We should be breeding with Jews

>highest level of education of any major religious group. they blow everyone out of the water in formal education
>average jewish households make more than 4x the average american household
>tight knit, supportive community
>great sense of humor
>gender equality
>resilient and hard-working going from a low class minority in the early 20th century to the most successful ethnicity in the us
>so successful they inspire elaborate conspiracy theories about world domination
>creative innovators and pioneers
>are authorities and leaders in prestigious, well-respected fields

Jews are the real master race. They are clearly the Chosen people. White isn't an identity.

we should be gassing the Jews

Jew here. None of you would get close to marrying a Jew. Maybe you could get with some fat liberal one. But they don't have any of the Jewish connections or intelligence you want.

In response to your statement you would have to get past their parents first, especially American Jew's, Israeli Jews not so much.

only if this can help us meet the vulcans. i want to make hybrid human-vulcan master race people and then chart the galaxy. we will have warp drive in 10 years

So are you saying Jews are racist and believe themselves to be above the goy?

Look at their soulless kike eyes. Especially Portman freaks me out.


No. Jews realize it's a burden on the marriage to have 1 parent trying to raise their kid one way and the other a different way. This causes increased divorce rates. People are comfortable marrying those similar, especially when it comes to traditions and values.

natalie and scarlett married french gentilemen. portman's husband converted to judaism like a good goy.