What are the side effects of race mixing?
Is it true that mixed kids tend to be more defective when growing up?
Help me out here, Sup Forums!
Half breeds
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Wrong. There's plenty of celebrities with a black parent or a black grandparent & every time they get with a white person the kids turn out more white. Y'all should be for this LMAO
>High median IQ race breeds with lower median IQ race
Well, I don't understand why my husband beat me, left, and my child is slangin' coke. Must be Trump's fault.
I and my half black siblings turned out fine. My parents are middle class and were married for 40 years. That's the difference.
Get the fuck out
Mixing with niggers, jews, and sandbiggers guarantees defective genes.
If this is true, why are white genetics so recessive? I wonder if any of it has an epigenetic cause, as in maybe your white guilt was so strong growing up you triggered your genes to not be competitive with your minority partners genes.
daily reminder
all i see are two niggers in this photo
are you doubting that more interracial marries end with divorce than white on white you stupid ignorant faggot
No one actually believes this.
imagine being in this scenario m8
i think i'd disown the fuckers
I never said that greek rape baby.
Read the definition of Strawman
Preserve your heritage if need be; if you are a Euromutt then breed with other Euromutts as there is no need to ruin your genes any more than it already has been. Oh, and
>Burn coal, pay toll
Jesus fucking christ, what a chimpanzee
it was an analogy based on statistics you stupid fucking moron
But the situation you provided was a Strawman you dumb fuck.
that's not by definition what that word means you literal moron
stop replying
it's obvious you're a borderline retard
fucking racemixing man
ruined your country
That's not how genetics work...
>6,333,000 niglets in single parent households
Niggers don't like to raise their own.
Oh are you going to quit since you lost?
Please tell me the definition and tell me why it does not work here.
My country at least matters while no one knows you even exist.
I never said it was not true, i said the situation is a Straw man, learn the definition of the word and maybe you wouldn't have humiliated yourself.
Pretty much any non-white women are shit mothers; even with white women's age of degeneracy flowing free as of now.
>you lost
you literally don't even know the point of arguing you mouth breathing faggot
this is my last (You)
do what you want
What is the definition of Strawman?
Not if they're Hispanic
please tell me the definition of Strawman.
Unless you know im right.
>this entire faggot post
This. I can make up for my blackness by at least making my lineage more white. Why doesnt Sup Forums support rsce mixing?
tsk tsk
You know im right unless you want to disprove me.
>why my husband beat me, left
>hurr strawman
>post a literal figure about how black men leave their baby mamas
I get that you just found out a new word and your really excited to try it out for the first time, but it doesn't belong here
No. You are just participating in a race towards the bottom.
Tell me the definition of the word
and prove to me why i cant use it in this situation.
The burden of proof is on the man making the claim you idiot.
You can't refute the figures so the only argument you have left is to throw out logical fallacies in the vain hope that one of them catches on.
And yeah it's a strawman but you are being a /qa/-tier faggot.
I'm 6'3, 229 lbs 11% body fat earning $93k/ year at the age of 23. I guarantee you that I will never be at the bottom. White girls belong to me.
Where did i say the figures are not true?
Which is the definition .
and try to disprove me with the definition
Awww, did your little safe space get breached by people who dont think like you?
Its okay, nothing wrong with being a low iq drain to society.
I'm 6'4'' 240lbs 10% bodyfat and I make 94k year at the age of 22.
I don't want to live near your mongrel offspring and have them talk to my actual white children.
It's hard enough to find love in this world without adding a bunch of rules
Fake news.
>t. nigger
You do not belong here, I would rather have ten redditor scumfucks invade cuckchan than one of your filthy (((commie))) kind
An*me is degenerate also
What do you do mane? Im 28, and a fucking loser. Give me some tips to attain and maintain success.
Oh yea well my dick is bigger than yours so gg.
Make me leave snownigger.
Race mixing can cause identity and health issues. One health issue is finding bone marrow for transplants. I'll try and find articles and studies then post them here if I can find them.
everyday is arm day
2 scoops come on
>This. I can make up for my blackness by at least making my lineage more white.
What a self-hating faggot. KYS
You dont even know who i am.
Typical snownigger, thinks he is Superior when in reality was the original nigger who the Romans stated.
Bro, asking for some real advice. I know lifting is a boon to most people, and I've lost 30 lbs over the last 4 months, but give me the inside 2 scoops. What do you do for a living and what psychological assets do you have that make you succeed?
I only found this
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
I would appreciate other peoples studies please.
You're a fucking retard. That's who you are
Find something you are good at and monetize it.
If your going to tell me im retarded, tell me why instead of saying a word just because.
Niggers have contributed more to this earth then you have. Does this fact upset you?
>what are the fx of race mixing??
You get gassed.
How about you make up for it by not polluting the gene pool any farther than all the race traitors already have?
>Using the fallacy fallacy argument
Kys brainlet
Yes senor, they have contributed a LOT
You do anything marketing related?
Who cares what sandniggers think?
Oh i know, snowniggers.
Not an argument.
The mother looks terrible too. Her face is literally a square.
1 nigger invention has contributed more to live then you will ever have.
Close but not quite.
Cherrypicking on that pic. My wife's son isn't THAT dark.
>This. I can make up for my blackness
>clinging onto my race's achievements means I'm worth something
You are no better than stormfags. Stop taking over /bant/ also you scum
Shit, dude. I could use a mentor. Salesmen would probably kill at a marketing job. I was thinking of getting some front end web dev chops so I could start some blogs with the aim of bringing in affiliate dollars. Hope you continued success brother.
If you're going to assert a 'fact' at least provide evidence instead of saying it just because. You're a classic retard. You smear shit everywhere then demand everyone else clean it up for you.
>tell me what a strawman is even though I used it.
>tell me why my horribly misspelled and fallacious posts are retarded
>let me assert some 'facts' with no evidence now prove me wrong
By all means, killing myself would make this world a worse place since i have many people who i care and who care about me.
But you, the news wont even care if niggers burned you alive.
>Is it true that mixed kids tend to be more defective when growing up?
Nigger invents peanut butter as lubricant
george washington carver
user wont even matter after he hangs himself
peanut butter lubricant will still live on.
Are you happy now?
you're here forever