Well goys? Check it out
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nice try shill, everyone knows left/right/identity/race politics is divide and conquer tactics by TPTB
It's true though.
Both "powers" make both sides looks fucking retarded and invalidates them in the eyes of the public, specially the white cucks who couldn't contain their power levels and went full autism.
how come the elites are the ones driving multiculturalism and diversity you fucking faggot. The moment Charlottesville happened every single white nationalist, alt right website started being taken down. Daily Stormer got shoah'd, Discord banned alt right servers, google/Youtube also announcing they're blocking that shit. You're an idiot
Nice try rabbi OP
>it's a "OP tries to make a thread and makes a fool of himself" episode
Well, it's hard to not have autism when you have autism.
because charlottes ville, if not the entire white nationalist movement, is orchestrated by globalists to justify a boogyman so they can push for more multiculturlism
>It's true though
No it isn't.
No, it's not divide and conquer. It's the (((elite))) using the lowest masses as a weapon against their competitors for power