>Turks are humans to-
Turks are humans to-
Other urls found in this thread:
>my wh*Te ass is on fireeeeeeeeee
I want no cracker statue in my country. deal with it wh*Te subhuman
>being the uttermost sub"human" yourself
Do many turks see themselves as partially greek, like they share the same ancestors/history?
They have more in common with the Mongolians and Arabs than they do with the indigenous Greeks of Anatolia.
What happens to all these statues that are removed? Can we claim them> I want one
Dear God, please retake put a good Pope in charge and give us the strength to retake Constantinople.
turks don't deserve such a statue..
Nor do they deserve this church.
Die roach
Probably some Turks who live on the coastal areas, Thrace, Istanbul, and trabzond, Kayseri. might have the occasional Greek/Circassian/lazic convert to Islam ancestor. You have to keep in mind that Central Asian Turkish tribes migrated to Byzantine provinces pillaged it and forced its Greek inhabitants to flee. Only in areas where large populations of Greeks coexisted with Turks would there have been some Greek converts to Islam.
This nigger lived in a wine barrel and was kicked out of his main country for debasing currency, best known for his chicken stunt.
Why the fuck would they want it taken down?
Day of raid soon subhuman.
fuck wh*te subhumans. we should build a statue of MUGABE instead.
I mean, Diogenes would abhor the fact he had a fucking statue made after him anyway.
The Conservatives in the Catholic church hopefulyl will bite back hard soon
need the virgin vs chad version of this
True...this desu senpai
Virgin Philosopher vs. Chad Brolosopher
Just roaches roaching. This is expected of them
dude has an Alex Jones dad bod
Diogenes is essentially Sup Forums the philosopher and is incredibly based. T*rkroaches can go fucking piss up a rope. Islamists hate dogs so of course they would hate a man who lived like a dog.
I disagree. I think he would be pleased if it reminded a few people of his antics. They all meant something. That's why he did then. To bring attention to a message he was making.
Why are turks always so assblasted? Greeks lived in Anatolia for thousands of years, get the fuck over it. Of course their is going to be historical marks of their civilization.
The equivalent of an entire nation putting their fingers in their ears and screaming
I summon thee, Russian, oh great bane of the saracens
>plug chicken
>Militant islamist group
It's more Islam than anti-Greek sentiment
But MSM won't say and blame religion of peace. Even some weeks ago, a salafist Kurd was trying to take down a statue of Atatturk with a sickle in Turkey
>implying defeating the fucking roaches is somehow an achievement
even Venice did this
Diogenes would laugh so much at this horse shit.
Which now due to lack of white farmers faces a debt of 1.5bn dollars
>Arab rapebabies trying to act wh*Te
>with pupper pal accessory
fuck that statue is awesome, I will take it for my yard if turk roaches don't want is.
How bored are you to spend this much time shitposting?
The only thing you will be able to take from Turks is a bullet in your mutt head.
I want to behead you afterwards
why do you write white with t in cap?
>"turks demand"
it's just some islamist nobodies but the headline is "turks" demand it? fucking retarded stormfaggots. more than a million turks visit greece every year and our people get along just fine. we will take care of the islamist problem in our country just as how we did 90 years ago while you gayropeans and kikericans will get raped by shitskin hordes
May he mobilize a beaner army and declare a Holy war.
I'm not white you filthy imbecile, stop larping as terrorist tyrone.
It's still called Grozny and not Dzhokhar-Ghala, and at the end of Second Chechen War Kofi Annan said it was the most destroyed city in the world since WWII. Russian army still parades in their city every year.
Can we get rid of this roach? Your Muslim flag isn't fooling anyone, we know your the no life roach who spams 'Muh Ottoman Empire' every day.
Is the how you greet one another in the religion of peace?
The number of battles that could be posted of ottomans getting fucking wrecked by western europe is endless.
you're not a person. you're an amerimutt subhuman. you're even worse than actual roaches. the only thing your mongrel kind deserves is an extermination. we should just rush incirlik and behead every amerimutt subhuman in there
>all rapebaby commanders
lmao Amerimutt subhuman
I smell Berkey is here
Thought, reason and logic aren't really that popular among Turks. They prefer being illiterate and fucking their cousins.
no actually we prefer fucking your whore mother
that's the fifth stupidest thing i've ever read.
crusades were a bunch of peasants that took up swords so they could try to get some free land in the middle east.
Ottomans get wrecked by national armies.
>literally led by kings
Did you know most Ottoman commanders and leaders were slavs themselves?
Nah I think you'd rather fuck your cousin while not being able to write your own name.
25-30% of those in Turkey are inbred.
7 out of 10 Turks have never even read a book.
Check the statistics. You can look them up online.
T*rkroaches eternally BTFO
Not saging this time because the T*rkroach didn't make the thread
> captcha calle balkans
Turkey is a nation of shitposters
>Franch army at the time had 20000 men
>England had 12000 men
But one part of Serbia had 80K. Keep on larping retard and eating wikipedia bullshit up.
Lol it's the best you can do?
yeah we know balkin niggers cant fight for shit, but when you actually tried someone with a real army you only get wrecked.
Keep the Kemal spirit alive turk bro
>t. the only turkroach nationwide with an internet connection
i fart in their general direction
Reminder that Turkey will face a Syria-tier civil war shitstorm in the next 5 years.
I can't wait for the 'accidental' civilian casualties
>Diogenes still causing asshurt 2500 years later
/his/ would have a field day with this.
I like you.
if you bomb turks in my country we will behead wh*Te subhumans in Netherlands
He also said he gave zero fucks about what happened after he died because he'd be dead.
The statue is for US.
We won't have to bomb anything. Isis will gangrape your sister while Erdocunt uses your daughters as a human shield.
Meanwhile I will frolic in the polder
Ancient greek culture is about the only cultural history in that shithole, why would they do this?
because a dead pedophile told them to
>Ancient greek culture is about the only cultural history in that shithole,
not really
Anatolia is heavily linked to Mesopotamia historically
why did you bump the thread you fucking k*rd
also stick mesopotamia up your ass i like AFRICA more
I will just buy the fucking statue
shut up nigger
>trying to offend americans by posting serbs and greeks getting btfo
Lol that people still get buttmad at this Turk, he's even admitted he's shitposting.
you're an amerimutt hence you're not even normal human but a subhuman
also stop mistaking me for every turk poster here have you no respect for your whore mother?
He wouldn't give a fuck
Love this image. Diogenes truly was /ourguy/. The original shitposter.
Diogenes would probably resent having a statue of himself anyhow.
Missed a good part.
"If I were not Alexander, then I should wish to be Diogenes"
Diogenes replied: "If I were not Diogenes, I should also wish to be Diogenes"
>trying to take down a statue of based Diogenes
fuck roaches
Ay yall turx wite up un dis muhfuggin bix nood nigga I wup dat ass wit ease how u gon dare talk about Scrates like he wite errybody know he black nigga fuck u on
Yakuub shulda clapped dem turx in Egypt pham fr yall disgustin