Is it ever okay to punch a Nazi?

Is it ever okay to punch a Nazi?

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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.


Just some hillbillies.

>brainwashed city retards
how revealing lol

Cities are full of degenerate mongrels. Go figure.

So you're wrong sweetie. Calling someone names doesn't change anything.

Is it ok to execute political dissidents

"Urban Cores", pic related


only commies

Would you fight a rhino with nothing but your fists


Seriously, what do you guys have for the mid terms?

True, but there are a lot of intelligent white males in the cities that voted for Trump also. Fact of the matter is that Trump voters arent a bunch of feminists and fags and jews. So pick whatever side you want shill idgaf

Is it just you posting this all over the place or is it a concentrated effort to push a bad meme? I keep seeing this image with this copypasta. I'm glad to be a suburbanite. Inner cities are the cancerous sores where degeneracy leaks from.

As Hitler was starring across the room at over thirty allied soldiers with their weapons drawn down on him, he said "I shall die as I have lived, unafraid and bold!" as he charged at them with a dagger in one hand and a Luger in the other.

The allied troops open fired and riddled his body beyond recognition. As they stood there flabbergasted at what they just saw, the all anonymously agreed that what had just happened should never gain exposure among the general public, lest every citizen and soldier put up a fight like Hitler in his last seconds and cause them to lose the war.

No, they all agreed that a story of suicide would strike a blow more heavily felt than any bullet or bomb could ever achieve. So that is what happened and has been internationally recognized by most, until now. Spread the true story about Hitlers end so others can gain inspiration from it.

only if it's a female
and your punching her cervix with you're BBC

>10 months later and this bait is still working

Have a (You) lad

Yes, if they're actively trying to harm you physically. If they're just speaking or theorizing, then no.

>Urban nigger-filled echochambers

That's where the gibs people are

people in cities in the US nowadays are mostly niggers.

here's the problem - by legitimizing it with violence, then you okay that you have no place to condemn their violence. You can no longer turn around and claim "Wow those Nazi fucks are violent" when you're the ones equally starting shit. Which frankly I don't have a problem with because sometimes words just don't work, but basically be prepared for the consequences if you start decking people.

The real issue I have however is how much of a catchall term Nazi is right now. Nazi is just "person I don't really like" even if it has nothing to do with race.


Nazis no longer exist. OP should be asking if it's okay to hit a white person. Which it totally is.

fuck off commie

There really should be am anticom flag with an eagle eating the weasel

They're all in their 90s, so it's hard to justify.

If they advocate the initiation of force, then yes, punching them is justified. If we can throw commies out of helicopters, we can punch nazis.



After watching the scripted testimonies in nueremburg I almost believe this.

Every time I see this I remember the literal autistic screeching by the intellectual elits of the cities during their "protests"

Replace with "she choose to be with nigger/muslim"
But there is no things in your pic that points to "retards" or "all". You are just delusional, mentally ill and absolutely butt-devastated lefty.