Do we rally behind Rowan Atkinson?

So Sir Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean) is campaigning to make all insults legal. He is an extremely well respected figure, not some e-celeb larping nazi, and could genuinely help get a part of the free speech message across to the masses. What say you /pol, should we rally behind him?

Link here

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Hell yes. I'm a fan but I never knew he had a history of standing up to leftist censorship.


Too bad no one in parliament will listen.

He is /ourguy/

Absolutely. I would, 100%.

>campaigning to make all insults legal.

Free speech is dead in just about every part of the world other than America. Even in "civilised societies".

What insults are illegal exactly?

Anything that could be defined as hate speech

This is amazing to hear always been a fan of all his work / now i like him even more

Blackadder was just a series of insults with a loosely linked story.

Isn't it ironic that a silent comedian is speaking out against PC bullshit.


This was how Aus used to be.

Now this is what a Based Beaner is. Take notes, r/t_d

his daughter's pretty hot

remember guys, no globalists

>be brit
>say something about anything
>goto jail for hurt feelings

Glad we went our seperate ways. What happened to that wwii collector that had all his stuff burned by the police?

Old British comedies are so comfy.


based bean


hopefully this includes racial insults. I recall years ago Rowan said jokes about religions were okay but not about someones race. kinda put me off him a bit. Still a great talent. hopefully he changed his view on the whole racist bit

no it doesnt. Quote from him :
>To criticize a person for their race is manifestly irrational and ridiculous, but to criticize their religion, that is a right. That is a freedom. The freedom to criticize ideas, any ideas – even if they are sincerely held beliefs – is one of the fundamental freedoms of society
Another complete and utter Gent

>slipperyslope LOL
Laziest argument in the books.


meh,kind of disappointing to read that

Doesnt say that you cant do it. Just that its ridiculous

So basically you can still call a nigger a nigger since they steal and do nig things. Cant call them a POC though.

even when it's true.


Seems like a cunning plan.

As cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University?

>but to criticize their religion, that is a right. That is a freedom.
Hopefully, he was referring to Islam.

Let's go Mister Beans!!

>Sir Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean)
pfff. dont insult the man. get right user

Wait he's not actually a retard?!?

to make it worse, most Americans are seemingly unaware of this
It's incredible how detached we've become

He has a very high IQ, goes to show how fucked up the left has become.
I stand 100% behind him.

But we really have to make sure the left never does this kind of degeneration of politics again, not just by legislation, but by punishing those politicians and celebrities who enabled laws and legislation and attitudes that severely hurt the working class and the fragile state of our nations, in the face of hazardous globalization.

no he's jewish and one said the goyim will laugh at their own demise.

I love him, just finished watching Black Adder S1E1 like 10 minutes ago.

Please, please, he represents the British spirit.

That was a great show.

Black adder was objectively superior to Mr bean desu senpai

crack a gay muslim joke in a european country and find out

hey kike, i head you've been making shekels on interest again

bam, prison in 4/5ths of Europe

She should brush her hair