/fit/ mourns degenerate gym homo who slapped and bullied the disabled

>/fit/ mourns degenerate gym homo who slapped and bullied the disabled
So much for lifting being the essential panacea for the ills of the modern white man.

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>So much for lifting being the essential panacea for the ills of the modern white man
I'll bite, faggot. How does Rich Piana's death delegitimize lifting?

Lifting is good, professional bodybuilding is a cult and should be avoided.

Genova is a rotten jew that deserved a good slap

You don't need to buff like the guy who died or shaving your head to look dangerous. IT's just tells you're insecure faggot who want to look cool. Whatever the definition of cool is nowadays.

Muscle means nothing these days. The only thing that matter is the mind. However most people choice gorilla mod because it's easy.

Too much muscle restricts blood flow, side from that this guy probably took steroids/other drugs and blew his heart out.

1488 SCOOP

Spoken like a true bitch.

Rich piano was the best natty vegan bodybuilder

You are a leaf.