I think it's right, it is a women's choice and it can prevent the born of a unwanted child.
Is abortion right or wrong?
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Pro-choice people are total scum.
It's wrong per se, but since most of its users are blacks, junkies, and other undesirable elements, it's a low priority issue.
Mr. Socko says to former president:
Run, nigger, run.
I don't know, is killing another human wrong? Do you think someone killing you is wrong? Do you kill a lot of people who can't defend themselves for selfish reasons?
I'm not against abortion for children who would be born as gross mutants or so sick they'd die in agony, because that's mercy killing. But killing a perfectly healthy child? Is this a serious question?
abortion is an evil ritual
well on the one hand, banning abortion comes down hard on degeneracy, but on the other hand, shit tier genetics (downs) and the like need to be aborted. If you tried to have both, youd need government controll over which can be aborted, but then you have a government which can control what gets aborted or not.
Abortion is redpilled it's a huge asset in the demographic battle and will allow more women to vote for the right wing