I just finished reading this post. Its long but definitely worth reading.
This is what I have been trying to tell people for months. Finally you altright retards are waking up.
I just finished reading this post. Its long but definitely worth reading.
This is what I have been trying to tell people for months. Finally you altright retards are waking up.
Other urls found in this thread:
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
The only people who voted for Hillary are city retards.
The rest of the country voted for Trump.
t. rural and suburban retard who forgot to take off his LARP flag
>After all, Jews didn't gain their disproportionate influence in society by marching with torches in the streets.
No they didn't gained it through nepotism but you can literally be sued for having your company be too white.
What does this have to do with my post?
t. Mentally deformed Canuck whose brain has been scrambled and shriveled by years of propoganda and subjugation by the left.
It's Obama leaf, he has a tragic (you) addiction that makes him do really shameful things to get his fix. It's best to just ignore him and hope that he gets better.
did you show up here last week? it's just the leaf poster doing his thing, he spams the "rural and suburban retard" pasta in every thread because it guarantees the (you)'s
>City people
i.e. faggots
Shut it down.
Metal is a hell of a drug
>Richard Spencer
Opinion discarded. Fucking false flagging faggots.
>alt right
This fucker gets it.
Especially the part where he points out that the fact that the media will always call you Nazis is irrelevant since they're not the intended audience.
See this is actually the problem with the democratic party. You guys still don't learn. The majority of the country was alienated because you undermine their intelligence, morality, and entire person. I'm not a huge Trump fan and didn't vote for him, but as long as you look at everyone outside of your bubble as a retard, you will never win. Keep doing it please. Eventually, Anteephuhh and the democratic parties will be gone because of the lack of foresight.
Don't fall for the thread slider, read this post. It's good.
Funny how all the cuckolds come out of the woodwork. The right is doomed because our people are cowards. We need to find a way to recruit from the left, how Hitler did. Hitler knew the left had all the fighters while the right were all onanistic fart sniffing cuckolds, which is why he actively shunned conservatives and recruited from communists instead.
Jews gained their place through terrorism. Civil rights, feminism, etc. are what propelled Jews to the top. These were enacted through violence and terrorism.
No, civil rights and feminism were enacted through public acceptance and political power. If it was all terrorism it never would have succeeded.
Jewish dominance of media was acquired through violence and mafia tactics.
>No, civil rights and feminism were enacted through public acceptance
>and political power
Terrorism= political power.
You will not gain power by cucking. Only through violence and terrorism. This is a fact.
t. Not-FBI agent provocateur
Good shit.
Kids need to take a history lesson.
Nazism had some things right, yet also many inadequacies as any worldly thing.
The other side of the coin and still you are sheep; neo-commie, neo-nazi.
City people are more brainwashed.
The trauma based conditioning it's simpler if the city hurts you on a daily basis.
It's easier to convince someone that their girlfriend cheats on him, if she lives in the city, it's what Callhoun postulated and Cameron researched in humans.
>city people are more brainwashed
No city people are niggers
The fact that nobody realizes what you are really doing with this image is fucking sad
God speed leaf