>ANTIFA has a public meeting on a college campus to plan how to attack people at a rally >Non-ANTIFA people show up to listen and document >ANTIFA freaks out and accuses them of stalking and attacking women and minorities >ANTIFA blatantly lies on video tape over and over again
What the fuck. You cannot reason with these people. This is insane.
How the fuck is Yvette not in jail after all the shit she has been recorded doing?
Jayden Phillips
"Some animals are more equal than others." -- Animal Farm
Liam Watson
they all need a bullet to the brain
Joshua Adams
they are mentally ill and should be commited
Jacob Watson
Holy fuck >that sign They honestly think that 1 land whale that died is their holocaust.
Juan Wright
>Charlottesville where Antifa stalked the right looking for a fight >Antifa routinely stab people >Antifa get their safe space but fuck muh Nazis (anybody that disagrees with retardation) That's the first 30 seconds.
How the fuck is this woman allowed to continue organizing this shit while she's out on bail for inciting a fucking riot? ALSO.. this woman is a Middle School teacher, and they can't fire her. This just keeps getting crazier.
Gavin King
Communists aren't people son.
Isaiah Mitchell
if her bail stipulates her from attending or associating with any known criminal organization then they can forfeit her bail and rearrest her and keep her locked up till her court date. someone should dig up her bail agreement
Julian Hernandez
they don't have a brain, that's why they're commies.
Carson Hernandez
Imagine if that people get in government.
Liam Ortiz
Maybe Sikhs really are bro tier after all.
Robert Rodriguez
>quads Real answer, she is friends with the Berkeley mayor. I'm fucking serious. There have been attempts to get her fired, she called in a bomb threat against HERSELF to claim victimization.
she brings out her students that she brainwashes to say how she changed their lives, their dike tranny mayor told the cops to stand down at the last few rallies.
She is untouchable unless she commits a state or federal offense, but so far she only dabbles in local matters.
I noticed that she took off down the hall as soon as the cops showed up, so maybe someone should find that bail agreement and see if she violated it.
Lucas Thompson
KEK, this is the same shit that they do to everybody else and they're losing their shit over it.
Gavin Butler
sargon is based
Benjamin Gutierrez
Is this peak cognitive dissonance?
Zachary Scott
Can we get a doxx or something on this bitch? Let's make this commie's life as miserable as possible for all she's done.
Joshua Lewis
top kek, when they ironically tell the crazy white leftist bitch to "stop whitesplaining" at 8:03 and she hangs her head in shame
Caleb White
what an ubermensch
Carson Cox
She is a public figure, we aren't gonna doxx her she is open about who she is and what she stands for. You want to know about her literally google her I think she has a wikipedia
Carson Rivera
These harpies.... Cot Damn...
Dylan Young
Already got what I need. Watch the news next week
Ian Jackson
I thought her last name was fellatio.
Jayden Gonzalez
>Watch the news
No one watches the news anymore faggot.
Ryan Morris
>And now some of your members have attacked some of our women... >Yeah, maybe in your fantasies
Ian Scott
Chase Thomas
this, pol became my single source for news.
am I fucked?
Easton Jackson
That bitch got BTFO by that line holy shit
Nathaniel Lopez
She's on bail. Her Soros backed lawyers probably scheduled her trial far in advance
Levi Diaz
Most big stories break here and break good before they hit MSM Not too mention all the stuff the MSM refuses to cover And, our many private investigators. Happenings rule.
Adrian Parker
You won't be in sync with the people in your fatherland... which is good but also bad.
Gavin Rivera
wtf Sup Forums I thought asians were based
Mason Allen
That is the camera guy for very fake news, of course he is bro tier. Can't speak for all sihks though.
Eli Wright
They're terrorists. What did you expect?
Carson Morales
I just can't keep from laughing when anyone brings this pathetic neckbeard embarrassment up.
Alexander White
there is like a legit consipracy theory that bamn and antifa are a literal cult that are working together to recruit students and brainwash them into being communist revolutionaries
Parker Reed
6 million commies were ran down that day. ;_;
Isaiah Morris
Dylan Sullivan
Yes. You are not better than people who got their "news" from the Daily Show.
Josiah Powell
Jeremiah Hall
I only get my news from infowars
Carter Robinson
>Harassing >Stalking
Remember when arguing holes that they always go for your social and sexual status.
Cameron Barnes
I hope you're meming
Anthony Diaz
You're not as long as you don't take anything here seriously. Drudgereport has some decent headlines. I try to stay away from opinion.
Lucas Miller
Samuel Wilson
Very entertaining.
David Lewis
>Racistly This is my new favorite word.
>stalking and harassment Law school fag here. while it varies by state, stalking and harassing both mean a repeated pattern of. violence it is impossible to just stalk someone you only met once if that is their only encounter.
>No more charlettesville. They just keep chanting empty slogans.
Julian Kelly
She's a pig that's for sure. Call her Wilbur.
Eli Lee
Jeremiah Gomez
Elijah Cox
They live for these confrontations.
Landon Thompson
that guy looks like johnny knoxvile after a long drug binge.
Cameron Foster
What was that weird purple laser that was coming out of his phone?
Ryan Cox
All the people protesting in the second link are in the video in OPs post. Eliminate them, and the Berkeley antifa organization goes down.
Henry Adams
Normally, don't conspiracies get planned in secret locations? I'm not questioning the validity of the planning further riots, I'm just surprised none of these leftards are consulting The Art of War.
