Proof Universal HC Works

Boogie has now lost near 100lbs and will continue to lose weight for the next several years.

The surgery we all chipped in to pay for has saved us tens of thousands in the future because Boogie took the initiative to spend the money wisely and extend his life with Gastric Bypass.

Proud of him. You have to admit he's looking DAMN good.

Other urls found in this thread:

Before and after

If you need money, robbing an old lady in her home also "works". Doesn't mean it's right.

Fuck you. He did something good for himself.

Have you forgotten about he social contract?

>Have you forgotten about he social contract?
Care to show me a copy with my signature on it?

Imagine being so fucking fat, that even after losing 100 pounds, you're still the fattest fuck in the room no matter what room you enter.

>when you're so fat you have permanent chink eyes even though you're of Caucasian decent


fatass detected.

If I lost 100 pounds I would die.

so he just grew a beard to cover up his fat neck?

If I lost 100 pounds, I would weigh 30 pounds.

my friend has a step dad who was like that. he got the surgery too. he eventually lost a foot and is dead now. there is still hope, friend

stop weighing less than 200lbs

>did somesthing good for himself
>with other people's money

what a hero

It would have been much cheaper to take away all of his healthcare and let him die, though.

He lost 100 lbs in 2 weeks? I thought he just got this surgery?

PLEASE trim that fucking beard

holy christ

100lbs that quickly... I fuckin doubt it

and we will pay for the removal of his shun flaps too. and then for his sex change

Manlet detected

the fatter you are, the faster you lose it. probably burns 10 calories everytime his lungs expand lifting 30 pounds of chest fat.

that and a ton of water weight

Give it a year or two and he'll be regaining weight. Not back to his original but he'll settle at some weight that is still classed as morbidly obese.

>a ton of water weight
fucking this.
His fat ass was probably filled with so much sugar and sodium, that he was probably retaining 50 lbs of water

>immediate weight loss from surgery is proof he won't regain it like many do as he repeatedly says he can't stop stuffing his fat face

this is him next week

It's physically impossible to eat a lot with gastric bypass.

Good for him

let me break it down:

you don't have to eat a large quantity of a calorie rich substance and you can eat it more often.


>some guy lost your whole weight and he's still fat

>your birth certificate has your own signature on it
>implying you're legally bound by it and not your parents

somebody failed logic 101

Has he entered the phase where he starts criticizing people who are as fat as he used to be, and telling them they should just use willpower like he did?

let me break it down:

you can't eat a whole snickers bar in one go with this kind of surgery and there is real possibility that you will fucking die if you try.

>weighing 100lbs
woman or manlet

I am so glad he's losing it all this quick. Fucking idiot. At least he'll be able to do some air gliding without a suit. He'll have enough skin hanging out he'll be able to use it as a blanket when it's cold

Gastric Bypass is just a rubberband on your stomach to make you stop eating.
That means with a little will power he could have done exactly the same thing.
More importantly, it's a temporary fix for a permanent problem.
Eventually the rubberband and his stomach will stretch again and he'll be able to eat the same amount he used to. At which point his weight will begin to increase.

Ignoring the fact that I didn't sign my own birth certificate, where on that piece of paper does it say that I have to pay for anyone else's lifestyle choices?

>you can't eat a whole snickers bar in one go with this kind of surgery and there is real possibility that you will fucking die if you try.

Let me break it down for you.

When your stomach is filled to its maximum, it expands, and the cells regrow to accommodate this expansion.

How do you think fat fucks gain the weight back after getting the surgery? They virtually regrow the stomach that they had removed


your choice big guy

He could have lost all that weight just from not eating you know
I lost nearly 60 lbs from quitting alcohol and increasing my junk food intake

Boogie and fat fucks like him are the reason people think Taxation is theft

God the world would be a better place if you actually decided where your tax money would go
>Fill out 1040
>Little check box at the end if you want to pay for boogies health care
>Ignore it and check the box that gives money to quadriplegic vets

>In 2 years Boogie will not only be slim but maybe even a hunk, he will still be a millionaire gamer that will have the woman he wants. His gf will surely allow him to have many mistresses and will engage in threesomes to keep him satisfied.
Sup Forums BTFO

The part that explicitly says I'm shitposting

Band surgery is really that crazy. That's the reason additional surgeries are needed afterward because of thr massive skin flaps.

Look, I'm happy for him and all, but I don't see why the taxpayer should be on the hook for a fucking moron tipping the scales at 500 pounds.


>if he could even fit through the door

You already can do this.
Just donate to tax-deductible charities.

I mean, I don't do this, because I'm a poorfag, so I get like 90% of my taxes back every year anyway.

first of all, those aren't put on our birth certificates.
second of all, a contract signed by a fucking foot print is not legally binding as far as i'm aware.
third of all, it's a birth certificate, certifying the birth as being legal, not a contract with conditions you must abide by.

>>weighing 100lbs
>woman or manlet
or juvenile

Coersion. Wont hold up in court.

Fat loser isn't pol

i'd rather pay to help heroin and meth addicts than fat fucks

i once weighed 105lbs at 6'1

anything is possible

>Conflates health procedure with coverage
>Ignores VA, where veterans die waiting for surgery
>Also forgets that this isn't universal HC

Is OP, dare I say, a faggot?

