/pol btfo
Other urls found in this thread:
>Kyle "Based Stickman" Chapman Jailed, Barred from Possessing sticks.
>Live in America
>Yell freedom!
>Get jailed for owning a piece of a tree
Epic, just epic,
sorry lads but who?
There's a thick, greasy, black cock destroying his rectum in prison right now.
>no source
You antifa faggots are such weaklings who don't understand prisons or gangs. You really think he won't just join the skin heads right away for protection against niggers if it's that kinda prison? Or just keep to himself, he has obviously shown that he can fight and he has a very well built frame.
You fucks can't think individually for one second, black cock, black cock, black cock is all that's on your mind.
Because black people commit crime
reddit cancerpede.
Sage, report, ignore, hide, shill, slide it all away.
Chapman is a civic nationalist who denounced the alt right as being a bunch of Nazis
He also has an Asian wife and a couple Elliot Rodgers running around
Dude is a proud race traitor so i don't care about him. In prison he'll probably learn what race actually means.
not rounding up stormweinies and shooting them was a mistake
Based Chopstickman's son Elliot will avenge him.
he's getting separated from his wife
he is a race traitor but has recently been redpilled
he actually convinced me not to date asian girls
he said 'i look into my sons eyes and i don't see my parents or my grandparents.... my children have soulless eyes'
he also told me you dont' want the feeling of betraying your ancestry.. its not worth the western values and tight asian pussy
Kyle is a good guy i like him a lot
You always know it's a dumbass Antifa thread when it's nothing but a picture with no source provided at all.
Most people here get prison info from tv and movies, the same things they claim to hate. Prison sex is overwhelmingly consensual. It's very rare to get raped and he wouldn't need to join anything for protection. Races ally up regardless of ideology. Also not many white liberals in prison. It's so easy to become racist once you see how each race acts behind those walls
Talking about his own children like that shows he's a piece of shit, not a good man.
Fucking degenerate leaf. Get raked son.
Some fake fascist CIAnigger conjured up by Alan Dershowitz and his new hired hand, Mike Thernovitch.
They are hanging him out to dry now because his usefulness is at an end, their grip has slipped somewhat, or maybe this is an attempt to build his credibility, by showing he can do (additional) time (he's already been inside once before, I believe) and not rat on whoever was dumb enough to become compromised by revealing themselves to him IRL.
good, he was a civic "nationalist" and a race traitor
the alt right are a bunch of faggots that proudly wear the media's buzzword
how do you know him
>40 years old
>Married to a chink
>Has interracial children
>No job
>Career criminal (robbery, grand theft, illegal weapon possession)
>travels around the country to fight people at political rallies
>Cheats on his wife with tinder whores
For people that like to act like they oppose degeneracy, you sure do have alot of lowlife's in your midst. Your quick temper and intolerance probably stem from your anger at your own inadequacies. Seek help people.
shut up, you pussy ass nazi. when the war is finally over, you will all be cucked by comrades.
Yakub of the dindu dynasty KEK
lol nobody cares libshit
>based chopstick man
>endorsed by Sup Forums
Won't he be going to prison for good now? He already has two felonies doesn't he?