Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Heimatliebe Edition

Upcoming events:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

MEME JIHAD mindset: (mandatory watching)

>Anne Will complete show from sunday with Alice Weidel


>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

Defend Europe press conference

>Meme Merkel == Schulz
MSM is shilling for Schulz to distract voters; main goal is to dissuade people from voting either
>create memes and gather lurkers
>Offline meme warfare
>Subvert and demoralise leftie "activists"
Collect ideas for stickers, posters, wearable, etc...
>Alternative media
Create youtube and facebook videos
>Ignore shills, don't reply to Schulz faggots / demoralisers

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal

Other urls found in this thread:

For german user who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.




When is the election how many votes does AfD need to become such a big force that CDU has to work with them to get elected?

>When is the election

>how many votes does AfD need to become such a big force that CDU has to work with them to get elected?

Feels völkisch man

I don't think 20% will be possible do you think maybe in another 4 years? I hope 10% can be possible.


Fuck Germany right off the cunts

More dead Niggers.


This year the AfD will get something between 10-15%.

The next election will be more important. If the AfD don't fuck up and things get worse in Germany, they have the chance to get over 20% in 2021 easily.

Germans are completely indoctrinated by media.

They get 9% at most.

Even in the official polls they get 10%

SPD ist already losing the temporary improvement from Schulz. Many people are now very pissed off at all politicians, I'm fairly certain over 15% are very realistic.

They used to be around 15% in pools once.

>Aufrufe zu linken Sabotageakten im Zuge des Parteitages

>Aufrufe zu linken Sabotageakten im Zuge des Parteitages


Best to ignore "polls". I'd expect quite a number of shy krautfags to show up in this election.

stop appropriating my culture you disgusting mof

For natives only we're at 524

Feels bad man.

Wer noch /FDP/ hier?

Sorry cucks aren't welcome

Daily reminder if you west germany, then vote AfD, and if you are east germany, then Die Linke

Fuck off Nazi fags

>voting for good guys, but literally political spoiler

I'm not going to waste my vote like on that.

Good, throw you vote away commie fag

>AfD engagiert US-Agentur



>crime is going down
wtf I love refugees now

"See, Germans still commit more crimes. There are assholes in every society, it has nothing to do with muslims and our border policies."
If I got an Euro for everytime I've heard such a non argument from normalfags I could have already bought a battleship and be in the Mediterranean Sea shooting down commies and fugees left an right.

>Kanzlerin Merkel schließt jede Form der Zusammenarbeit mit AfD aus

>tfw old CDU would have executed that hag years ago
Why can't we go back in time?

Why didn't we win the war...

It was the same for both wars: (((foreign intervention))). Without burgers dicking around in Europe the first time, WWII would have never happened and Europe could have stayed the same.

Bump, I sincerely hope the election will make a change.

Merkel is shit but it was (obviously) for the better we didn't win WW2...

Also it was started by Hitler and his followers, not some of (((them))).

Blaming the Jews for your problems is just retarded and harms the acceptance of the AfD in the population.

it won't, unfortunately.

Poland and the UK started WW2

egal, vote and hope. I think we'll be voting on some nasty popular initiatives soon thanks to the latest events here. the austrian Burka law sounds like a feasible change, Brussels doesn't seem too pissed off about it.

no they didn't. Germany invaded Poland and Britain and France joined the war because they were allied with Poland and didn't want to accept Hitler conducting another annexation like in Czechia and Slovakia. Stop spouting such bullshit.

I was mainly talking about WWI. WWII was started by a disenfranchised German population. Fascism would have never gotten this popular if it wasn't for the stranglehold of the Treaty of Versailles. WWII was a direct consequence of WWI. You can view WWII however you like, but it is clear that it didn't have to happen at all. Germany was forced to adapt a democratic system, something 100% foreign to its population. This has only happened because of the intervention of the USA in WWI, despite their usual policy of non-intervention (the Monroe doctrine). If not for this, WWI most likely wouldn't have resulted in the end of the German empire and thus not in the decline of monarchy in Europe. Monarchies all around Europe were getting increasingly more parlamentarian anyway (at that time, Germany already has been a parlamentarian monarchy already). I don't blame the jews for making dddy Adolf lose, I blame the USA for intervening in WWI. The motivation for this intervention is a whole different question, though.