Would have been cheaper and faster to just euthanize the fat fuck

>eats nothing but ice cream and mountain dew for years
>gets surgery
>continues to eat ice cream and mountain dew

The guys heart is fucked. Fuck boogie.

do you not understand the simple concept of calories in vs calories out?

he can eat calorie dense foods little and often. biscuits and small, sugary treats such as those he's accustomed to aren't suddenly not going to be on the table now. he's still the exact same person, he will just feel fuller quicker.

if he eats calorie dense foods little and often, he'll still be taking in far more calories than the average person. but because at the moment he can't possibly fill himself to the capacity he used to, it'll take a while for him to plateau to the point where his fucking large mass is using about the same amount of calories as he eats instead of leaving him in a deficit.

and at that point either 1 of 2 things might happen:

he begins to gain weight back because he never conquered the psychological issues of comfort eating shitty food

or he realises he needs to do more and fixes himself.

>donating to (((((charities))))

user please, you know they only give qualifications to people who can suck the IRS off

I came here to say this. I know of 2 people to get this surgery and both lasted less than 5 years afterwards.

Boogs gunna die.


He could have taken that money and smoked crack, ate food he could have bought himself, instead he got an operation that will directly target and influence nerdy white fat people to try and be less fat pieces of shit.

I'm a minarchist, but if you're going to steal from me, pay for this. This rite here.

You're thinking of a different type of surgery.

Gastric bypass involves sticking a tube in someone so food never even enters their stomach in the first place. Hence the name gastric bypass. His stomach cannot expand because there is nothing going into it. It's why he'll be on a liquid diet for the rest of his life and eating solid foods requires 10 whole minutes of chewing per mouth full.

So if I rob you to pay for medical bills you won't sue me? Care to post your address?

How does this surgery even make someone lose weight? Does it not just shrink the stomach? Wouldn't just eating less do the same thing and actually safe money instead of spending 50k?

my ex-wifes best friend had the surgery
she just switched to guzzling milkshakes all day, and kept right on gaining weight
a more self-absorbed fat drama queen of a cunt you will never meet in your life

>smoked crack
a crack addiction could be beneficial to losing weight

is she dead yet

Meh, I'm happy for him.

So I'll go get fat as fuck and know someone else will fork the bill when I get heath problems down the road. Other people will take on that burden.
Cancer is one thing, but letting yourself turn into a land whale is another.
Inb4 smoking and lung cancer, no shit.

dunno but i would be utterly shocked if she was still alive
she probably blew up like the one more wafer guy in monty python

fat fuck with no willpower needs surgery to lose weight. what a role model.

gastric bypass surgery causes people to feel full faster so they don't overeat
It's unnecessary as fuck if he just had the will to eat less.
fuck Boogie

Yes, but fat people have not sef control and literally can't stop stuffing their pie holes with food.

That's the main reason why the majority (over 50%) of gastric bypass surgery eventually fail. The stomach eventually grows in size.

I wish some site would start a bet to see who's gonna die first, Totalbitchtits or Boogie.

Gotta say, that surgery is effective as fuck.

I mean, obviously he'll gain it all back eventually, but it hasn't even been that long after the surgery and he's become visibly less fat.

>"The surgery we all chipped in"

Wait, don' t tell me you ballless fuckers actually did this.

It is actually the same beard- that is how jowly he was

Lol I know a girl who got this same surgery and she constantly makes posts of how hard she's worked to achieve slher losses. She also plateued and hasn't lost weight in like 2 years and is still quite fat. Like 290lbs fat.

How does that happen? Does the new small stomach stretch again over time?

What did you weigh before? How much did you drink? I drunk way too much and don't eat much and im like 250lbs at 6 foot.

she probably reached her nadir, basically a point where weightloss stops, unless you start working hard to lose more weight like regular people. but that's probably not gonna happen since she didn't do that in the first place.


He'll relapse and get fatter than before. Long term outcomes are absolutely pathetic. He didn't have the will power to not be a fat fuck before, and he doesn't now.

>can't stuff self 24/7
>miracle of modern medicine and science
i don't know why people are even surprised.

look at how fucking huge he was, he was probably consuming something like 10000 calories per day to sustain his weight. he's not short as far as i can tell, there is a huge amount of energy that went into keeping his body alive when he was at his largest.

how did boogie get so big to begin with? anyone have photos of his younger years before he had to use a rascal to get around?

how many of you guys have lost a significant amount of weight in the past? 263 to 191 here@6'1 prince of manlets.

Fuck u and your good morning squats

> believing he got the surgery


At least someone gets it right

I stopped caring about my weight in the hope that it would kill me.

Still not as fat as Boogie though.

Good for him. He should be in fatkino so we can watch his progress

If I lost 100 pounds, I'd weigh 10lbs.
I can also guarantee I've had more women than most of you.

Don't feel bad-- it's not your size that's stopping you. It's you.

>Lost all that weight
>Will most likely be getting more pussy from his wife now
>Still making all that youtube money
>All while Sup Forums foots the bill

God this is hilarious.

>implying Sup Forums pays income taxes
>implying Sup Forums has an income

he said he was mentally and physically abused as a kid, so he coped by eating.

The surgery simply made his stache smaller. That's it. He is now physically incapble of eating as large portions as before

I-its not fair bros!!!

eating the people that abused him?

I'd imagine they got in a habit of eating the maximum they could stomach before, so they'll just start to do it again with a smaller stomach. There's no solution for people who simply won't control what they eat. It would probably be cheaper to pay someone minimum wage to just hang out with them all day and smack food out of their hand.

I did last year. Didn't even file for my return because it wasn't much

you really want that to be your life story on this earth? guys i wanted to die so i just ate as much food as i could nonstop?
