Gender Dysphoria is a mental health issue, and transition is the best treatment for it.
Gender Dysphoria is a mental health issue, and transition is the best treatment for it
a pig with lipstick is still a pig
and the best treatment for suicidal people is a bullet to the brain.
The best treatment isva bullet.
>Gender Dysphoria is a mental health issue
>transition is the best treatment for it
How did I miss this thread
Literally kill yourself, OP.
No it isn't. You don't let people believe they're Superman, or a dog, and neither should we let them live their delusion as the opposite sex. It's for their own good.
>45% of trannies kill themselves before they're 35
Nice meme
death is the treatment
This boy deserves to be locked in a basement.
Psychologist user here
>Gender Dysphoria is a mental health issue, and transition is the best treatment for it.
That's our working assumption, the data is still being gathered, and it doesn't look promising.
You see, Mental Illnesses aren't objective, static illnesses or even concepts. They're symptom clusters.
The reason it was paramount to treat those with gender dysphoria is because of the high rates of depression,, self harm and suicide and general mental anguish. Transitioning was hopefully the cure for this.
Stats however have proved otherwise. We can no longer refer to the patient as having gender dysphoria because they're not concerned with changing genders (although are obsessed with gender itself)
And although the fixation has changed, THE SYMPTOM CLUSTERS HAVE NOT.
They still have the exact same symptoms but this time Gender is not the focal point.
This is what the data is revealing and its extremely troubling for everyone involved.
That is the complete opposite of the recommended treatment path suggested by the DSM and all relevant literature.
Cyclon B is shown to have much better effects
Yea lets all reaffirm the delusions people who have the body dysmorphia disorder called anorexia and help them lose weight
>Gender Dysphoria is a mental health issue, and transition is the best treatment for it.
>According to the DSM-V, approximately 0.005-0.014% of adult males are diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and only 0.002-0.003% of adult females.
>Less than 30% of adolescent males and less than 50% of adolescent females diagnosed with gender dysphoria carry that dysphoria into adulthood.
>Gender dysphoria is frequently comorbid with other major psychiatric issues.
>About 25% of all schizophrenic patients experience opposite-gender affiliation as a result of their primary disorder.
>A study by Dutch psychiatrists determined that in only 39% of cases studied was gender dysphoria the primary diagnosis. Of the 61% of patients whose dysphoria was comorbid with other mental disorders, gender dysphoria was a byproduct of those issues in 75% of the cases. Overall, dysphoria was caused by other psychiatric disorders 46% of the time. Of the comorbid psychiatric disorders reported, 79% of psychiatrists diagnosed personality disorders. Major mood disorders and dissociative disorders were reported by 26% of psychiatrists, and 24% co-diagnosed psychotic disorders.
>Suicide attempt rates remain virtually the same amongst transgenders who want surgery and those who have had it: 45% who want top/breast surgery have attempted suicide, as compared to 44% of those who have; 43-43 for those who want/have had MTF removal of testes; 43-43 for those who want/have had MTF genital surgery; 49-48 for those who want/have had FTM hysterectomy; 49-49 for those who want/have had FTM genital surgery; 56-46 for those who want/have had FTM phalloplasty.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition
"Subjective Ideas of Sexual Change in Female Schizophrenics" and "Subjective Ideas of Sexual Change in Male Schizophrenics"
"Psychiatric Comorbidity of Gender Identity Disorders: A Survey Among Dutch Psychiatrists"
Who is this semen demon?
This is such a crock of shit, it's a "condition" that's entirely based on the person's opinion. It's a tranny's fucked up OPINION that they're a woman when they were born with a dick. It's just bullshit fetishism.
- wasted taxpayer money
- painful, disfiguring and permanent
- guaranteed bad results
- lifetime of dilation and pain
- makes suicide even more likely
a bullet to the back of the head
- an honorable way to die
- instant death, painless
- you can be a real girl in heaven
- tumblrtrash will call you a martyr of womenhood or some stupid shit
>transition is the best treatment for it
Then why are suicides among people with gender dysphoria still just as high as they were before transitioning became the go-to treatment for it?
>and transition is the best treatment for it.
le 45% face
Have you ever considered that the reason you are so transphobic is because you are trans in denial, and the only reason you hate them is jealousy that they are openly living your dream?
>Gender Dysphoria is a mental health issue and hormone reinforcement is the best treatment for it.