Also, I blame the French for causing 99% of the other problems in Europe by starting the French Revolution, but that's a whole different cup of tea.

>Germany was forced to adapt a democratic system, something 100% foreign to its population.
the only problem in Weimar Germany was that openly anti-democratic parties were tolerated and could even fight each other in the streets.

The Kaiserreich was worse than Weimar Germany because retards like Wilhelm II had too much power and fucked it all up.

Unfortunately the following system didn't learn from that enough and allowed the Nazis to take over.

Thousands of german citizen got killed in Poland. This was self defense

Wieso verbindet ihr AfD immer mit NS?
Euch Lappen ist schon klar, dass die AfD civic nationalistisch und Pro-Israel ist?

Verpiss dich Commie!

Na wer wird dein Spitzekanditat?
Laleh Hadjimohamadvali?
Die AfD ist nicht Sup Forums komform du Lappen.

>Wieso verbindet ihr AfD immer mit NS?
weil solche Mongos wie hier im Faden unfähig sind zu unterscheiden.

Dumme Lügen, gib mir eine glaubwürdige Quelle oder hör auf die Scheiße zu verbreiten.

Warum verehren solche "Patrioten" wie ihr hier die Nazis und Hitler wenn das Verräter waren die unsere Leute genauso abgeschlachtet haben wie andere Europäer?

The Weimar Republic was the epitome of deomcracy and all of its flaws. "Tolerating anti-democratic parties" is the very essence of democracy. Democracy itself is just another stepping stone towards communism. Just because people now can vote who rules them, doesn't mean they aren't ruled. And since democracy demands a much higher level of bueraucracy than monarchy, you have a much bigger government. You have less liberties in a democracy than in monarchy. Just because the people are replaced from time to time, doesn't make their influence on your life smaller. The opposite. A politician in a democracy will use every possible way of manipulating people and using his power so he can stay as long as possible in office. Just look at our current state of government. All this refugee mess has started because Mama Merkel manipulated laws just so the tolerant youth will vote her. A king could have acted in the actual interest of his country.

NPD is the NS party, right Fritz?

Aber my little pony Deutschland?

Staufenberg war 110% Nazi


I don't, m8. Gottkaiser Höcke for life.

Yes but they are so irrelevant that the german judiciary decided to not ban them since they can't do shit.

And yet they're calling AFD national socialist? When they have the Rudolf Hess fanclub?

Judging by the one user who said AfD are going to take a larger share than before, the CDU's attempts at backpedaling on migration aren't working too well?

interesting points, but there would need to be a way to prevent the monarch from doing bullshit and some form of influence the population has on the government.
>Staufenberg war 110% Nazi
Er war ziemlich konservativ und nationalistisch, aber war gegen die Massenmorde. Was glaubst du warum er das Attentat verübt hat, aus Spaß?

Staufenberg hat das Attentat verübt um das Kriegsgeschehen zu ändern. Hitler war untragbar geworden.

Nach dem Grundgesetz(auf die sich die AfD doch immer wieder herzhaft beruft) ist jeder mit deutschem Pass ein Deutscher, also ist diese Aussage gar nicht mal so verkehrt.

Passdeutsche sind keine Deutschen.

>And yet they're calling AFD national socialist?
Yes. There are some Nazis supporting AfD but their program isn't NS at all. Just typical MSM coverage.

>the CDU's attempts at backpedaling on migration aren't working too well?
I don't know exactly but it seems the number of (additional) migrants is decreasing, but still only few are deported back.

