringe pics. If you are a goobergater, or a gamer at all, you are a degenerate who gives money to a jewish industry and buys into jewish graphics cards or buys jewish gaming consoles.

You mean like Joss Whedon's wife, who literally did the same thing to Joss, yet the media are completely on her side, calling her brave etc?

Funny how she's not being called a misandrist/slut-shamer/bigot etc.. Almost like there are double-standards or something.

>Because she's a nerd.

That's not what nerds do.
That's what psychotic attention whores do

Quinn isn't Wu. Quinn is female, afaik.

>You guys are just involved in politics because you are against something
Wut? That is like saying you are against your enemy for attacking you and invading your territory.
The media exposed their true colours over something stupid. Such arrogance and hubris. It was a massive strategic miss-step on their part.

Gamergate started it all. We started noticing connections, and then we started noticing all of these connections were Jewish.

Sorry, I was being sarcastic with that last sentence and it didn't really come across very well.

Thanks for the Jewish psycho analysis

Holy shit, makeup is one powerful deception...
> Almost chink level

Shit, now I feel bad.

It makes sense desu but worst jokes are those that need their punchline explained if you know what I mean.

Those tits are going to become significantly less suckable in the next few years. Then what will she do, that's all she's got.

never trust a woman who uses foundation in her make up.

It's supposed to accent natural beauty, not cover entire face with artificial layer and draw a new face on it.
My father told me that, true story

Not really no.

I will work harder for next time!

Lots of face-fucking and anal, like Ava Devine?

thanks Zoe


I'm a female gamer and don't identify with these subhuman women. Feminists killed open discussion and are degenerate.

you dont know shit. you havent been here for long if you dont know the impact gamergate had on this site and everything in general

what a war cammo

You only get to play the woman card here by proving it user.

That bald druggy Adam from g4 helped too when he was whining about a god of war achievement.

Nah I Rather not doxx myself and I'm 30 and married so no tit shots boys. Sorry! But here's a photo of my birb. He's all male.

Don't know who that is but she has some prodigious granny arms for someone so young. Ick.

She looks like such a chubby slut.