>best treatment
>40% suicide rate
>the only kind dysphoria among dozens of others, that's treated with bending reality in order to fit psychosis and not the other way around
Really makes you think.
Notice how you jumped to a conclusion without any evidence, and we came to a conclusions based on evidence?
Anti psychotics are proven to completely remove all symptoms of gender dysphoria.
As a mentally ill person I'm irritated by these special privileges this small group of mentally ill people get.
Yup. We went straight from gender dysphoria to chopping off dicks. Notice gender dysphoria has no history unlike gays, who have existed since the dawn of time.
This, desu. Estrogen is amazing! It's like seeing the world in vivid color for the first time. There is no way I will ever go back to running on testosterone.
There is no cure for personality disorders.
Makes sense, gender dysphoria does seem to be a form of psychosis. Why aren't doctors prescribing anti-psychotics to these people?
>and transition
by that you mean bizarre gential mutilation and Larping that it's new genital, and not just the ruins of the junk you used to have. DELUSIONAL.
>gays, who have existed since the dawn of time
I'm now picturing the monkeys from 200q sodomizing eachother to "Thus Spake Zarathustra". Thanks for that.
Bruh, even the Europeans had the Enaree, and the Galli. In Hinduism, Krishna is a tranny temporarily as well, acts like a girl and everything. Get the (((Judeo-Christian))) morality out of your head.
>Gender Dysphoria is a mental health issue
>people with mental health issues are barred from military service
I really don't get the controversy
damn I'd slam that boipussy
What kind of transition?
It includes breaking the back bones so you can reconstruct them to have a more manly/girly frame?
It also includes cracking the jaw bones you can have the face details of the gender you want?
It includes electrolysis of hair for man-to-woman or hair implants for woman-to-man Transgenders?
Or it's just cutting your dick for males and putting a piece of meat for womens?
Uh, I am a dog? Could you like, not?
pic related, it's me
You're welcome. I bet they weren't transgender apes though...
turning a dick inside out is more profitable
have you considered that the reason why people are transphobic is because they don't want to live in a society that perpetuates a mental health disorder and makes men look convincingly enough like women that dating is now an even more risky prospect for fear that straight men are going to be smitten by what they think are women but are actually men incapable of being reproduced with and is still very much a degenerate act?
You can look at videos of bonobos for something to base your daydreaming on.
>Then why are suicides among people with gender dysphoria still just as high as they were before transitioning became the go-to treatment for it?
Probably that it's a bizarre form of self hatred that prompts bizarre self mutilation, followed by self destruction through provoking violence, or suicide.
Sage OP, is fag
So was Baphomet, but that doesn't mean you indulge and fetishes bisexual eyes in children and removing penises
And the suicide rate is proof about it not being the correc t treatment.
>transition is the best treatm-
Indulge in fetishes by sexualizing children
>and transition is the best treatment for it
No. It's obviously a mental illness, but the best treatment is most likely strict religious therapy and abstinence. The fact is that, like any disability, they have to want to be changed first. But they won't want to change if they don't think it's a problem, and the problem now is that they are brainwashed into thinking it's 'normal', which is a very subjective word in the first place. If they think it's normal, they won't want to change.
You are the sex that was given to you. It's that simple. I personally think transgenderism is a form of homosexuality gone wrong. But they also try to tell you that is normal when it is not
Alternatively euthanasia pills should also be available for them.
Spotted the Freudian loser
Yeah my dream is to where a dress in public and scream at rally's. You loser
Isn't it strange that these people embrace feminism, but they are all about changing your appearance for vanity?
>transition is the best treatment for it.
Exactly this, half of them end up killing themselves after, a nice subtle way to deal with them
why can't we all just be trans ? this would surely stop patriarchy. ez plan right ?
If that were true...if that were true.
You want to know how to really treat it? Accept the human, and have honest conversation with them regarding their thoughts before they transition to better help them accept the biology they were born with.
Then, only WHEN they are comfortable in their body, help them express both the masculine and feminine sides of their personality in their respective communities with non-condemnatory judgment so as to help them direct these traits to better themselves and society at large.
If transition were more complete instead of
blowing up your body chemistry and penis, then perhaps the suicide rate would decrease as a result; as of now, all we are doing is sending empaths to their deaths with a smile.
Love and acceptance, with a steady moral compass guided by public ethics is how this phenomenon can lead to a better society overall.
I respectfully disagree with your statement.
It's like telling someone who has an eating disorder that they're OK and they should continue their self-destructive behavior
>yeah b-but 60% DONT kkill themselves so it's the best option!
