This is a boy in 2017
Say something nice to her!
This is a boy in 2017
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why is he wearing fake boobs?
Don't wear uggs sweetie
I look forward to your mass murder spree in a few years
Idk, he should watch some videos for fashion tips!
>Pedophilia will never be legitimized that's just a slippery slope lol
>Say something nice to her!
"he"looks like the bitch from lazy town.
That child is being abused. Call 911
its even worse than i tought.
bring that ass over here so i can fuck, you fucking faggot
Be sure to cup the balls.
Single moms are either crazy or crime factories.
Who wants to bet that this kid or will one day kill themselves.
It'll never be enough.
>Liev Schreiber alludes to child abuse on talk show
>Sup Forums finds even more photos than pic related to prove need for investigation
>This is celebrated in the current year
Poor child. The end is inevitable.
I remember a thead maybe last year with people talking about the 8 godesses & south korea. Someone asked what they wanted and the reply was "turning men into girls" or something.
I want to fuck your little slut mouth then spit in your face and blame you for my one moment of homosexual weakness.
>There aren't chemicals in the wat-
attention horing.
Munchausen syndrome is a factitious disorder wherein those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy,
looks like alex was right agian.
It is easier to find a boy wanting to be feminine than a girl nowadays
At least you'll probably kill yourself
Glad to see whyte boiiz are finally embracing their true nature
wow so progressive!
Kill the parents, save the boy.
looks like the
finaly achieved there goal by proxy.
'here's the scissors, prove it'
The ride never ends
huh never even thought of that. good catch alex. the parents need the cps called on them.
>turn yourself into a slutty sextoy
>don't put out
Why bother? If this is "who you really are" start acting like it.
Hur parents must be proud
With more men growing up as women, the roles of traditional women will become next to null.
With all the cooking and cleaning done by the trap, and all the earning done by the man. Who will need women? Adoption is always an acceptable thing, and artificial wombs may be on the way.
Remember my brothers, jesus once said "If she breath, she a thot" and you should never put up with a thot.
makeup looks good. grow the hair out though, pretty girls dont wear wigs
God bless these future suicide victims
But drag queens are offensive to transgenders!
Titan looks better and better every day
>star cloud
We need the parents of this kid out of the gene pool to prevent things like this.
>Mfw the little shits already reproduced
what the fuck does that even mean? lactation? i always knew faggots where perverted but this takes a hole new turn the faggot community was always know to have pedophiles in there ranks as nambla proves.
Every day we stray further from God.
This triggers me more than any other photo.
Do all the degenerate dick chopping shit you want to but leave children out of it
looks like a third rate whore
Help us expose a tranny-kid fucker guys
Whats the next stop on the degeneracy train? Lowered AoC laws for homosexuals?
>In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation.
and people wonder why there doing this.
libertarianism showing its cracks isnt it? i remember when the said when the slippery slope doesnt exist.
This is what happens when you can't hit children anymore.
>generation z is red pilled as fuck
Yeah guys.. right??
Isnt this considered child abuse?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedosexual.
Because love is love.
Me too :(
LotGH predicted everything.
"So, how much?"
Women are gonna feel really indignant when they realize they were tricked by homosexual pedophile Jews into lowering the value of their own pussy by supporting turning boys into girls.
I swear to God I'm gay & when I have I won't be like this.
It's always the fat ugly /weird gays that do this stupid shit
That's an ugly AF kid though
It's typical post peace. Anyone can predict that
Say some nasty shit to me too
So where's the problem in all this?
I recognise that bulge
>I'm gay & when I have I won't be like this
>when I have I won't
That's right, no childrens for you.
I promise to never rape you.
I want to get off Mr. Bones wild ride....
You don't think it's a problem that little boys are being sexualized as female whores?
Bitch bye who else gonna save the white race
Certainly not queers.
Just when you thought you would reach the deepest depths of horror it suddently got worse
Gas the kikes race war now.
You're not doing anything it seems like
I bet you fuck trannies on the DL so bye
so they're kinda like strippers but they don't strip?
I hopw you take time away from this place, it can really hurt you mentally to just absorb nothing but degeneration of society condensed. theres still good things.
Sad to say this but I would fuck it, I know it's wrong but the Jewish commie brainwashing is strong.
Which is why I advocate for White Sharia and gassing the Kikes, the sooner we rid our society of this corruption, the better.
The extreme shame i feel for being aroused by this boys and Liev Schreiber's son is unbearable.
Thank god i still prefer the 2D ones to them.
If you want to help, you're perfectly placed to accelerate the conflict. Become the IRL Captain Sweden.
That's pretty fucked up, homosexual pedophilia is the nadir of degeneracy.
Funny how it's the parent who has zero regrets.
I wonder why...
You seem like an excellent candidate to test out our new ovens
I know it is mate, which is why I want to remove this filth, it will improve my mental health and cure my degeneracy. once we remove the source.
>"womenless beauty pagents"
Well, apparently this is actually a thing?
you are in the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.
pre pubescent crossdressing boipussy is the best pussy. No need to be ashamed.
Why are they wearing more makeup than a streetwalker would? The same people who sperg out over little girl's beauty pageants for sexualizing children, are no doubt applauding this as "brave" and "powerful".
Both are wrong!
When do we discover Slaanesh is real and get issued our flashlights?