And Felarca is facing charges for attempted murder already from the attack in Sacramento - she's planning another one in a meeting held at a public school?! Sure BAMN and Antifa have Berkeley police and government sucking their benises, but the Feds could still gather evidence.
Jaxon Torres
Yep. They want to feel like they are doing good. Notice how they describe themselves:
>we are civil rights organizers >anti-racist >protecting women and minorities
They actually believe this, they get a sense of pride in these things. If they actually feared "nazis and fascists" then they wouldn't advertise meeting, they would call the cops immediately rather than argue, they would not be emboldened to attack on sight.
These people are :LARPers.
Gabriel Perez
In that situation, I wouldn't bother arguing, except for maybe one point, which I'll get to later. I'd resort to laughing at them and mocking them. The one point that I'd argue is how shitty it feels to them when people show up to shut their shit down, and maybe they should have a wee bit of empathy the next time they are thinking about shutting somebody else down.
Camden Richardson
what did she meant by this
Parker Moore
meme this immediately.
Juan Kelly
Here it is
Gabriel Johnson
>Antifa is anti first amendment Trump needs to tweet this
Cooper Powell
>oy vey I'm jewish stop oppressing me :^) >[autistic screeching]
Owen Anderson
and yeah in their own countries where they're uninfluenced by our leftist media they are based Asian American females are absolute cunts Mexicans and White Americans like to go on about Chicanos and how they're an example of how Americanization can ruin a people but, what American (((culture))) does to the children of Mexican immigrants (illegal or otherwise) is NOTHING compared to what it does to the granddaughters/great granddaughter of Asian immigrants.
Juan Cooper
>im taking care of his kids >im cucking him! Top cuck
It's a conspiracy fact if that's the case, and in this case it is.
Henry Miller
Scariest part is these freaks are employed by public universities to educate you and your children. They live very comfortable lives on the taxpayer's dime.
They are literally unstable. Literally.
They should be in a mental home, but they've been entrusted with the education of our youth. It's sickening. And these types are not anomalies, they are in virtually every college, polluting the environment with their sickness.
Eventually they are going to have to be removed. One way or another.
Chase Butler
This video gave me an idea. Next time you know when and where some commie group like this is having a meeting, make up fliers for something that will get people to attend. For example, a talk titled "I'm Just Here For The Gangbang" and then use some prominent sex researcher's name, and have it be a talk about "The positive effects of free pornography on society" or some shit. Put a map to the location of the commie meeting, and a risque picture on it, and plaster parts of town that the commies don't frequent. Then, sit back and watch the fireworks.
Dominic White
It IS a conspiracy fact. Skip to 42:30 in the Sargon video. Holy fuck.
Wyatt Roberts
I'm aiming towards private schooling or homeschooling for my children.
Brayden Reed
lmao literally just read that today
Jose Long
Guarantee you that a search of BAM's headquarters/ flophouse will turn up both drugs and child porn.
But the police are held back.
Cameron Clark
This is the groups that manipulate the Antifa cult-they are mostly brainwashed sexually abused little boys-radicalized and turned into zombies by powerful politicians, law enforcement, the rich involved in NAMBLA-Man/Boy/Love pedophile organization. Their tragic army is fighting to keep their evil disgusting secrets from being found out by an honest administration.
Dominic Russell
I love how they can't engage in civil discourse, it is the final form of PoMo. All they care about is power and they just shut down conversation, its pathetic. I always thought of myself as a child of enlightenment thought and those were some of the first books I read by the founders of this country and to see these people shit up their legacy while claiming to be liberals is disgusting.
They can't even just hold a meeting with people that could possibly disagree with them. God help us, the only way this will end is civil war.
Landon Reed
Holy SHIT. You may have hit on something huge with this. This needs to be investigated further because it might be a huge breakthrough for the elite pedo ring in DC.
Brandon Carter
get out, nazi, you're not welcome here!
Landon Price
crazyness aside, anyone else think Yvette Falarca is kinda cute?
James Thomas
The left is mentally ill
Landon Morgan
That line of thinking is a good way to catch a false rape accusation.
Josiah Bennett
(((Gary Cohn))) says these people are just protecting our freedom
Samuel Lee
Do it bro
Brody Green
We should be experimenting with ways to make them even more paranoid and impulsive.
Get them so paranoid they see Nazis everywhere they turn.
Colton Young
'Go mansplain the constitution to each other outside.' K...
Josiah Wright
True dat.
Angel Morgan
Colton Cooper
How paranoid do you want to make them? If I lived in California I would gladly get a bunch of people together in full SS regalia and march in formation on campus. Or would that be a bit much, literal national socialists?
Tyler Rogers
she was actually, she's out on bail
Luke Anderson
All you'd really have to do is post a bunch of flyers around campus with the main members faces on them and make them think that people are hunting them. If you wanted to be extra evil, you could mention gas chambers somewhere on the flyers.
Cameron Perry
>Get them so paranoid they see Nazis everywhere they turn. They already do. Anybody to the left of Chairman Mao is Adolph Hitler reincarnated.
Nicholas Watson
*to the right
Asher James
Jesus christ it's like two chimp troops meeting each other in the wild. Except without the violent limb dispossession, and such.
Parker Cox
Leprechauns have magical powers
Nathaniel Thomas
What a bunch of ugly fucking people. Also look at those blacks they do not care and seems like they are use to yelling.
Colton Lopez
God damn you for makig me watch this on a weekend. Suicide warning.