Why do Republicans ALWAYS do this?

Why do Republicans ALWAYS do this?

Just tell your voters LET THE FREE MARKET IT SOLVE IT right guys?

What's Ted's excuse?

>What's Ted's excuse?

He's running in 2018 and wants to win.

That's the excuse.

they're hypocrites, retards, degenerates, and just fucking assholes

Texas is more important than the Sandy states

Republicans and Republican ideology is OBJECTIVELY correct.

Didn't Texas take a lot of people in from New Orleans?

>not wanting to pay gibs tax
>but because you already paid gibs tax anyways, taking some back because it was yours in the first place
yeah, it's really confusing. really a noodle-cooker

That's how things work. You bring the bacon home for your constituents. Also, did it pass or not. They likely voted no because they knew it was going to pass anyway. Then they can tell their constituents that they didn't vote to spend money.

>New Orleans hurricane

All it did was polish a turd.

indeed they did.

Republicans are hypocrites and immoral. Its part of their strategy.

You might have an argument if Sandy funding was actually rejected

That was "Katrina"

Hypocrites should hang together.

>The government should fund transgender surgeries but how dare they ask for disaster relief
Liberal logic everyone

Maybe because most of the money for "hurricane relief" was going to be given to bullshit leftist agendas instead of actually helping those affected by the hurricane

>everyone should be forced to pay into fund
>people who didn't want to pay but forced to anyways shouldn't be allowed to draw from fund
lib logic wow 2 deep

Why do I feel like there's more to the story.

We asked for hurricane funding, Cruz didn't in 2013 when it wasn't his state.

>Shitty huricane that tore some shed roofs off vs giant hurricane that will flood the streets for days
Why do libs like false equivalency so much?

>giant hurricane

Cat 1

As a Texan, fuck other states.

Maybe once you pull your own weight you'll deserve the power of the federal government.