Er hat auch geplant die Regierungsgewalt zu übernehmen und Änderungen vorzunehmen wie ein Ende der Massenmorde (gar keine schlecht Idee oder?). Hitler als Person war nicht das einzige Problem, er hatte auch geplant die SS zu entmachten und hochrangige Nazis festnehmen zu lassen.

>but there would need to be a way to prevent the monarch from doing bullshit and some form of influence the population has on the government.
A constitution, a parliament and the right to bear arms. The constitution sets a framework for the monarch to work in, he may have most of the power, but the power is already limited by the constitution. A parliament would be a representation of the people and the right to carry weapons would add another layer of checks and balances. If the parliament doesn't act in the interest of the people, the monarch can influence them and vice versa. And since the people have access to a very basic right, the right to rebel, by being armed, both governing organs will try their best to act in the interest of the whole country. Taking away rights because we already "live in a free scoiety" is a slippery slope. Not being allowed to carry guns or say certain things to protect democracy only shows its very flaws.

Laut Grundgesetz schon.
Und dieses Beispiel könnte nicht behinderter sein, Mäuse und Pferde sind 2 verschiedene Spezien wärend alle Menschen zur Spezie Mensch gehören.


sounds good to me tbqh. Something like the prelude of WW1 would have to be prevented, though, the Kaiser had too much power in foreign affairs. Also the armed forces shouldn't be solely commanded by the monarch like in the Kaiserreich (obviously).

Who are you going to vote for?

Dumme Memes sind keine Argumente...

Argument gewonnen :^)

>their program isn't NS at all
tbqh, over the time they actually adopted more völkische stances on some issues. Of course, it would be exeggerated to call them NS, but since the departure of Lucke and big parts of the economic liberal wing, there have been tendencies towards a more "please the people by promising them gibs" stance. Fortunately, there are still people like Meuther who keep it all balanced.

Liebe Deutsche Kameraden, wählt die AfD und gut ist.

Ich könnte 3 Stunden perfekt ausformulierte Argumente vorlegen und es hätte den selben Effekt. Der Typ hat unironisch MLPD gewählt, da ist Hopfen und Malz verloren.

I'll most likely vote the AfD. Some of their stances aren't in line with my views, but they'll serve as a counterbalance to our current government. My hopes are that black yellow gets together with a strong AfD in the opposition, preferably with them being the third strongest party overall. Next year are elections in my Bundesland, but for those I'm not sure yet. I'll observe how the AfD are acting in parliament and I'll decide then.

>tbqh, over the time they actually adopted more völkische stances on some issues.
that's true, something like the proposals of a prohibition of circumsision or halal/kosher slaugther doesn't really make sense without an antisemitic ulterior motive.

du hast noch kein einziges Argument in dem Faden gemacht also hör auf andere herunterzureden...

sounds reasonable.

Germans are too far cucked, there can be several terrorist attacks and nothing will change

>It is not in alphabetical order

thank god for my daily dose of hope!! have a big ass bump, my brothers. magic will happen on the 24.09.

Willkommen auf Sup Forums, wenn es dir nicht passt kannst du dich gerne wieder verpissen.

Oh, and to add to the first part of your reply, I agree, there were unfortunate developments in German foreign politics. This is one thing that should be handled by a constitution. Something like the Monroe doctrine I mentioned earlier shouldn't be just a guideline but a part of a government. Fixating a general anti interventionist and isolationist foreign policy attitude in the constitution could help preventing conflicts like this.

>Laleh HadmijMOHAMADdvali

>lol Sup Forums Hacker edgy Memelord
dummer Spast...

how would you choose the monarch?

Many of their proposals are to stir shit up. I don't think they are unintentional. They already are badly presented by the media, so tehy taek the route of "every publicity is good publicity". But also rhethoric like "Why are foreigners getting money from the state and not us?" is getting more common. I get that young parties need to be populistic, especially in our current political environment, but I'm saddened that they are doing it this way. I have to admit, though, this is mostly in Eastern Germany which is a naturally more socialist area. People like Meuthen are speaking a whole different way. I just hope they don't devolve into a purely populistic party that promises gib left and right but just happen to be conservative. We already got the NPD for that. I just want a libertarian party that doesn't support genderqueer school lessons and the green party.

