Antifa Sydney are catalogging people with right wing names/dox. They have ~100 names so far...

Antifa Sydney are catalogging people with right wing names/dox. They have ~100 names so far. This is a real problem as it might stop people voicing their opinions publicly/scared to voice them at all.
>original post

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bump for solutions

A baseball bat in their fat gob.


Are people in most of the world scared of fighting? I've yet to a see someone beat the shit out of one of those Antifags

Pollute their intel, feed them garbage until they either start lashing out at normies or can't trust their own info.

This actually seems like a good idea

Isn't Sydney a Chinese town already? I don't think the Chinese in Sydney give a shit about antifa or social justice unless they can benefit from it somehow.

>implying I don't have folder with over two dozen Socialist Alternative members dossiers, most of them complete with their photographs
Step it up niggers. If the rule of law ends tomorrow I'll be able to trace a pretty sizable number of the SA leadership circle based on their publicly available information and apply the final solution.

Yes. Not because they're cowards but because nowadays everybody is playing the baiting game to get sympathy from normies for being a victim or getting the other guy to do something illegal on camera and ruin his life by pressing charges.