People need to accept life is in no way fair.
>In Hinduism
There is a duality, where most gods have male and female forms, and the two fused together are the most powerful. They also have blue,red,green,black colored skin, three eyes, and 4,6,8, or maybe a hundred arms; not representative of people.
>fostering mental illness is the best cure for mental illness.
Kill yourself op.
Why does anyone on Sup Forums use the word gender? We should get it wordfiltered to "sex" because gender does not exist.
Usually they mean "irreversibly destroying your endocrine system"
>Exclusively euthanasia pills should also be available for them.
god I love tight boipucci
literally hard cock as diamonds 24h/day when thinking about it
I am soooo horny thinking about ravaging tight moist anus of a young tranny eager to please my cock.
The way their muscles tighten when you fuck them in the ass....uma delicia
Yeah so do the fucking surgery. Wearing a dress doesn't make you a woman
Neither does the surgery
It wasn't representative. Krishna, the dude, dressed up like a girl, and acted like a girl, and was treated like a girl. He wasn't actually a girl, but a tranny in the story.
>transition is the best treatment for it
What if instead of transitioning their body we found a way to transition their brain, i.e. give them a shitload of testosterone so that they develop a more masculine personality.
>pay tens of thousands of dollars so that 50% of them can kill themselves when you could kill them for pennies
Yeah I like my plan better
this, tbqh
she a cute
>Depresson is a mental health issue
>Suicide is the best treatment for it
I wonder whose behind this post
this tbqh
>It wasn't representative. Krishna, the dude, dressed up like a girl
Right you are, ancient Indian degeneracy isn't really that surprising, probably why Buddhism formed.
I wanna be a cute girl! I want a pussy pass and life on easy mode! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>he doesn't believe in eugenics
you probably think the holocaust actually happened too
fucking cuck
They claimed that such treatment has been tried already and "proven" to be "Cruel and failed"
Nope, transitioning is the absolute worst thing they could ever do. It's fucked anyone would ever do that to a fellow human. These doctors should lose their license and be imprisoned.
Indeed. When the meds are removed all gender dysphoria symptoms return. It's a mental illness and at least anti psychotics help them live a more normal life without destroying their bodies irreparably.
Body Integrity Identity Disorder is a mental health issue, and amputating perfectly functional hands/arms/legs is the best treatment for it.
I haven't known, met or read about a transitioning person who wasn't horribly depressed or had a history of child abuse/bullying/extensive depression. Most of these people just need a good CBT therapist, which is funny, because they'll get one, call them shit for not agreeing that cutting off the penis or breasts is the solution to their identity crisis, and immediately stop going to them - instead seeking communities online full of miserable and mentally ill people to pad their ego and convince them to get surgeries and hormonal treatments from whoever will give it to them the quickest.
Fuck, a friend of mine who had a wife and daughter with another on the way suddenly decided he was a woman and did the name change/hormone stuff. Wife left w/ the kids to live with her mom because he wasn't stable enough to raise them. This a guy I've known for over a decade who had family problems growing up, might've been a repressed gay or at least bi in an abusive fundie christian household who never bothered to get a therapist or do group therapy - just joined some online community of crazy """trans""" ppl and suddenly told me one day he was going by a female name and taking hormones out of the blue. I've known others who went trans during times of crisis but once they became emotionally stable realized that they weren't really a man/woman trapped in the other's body. These people need help being comfortable in their own skin rather than wanting to rip it off and mangle it.
>overwhelming majority of trannies kill themselves post treatment
>"Guys we mean it this is what's best for them."
How you ever been so progressive that you were willing to push an entire demographic of mental illness to suicide for your agenda?
You spelled raging cock wrong.
>amputation is the best treatment
Not at all, when anti psychotics are proven to remove all symptoms of body/gender dysphoria.
I'd date >her. >She is pretty and like most trannies probably GOAT at sucking cock.
That's the point. Read the rest of the post
Oh I was just being cheeky, I totally agree with you. Meant to point out the irony - that we treat the body integrity disorder with psych medication instead of amputation but with the gender version of this disorder people seek the amputations instead of the psych medication.
>treatment that has no positive impact on any metric of mental health
>best treatment
>pick one
>transition is the best treatment for it
Nah, pic related is.
issa shop
My apologies for merely skimming your post. I'm currently shitposting between matches of Quake.
Taking any drug creates a change and makes everything fresh at first.
That's all the experience is: novelty.