Why should I wagecuck a 9-5?

If a single mother with 5 kids can earn £26,000 a year via gibs sitting on her arse then give me one good reason why I should put any money I earn down on the books for the tax man?
It's just under double my salary doing a trade, my wages in this trade as diminished by cheap labour by immigrants that will do it for cheaper.
It's a lose, lose situation.

When I was a nipper I would go work with my uncle doing double glazing, they where earning £1000-2000 a week before the immigration shit went full throttle.
pic related.

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I wagecuck because it's the only way I can afford to have sex with prostitutes. Civilian women are repulsed by my looks and even a fat whale can go online and be harpooned by a hot Chad. I am planning to eventually kill myself, but for now I must wagecuck in order to partake in my favorite bread and circuses.

You are right, taxation is theft, my dude.

How is this allowed in bongistan?

Also, some advice on horse women

I only work for cash now a days.


I work enough to max out earnings for my future pension in my old age...

If you were creative once you've maxed out the amount it takes to earn max pension for OLD you... you work do things that get you CASH?

You tell me lol

I've been with a horse women before, luckily she moved to a different city before it went to far.

Join me in the sun

God bless the Old Cappy.

>he pays taxes

You work in trades my dude. Start your own company and accept only cash payments. Put your savings in bitcoin and leave enough cash to get by.

In canada it recently came out that some unfortunate people are paying 53% of their income to the government. Who in their right mind accepts that so hatian niggers can come here illegally and get gibs.

I'm off it, I'm unemployed on their computers.
I don't claim any gibs, I receive cash for any work I do, I save money I don't spend it.
I've probably got about 7-8 years of state pension contributions.

Let me drag you down, fellow austrianbro

Solid yea my concern personally is MAXING my pension cause getting old is expensive as FUCK.

Beyond that... Smart individuals work for cash its so convenient you can take the cash you receive and exchange it for goods or services.... and of course you'll save 60% of it to pay your taxes... lol

Easier said than done, but I've been thinking about it. Need contacts, equipment (which isn't cheap), mode of transport, Insurance, stupid European health and safety qualifications. All adds up.
Bitcoin seems complicated, I browse biz from time to time and wallets, bags, shitcoin, mining, hashing, etc seems like a learning curve.


Most people on the dole will spend at least twice this on drink.


>£26,000 gibs
holy fuck. how can brits still be motivated to go to work? it's time to go galt

I work at a company that makes board games so I get to travel and shit.

You still have to wake up and do something, but that's reality for most people and there's no reason why I should be able to buck that trend. It's either this or farming mud hundreds of years ago

£26K isn't a huge amount of money with 5 kids to feed nowadays.

Yeah pretty much. May as well wagecuck and try to make the best of a shit situation by building your own little world, hoping it all gets better.

yeah but then 5-10-15 years flashes before your eyes while nothing has changed, most likely gotten worse. But I get what you're saying.

Go outside

We're all living on borrowed time, and it's always been that way throughout history. It's literally the only option unless you have really generous parents who'll let you NEET forever.

Does she pay rent and council tax? I doubt it.

I'm outside now what?

>It's literally the only option unless you have really generous parents who'll let you NEET forever.
Those parents are called "tax payer" and "welfare state".
I probably got at least 70 more years on this planet and I don't plan on wageslaving a single day of those.

Not holding that against you either. If you can get the dole, get the dole. You better not be using that gift from God just to play Vidya all day though tell you what

I started work in England as an engineer straight from uni on £24k. The fuck is this cunt getting 26 doing nothing

You shouldn't. Socialism/welfarestate is cancer for every nation.

If you're content to be a piece of shit leech go ahead. Not my duty to instill ethics into a brit

read the thread retard

Only reason im still living

Fuck knows, some of the "victims" from grenfall tower got put in temporary accommodation luxury flats starting from £1.6 million. It's fucking retarded.

Man, 50% of muslim men in your country are on benefits and so are 75% of muslim women.