Honestly, I'd think a hereditary system would actually be superior to an elective system. Sure, the issue of having a possibly incompetent monarch is there, but educating him from birth and letting him grow into his position reduces the risk for that immensely. Also, he'd still be contolled by the previously set up limitations, namely the constitution and the parliament. An elective system would just restart all the populistic "appealing to certain people and doing not the right thing but things that please my electors."

>Germans are too far cucked, there can be several terrorist attacks and nothing will change

I have to agree, but what to do? Surrendering to multiculturalism is not an option.

>Rede von Adolf Hitler
>Propaganda vom nationalsozialistischen Auswärtigem Amt von 1940
>glaubwürdige Quellen
nice to see intelligent people here.


Wie schauts denn eigentlich in der Schweizer Politik aus? Ich hobel mir meistens ziemlich einen auf euer ganzes "Fick die EU", wie ists innenpolitisch so?

that was a false flag

> I just want a libertarian party that doesn't support genderqueer school lessons and the green party.

In that case I guess you're not voting FDP.

kek du pisser.

du sagst also : alles was von hitler oder nazis kommt = lüge

alles was von hitlers gegner und nicht-nazis kommt = true

wenn ich mich entscheiden muss ob ich nen juden, slawen oder hitler glauben soll, dann immer hitler. so einfach.

What about 50%? Then we would finally achieve something

That's what I'm alluding to. I used to consider voting them, but them being perfectly content with a Ampelkoalition made them unvotable for me. Sure, they differ from Bundesland to Bundesland, but I still won't take the risk. I'd still be happy with black yellow because that's the best possible (and realistic) government we can get, but I still feel betrayed by them and all of their "appeal to the younger generation" shit. They are adapting this "social liberal" stance that is popular at the moment. Maybe Lindner has some balls and tackles issues like the Soli, GEZ and all these nonsensical hate speech laws, but I don't expect much. Afterall, attacking these things would actually be libertarian, something the FDP hasn't been for a long time.

>du sagst also : alles was von hitler oder nazis kommt = lüge

>alles was von hitlers gegner und nicht-nazis kommt = true

nein tue ich nicht, ich sage bloß Reden von Hitler und Berichte von nationalsozialistischen Ämtern sind keine glaubwürdigen Beweise, wenn du dir beispielsweise die Aktion am Sender Gleiwitz anschaust.

>wenn ich mich entscheiden muss ob ich nen juden, slawen oder hitler glauben soll, dann immer hitler. so einfach.

wenn es dich glücklich macht...

I think Lindner is clever enough to stand for classical liberal topics, not sure about the rest of his Party.

How will German's parliament look like after the elections?

What policy changes can we expect?

The thing is, they have been out of parliament for 4 long years. They are desperate, despite their confident act. I don't think they'll risk getting irrellevant once again by talking about "boring" issues. Aside from their obvious high earning business voter base, their voters demographic are mainly young people. Those are lured in by (at least currently) non issues like digitalization. It's literally the topic they built their campaign around. Who in all heavens thinks this is an important issue right now besides students who have their heads up their asses? Like you said, Lindner isn't dumb, so I still have atleast some hope for a reovery of them left, but my expectations aren't high.

>with Merkel as chancellor

possibly CDU/CSU coalition with FDP, a *little bit* more conservative and less socialist/leftist policies

probably CDU/CSU coalition with SPD, exactly the same as now

likely all smaller parties will have representation in the Bundestag (AfD, Linke, Grüne, FDP9, but possible that some won't make it.

shouldn't something change if it goes from red-black to black-yellow or something?

Sounds uncomfortable man.

Not really, the only thing we might see isn't an increase in taxation.