/zg/ Zoroastrian general

"He who sows the ground with care and diligence acquires a greater stock of religious merit than he could gain by the repetition of ten thousand prayers."

Welcome to the first of many /zg/, Zoroastrian generals. How can one think he can have a strong founded belief in a political ideology without having a moral compass?

All info on religion here: avesta.org/zfaq.html
Zoroaster's teachings: a.co/dGHf9sk
Recitation of the Yasna: youtu.be/2pKwrgw-PWk?t=1m20s

I just set up a Discord that way if you want to ask me something it will make it easier for us to talk.

Code: zAwsCpE

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Gathas-sublime-book-Zarathustra/dp/1517480205/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1503786892&sr=1-1&keywords=The gathas

>Frequently asked questions

>I thought conversions aren't allowed
Only the Parsis (Zoroastrians in India) do not allow conversions, and this is not because of teachings but because they
swore never to convert anyone to their religion when they entered India. The Gathas clearly indicate that Zoroastrianism
can be adopted by anyone.

>What is your view on homosexuality.
It is one of the worse sins in Zoroastrianism. Infact you can be executed for it.

>Views on race
Zoroastrians believe that one can only marry within race and religion. Anything else is forbidden.

>Views on God
God is called "Ahura Mazda". He is all good and righteous.In Zoroastrianism there is duality between good and evil. All pain in suffering in the world is caused by each mans actions. We can either choose to listen to Ahura Mazda, or fall into deception and deceit and follow the path that leads to destruction.

>Views on afterlife
One who has lived by good deeds and actions will enter into heaven. Those who live by evil deeds will enter hell. There is a bridge in the afterlife called "Chinvat", the more good deeds you do the wider the bridge will be. The evil deeds you do make the bridge thiner. If you fall you will fall into the hell until end times when everyone will be purified.


bump parsi bro

Peak Aryan wisdom, far better starting point than Odinism.

>mfw when exMuslim and realize that Islam ripped off the bridge part
Can I get a quick rundown on this religion? A tldr

Count me in!

Anything is better than cuckstianity

Sure, here's a quick rundown

>Be Zarathustra, spread true religion of peace and wisdom throughout Persia
>Gain bunch of followers, become largest organized religion in ancient world
>Judaism steals all our teachings, we don't really care though
>Some Pedophile comes out of Arabia and says "convert or die" we said cool and sailed to India (which we predicted)
>Remaining Zoroastrians in Persia are persecuted until current year
>End of the world end next 50-200 years according to Zarathustra
>A noble man will rise in the middle east one last time to try and restore order before we are blown to bits

If you are interested further we have links and resources on our Discord. Invite code: zAwsCpE


The video talks about Persian influence on the Greek Golden Age.

Is Zoroastrianism the root of all religions east of India?

west of India*

I'm retarded

This is heathenry.

The Bible is God's word. Full stop.

It is the root of every religion after it's time. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. That man is also a very good speaker, I would recommend anyone who is interested listen to him.

Thanks. Who or what is your deity? Is he different from (((Abraham))) so God?

Make Iran Great Again.

Yes, he is not at all like the god of Abraham. His name is Ahura Mazda which translates to Wise Lord.

Religion native to the land of Persia prosecuted and destroyed.

I know that feeling; Norse Religion deserved better than to be cucked by monks and powerhungry traitors.

Did Azura Mazda create his evil opposite, or is your religion truly dualistic? Can I get a quick rundown on your creation story, especially in regards to metaphysics?


Its basic maxims include:

Humata, Hukhta, Huvarshta, which mean: Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds.
There is only one path and that is the path of Truth.
Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, and then all beneficial rewards will come to you also.

Pretty good desu

Eat shit and fucking die, faggot. The Abrahamic faiths just stole and ripped off Mesopotamian, Zoroastrian, Egyptian, and Hellenistic religious ideals.

Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Marxist "Atheists" are all servants of the Demiurge, and everyone's getting sick of your fucking bullshit.

Fuck off kike.

Funny how a Pagan is calling me a heathen.

Zoroastrianism does sounds pretty interesting.

>stole the truth

No one can possess the truth.

Why does religion have to do the:
"Everyone will be blown to bits except us true believers"
Apocalypse gives no hope.

Are you sure about that?

Do I really need to reconquer all of sassanid persia in order to become Saoshyant?

Better start now, no time to waste.

How do you officially convert?

It's the hope of being saved when the apocalypse comes. Same reason people pay money to get scares. Fear and hope work hand in hand and religicucks respond to that

Traditionally speaking it is done by attending a ceremony, if you are going off the Holy books all you need to do is recite a creed to a Zoroastrian. If you are looking to convert I can help you out with that.

persia was christian and zorastrian and desert mongol religions before mr jihad went there

Zoroastrianism is a logical religion but it's not convert friendly. A vital part of religion is community and the Zoroastrian community is still heavily dominated by people against it. At best all you could do is like the Kurds and get enough converts to convert at once then start your own communities.


Sorry bud, if you don't believe in Tawhid you're going to hell.

I'm looking at you, كفر

Its time then to create a new religion that will create heaven on earth right now.
Stop waiting for an apocalypse event just for some chosen ones.
2000 years later on and where is jesus, where is buddha &c.?

Don't waste your time, heathen. Christ is the only way to salvation and you KNOW IT.

This is true. You have to realize there is zero scriptural references to not allow conversion so it is completely ridiculous not to allow converts. I do hope to build a Zoroastrian community from around the globe that follow the teachings of Zarathustra and not man-made laws. I do plan to create a YouTube channel making it easier to explain the religion and history.

>A Pagan calling me a heathen

Don't throw stones from a glass house.

How am I a heathen? I belong to Christ. I don't understand where you get this fantasy that Christianity is "based" on something... uhm, yes, on Christ being God made flesh.

these threads full of niggers that dont reply


Zoroastrianism is Persians only, by their own admission. Just leave them have their own customs.

I think it's just the no conversion stuff has become so heavily ingrained into the Zoroastrian community they're just used to it and don't want to change. I notice the younger Zoroastrians though tend to be the ones who say they'd rather see a return to converts than allowing their religion to perish over a dumb rule.

I'm pretty certain Zoroaster made it clear the faith should be taught to all. Even if in theory it was Persian only it's still extremely influential. Greeks were fascinated by it and it definitely shaped Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahai, and other religions.

>Constatine's Christinaity
>Half of Christianity as we know it is of Pagan influence

I've replied to almost every comment on this thread,

recomended books one can buy? Preferential reading from a writer who actually is a zoroastrian.

Adapt or be eliminated. There is no other way.

Most info you could want will be on

If you want to start reading here is a the Gatahas. The Holy teachings of Zarathustra.

amazon.com/Gathas-sublime-book-Zarathustra/dp/1517480205/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1503786892&sr=1-1&keywords=The gathas

Is this the new Pagan LARPing?

It's hard to be a Pagan larper when you aren't Pagan.

We don't follow Constantine's Christianity, we follow Biblical Christianity which is God's perfect word.

Please help! My autism is trying to convince me to buy the Gathas in persian. I don't know persian!

I think you mean Arabic (and no, it's not Farsi; you can't just take a language, change one word, and call it your own, you fucking shit-skins)

Well technically the no conversion rule was adapting. It was the only way for Zoroastrians to survive in a new land while being squeezed between Hindus and Muslims. For the time it probably saved the faith from extinction. Now though it's impeding the faith instead of protecting it.

Pagans are trying to revive a dead religion. That's the huge difference.

/x/fags btfo sage

This game is heavily influenced by Zoroastrianism, one of best I ever played. Awesome atmosphere.