You are literally retarded if you pay tax in your country. Every white man should become a NEET and make the system crumble even faster.


NEET-right reporting in.

we must crash the system

if you make money as a freelancer or whatever, always make sure you are paid via cash or crypto.

This just isn't true and its RACIST.

Muslims are hard working people.

Turn crypto into cash or investments.... "Investing" in a currency or anything that pays you no interest, dividends or rent is purely speculation... you might get rich or you might loose literally ALL the value... get paid in crypto and buy assets.

Leave home. Become a wanderer. Give up all your possessions and see what there is to see in your country. Talk to the people, experience the joy and pain and love and sorrow. Smell the cool air as you walk down country roads. See the crowds in the cities and the loud crash of the bustle as everyone hurries to where they need to be. But you are free. You may not have their comforts or security, but you are not tied down to one place, you do not rely on a boss for your survival, you rely on yourself and strangers. You choose to take the gamble because it is between that and eternal slavery.

I'm OK :^)

some are some aren't but they're equally racist.
do you have any good links on learning how to invest in cypto? I'm so so on stocks so that isn't a problem.

Done that already when I was 17-19. I bills and responsibilities now.


Same here in the states.


Start at 2:03

No, I'm saying DON'T "invest" in crypto.. its speculation.. like keep up to 5% of your networth in Crypto if you want but Crypto pays you 0 Interest, Dividends or Rent... you are essentially gambling, you might make piles of money but you are AS or MORE likely to loose most to all the money you 'invest' in cryptos...

You should buy LOW COST ETFs that are dividend focuses, growth stock or wide whole market funds... Don't 'invest' in individual stocks... WAY too much risk for us little people, for the rich they can gamble like that and us losses on their taxes.

Consider getting a house or condo with many rooms... and rent out rooms for CASH to people OR if you can't get a mortgage.. rent a 3 or 4 bedroom apartment and again RENT OUT all the rooms except yours for CASH. Collect rent so that you live in your house, condo or apartment for little or no rent.. OR maybe even pocket money each month!! :D All CASH.

Your only really good option is to plan ahead a career. That means finding a profession which has a long and steady corporate ladder you can climb with very high wages at the top, and then invest in your own skills and value to climb that ladder.

I've only been in IT for about 13 years professionally and I'm already a Director for a SME with several offices, it's good pay. The economy just shits on the people trying to manipulate it, that's what free markets do. If you tax and give away that shit to degenerates, for example min wage or welfare. You just drive up the cost of doing business, and those costs are passed on through businesses with higher prices and higher standards of living, which affect the poor more and drive up the wages of people closer to the top of the ladder.

Those people getting 26k a year have to raise kids on that and that means paying for their shit, what they have spare at the end typically isn't much, it's a shit life to have. It's so easy to have a good job with good pay if you're half way smart and you're conscientious enough to do a good job.

This hole "wagecuck" thing is so lame, the smart people among us know that working for a business is a mutual exchange of skills/talent with money.

There's only one thing that makes you a cuck in a free market and that's if you consider yourself one and act like it. The rest of us are working together cooperatively to make some good scratch.

big fucking lol if you think wagecuck jobs are 9-5

8-5, 30 minute lunch

9-5 is office drone

Thanks for the advise leaf bro, appreciated.

You deserve your life.

It's us against the world, we shall not be SLAVES!


the goal is to keep moving or trading up till you're gainfully employed

Buy gold bitch not Crypto currency but if you gonna buy crypto sell that shit as soon as you make a decent profit.

Gold sorta works like Crypto currency these days anyway, you can even have your wages payed into gold.


Ok, but thats like 14ish d/hr USD.

Are you really saying you cant make 14 dollars an hour?
If you got the exact same job as her(child care) and worked 60 hours a week you would make more than her.

The government can either pay her to watch the kids at below market wages or pay government salaries to people to watch other peoples kids.

Why are you mad again? Because you arent legally bound to 5 liabilities for minimum 18 years?


