Heads up, this is Beyonce's actual personal account... she's warning us.
FUCK! RIP Taylor
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Bump for exposure
I dont speak nigger.
Translation please.
Can someone translate into ypipo please?
> be american
> get accused of voting for the sitting president
> career ruined
truly land of the free
ooga booga bix nood mufugga
English translation, please?
>this is Beyonce's actual personal account.
yeah no
White people are from the midwest. They like Starbucks coffee and mayonnaise. They support Trump.
It's just niggerbabble. You can ignore it since it's meaningless when translated to english. They just make sounds at eachother and convey no meaning in their words. Rudimentary apelike grunts and gestures is about the best you're going to get from them.