Thanks for the advise, I've also been thinking about going back to university as an adult learner, IT would be the route I would take.
I have already have experiences with within the director position as I've had to cover for them when they're on holidays etc in previous jobs.
My main issue with it is going there getting in debt and being stuck with that debt. I hear all sorts of horror stories of this happening.
Anyway I'll take it onboard, thanks.

Man I can't wait for the day she gets the rope

Yeahhh that big mulatto masonic slave race!

Gold and Crypto are FINE and you should invest like 5% in those and maybe Silver BUT SERIOUSLY those are all speculative investments.... They pay you no INTEREST, DIVIDEND OR RENT. Do you think (THEY) invest ALL (their) money in speculative things??? Seriously with speculative instruments you ONLY make money when you sell the investment and ONLY if you can get someone to pay your more than you paid.... With Asset investments you get paid to own them EVERY month/quarter or in rare cases annually.

>economy just shits on the people trying to manipulate it, that's what free markets do. If you tax and give away that shit to degenerates, for example min wage or welfare. You just drive up the cost of doing business, and those costs are passed on through businesses with higher prices and higher standards of living, which affect the poor more and drive up the wages of people closer to the top of the ladder.

Dont want to harp too bad because overall thats pretty good advice, but your kinda off the mark on your economics.

Also wagecucks exist at the part of the curve where you gain nothing from work.

Your wages are so low that taking more hours is not appealing, but just high enough that taking time off isnt worth it either.

essentially you work to work without gain. happens to people in depressed areas. Only job is minimum wage at some 7/11. You are practically losing money if you show up to work because your own free time is worth more than 8 dollars an hour, but you need it to live.

>government taxes your assets

gg no re goy

Not if you invest properly dumbass. Buying gold and burying it is demented.. Buying cryptos and speculating is dumb as well.

Western Countries have tax free ways to shelter your investments and investment income from taxes.

But go ahead keep buying gold and cryptos.. it might not be this year or next but if you keep that up for a number of years you will watch the value decline and along the way you'll be paid 0 to own them... you won't pay any taxes but you won't get anything either.. you'll just be gambling you can sell that shit for more later...

During the 2008 recession/crash did Gold Moon?....? Did it? NO that shit declined in value because its purely an animal spirits thing.

But don't listen to me keep listening to prepers and internet 'investors' who are poor as shit or have some of them made a bit of money speculating but eventually that speculation especially in Cryptos WILL BITE YOU.

Leaf investing in property is fucked now due to barriers to entry.

I know Canada is experiencing the same shit as Aus, NZ, most of the west right now.

Unless of course you go listed property trusts. You get jewed on fees and tax but you still get exposure.

You're projecting an awful lot there, bub.

there are plenty of people i would never give 8 dollars an hour to do anything. you give people too much credit.

the problem is the population and its leaders, not the economic perspective. all systems are relatively workable under some circumstances. too diverse, too old, too populated? these are problems nobody has developed an economic system to answer, because countries didn't pull this multicultural nonsense until the last century. globalism is the supposed concocted answer to a fully developing world, but what the fuck do the experts know, we're treading completely new territory.

Yea, OWNING rental properties will get you KEKED in Urban Canada or Aus or NZ or I'm sure Britain. If you have lots of money it can be worthwhile.

One strategy I mentioned earlier also suggested RENTING a larger place than you need and collecting CASH rent for rooms you don't use... AND THEN to of course pay those taxes with cash cause you'd never take those cash rents and keep them all for yourself. That last strategy might get you low cost, free or even a profitable home depending on the local rental market.. I know of people renting couches for cash as well...

Just wait until their housing market crashes, they're in a massive bubble right now then get canadian property for cheap

lol forsure I'm just so tired of young white people speculating with their little bit of pocket money when they could invest that money in assets that will LITERALLY pay them to own those good investments for literally the rest of their lifetime. Hell real assets can be left to kids etc.

Dont talk about your wife like that