Hey there, I don't usually go here. Instead I browse /ic/ and /u/

Hey there, I don't usually go here. Instead I browse /ic/ and /u/
I got a request on /u/ to draw a Nazi fucking a jew, so I drew pic related and posted it in both /u/ and /ic/. But it seemed to trigger a lot of people, including the /u/ mods.
I was accused of being a Sup Forumsfag and told that it belonged here.

So what do you guys think? Am I a Sup Forumsfag? Does this belong here?

yeah but you should still be banned for lack political related post, cool drawfagging though

Keep at it and you can be the next Shadman.

Yes, people with no sense of humor will think that's grievously offensive, which is unthinkable on Sup Forums, so you clearly belong here.

You should be absolutely ashamed

This is an unacceptable haircut for an SS-Totenkopfverbände


Probably m8, definitely belongs here

The nose of that jew is too small, you need more practice.

nice job

I actually like shadman so ill take that as a compliment

Is that 2 women or 2 men?

Hey man,you have a niche and you gotta use it.There are many poltards that would like to see nazi porn.Draw nazis (absolutely arian;blue eyes,fair hair,sometimes masculine sometimes less,like on that pic) fucking blacks jews and such.You know the domination stuff.Makes no-nos go happy,you dig?Set up an patreon or some other shit,and participate on pol,while posting those pictures.Do this for a month,people will recognise you,you know your own cliche.

Quick pill to accomodate to Sup Forums

We hate jews commies and lefties.
We love Trump guns nazis,masculinity and Such.Always Ask for a quick bogpill if you see big chinned guys face.

I like it

>have a niche and you gotta use it.There are many poltards that would like to see nazi porn.Draw nazis (absolutely arian;blue eyes,fair hair,sometimes masculine sometimes less,like on that pic) fucking blacks jews and such.You know the domination stuff.Makes no-nos go happy,you dig?Set up an patreon or some other shit,and participate on pol,while posting those pictures.Do this for a month,people will recognise you,you know your own cliche.
really, could this be my niche? I don't wanna spam Sup Forums with my porn tho

I like Shad too and I meant it as a compliment. His edgy stuff is his best work.

The only decent thing he's ever done was to troll the fuck out of Smash Mouth
other than that he's in line for delousing

two girls, its from /u/

I know they look a bit androgynous, but I like it like that~

Also remember,many people like breeding and rape fantasies.Acommodate to that,set up an scenario in your head.Amazonian Forest,tribe with beatifull women and men with sticks.There comes a nazi KILLIN all the Men,rapin and breedin their women.Women is submissive of course,taking it all up,happy even.Draw that scene,just go full shadman without the gayality.He likes anal stuff and such,the degenerate part of sex.Be like a good sided shadman,heck even contact him be a secound spaz kid.Gotta start from somewhere rite?

Also remember me when you do start with this shit.A good ol trusty pirate.Im a cunt,I dont like to pay for things,so take my worthy advices as an payment for premium stuff.

Just remember the password:BZP.Even if some poltards use it,how many gonna do this?4?5?

Look up the artwork and post history of Mike the Malaysian who draws Christ-chan comics and do the exact opposite of everything he does.

Ben Garrison hated us until he realized we were on his side and his "friends" had been stabbing him in the back. He gets a ton of donations and paid commission drawings from Sup Forums as well.

if you can be shadman without the pedo shit you can make some dosh here

You dont have to,people will after some time.Just make some mem-ish kind of shit,something that people will post like kike imaginery.Draw a scenę where a long nosed woman with curly hair is raped hy a nazi,whose face is covered by his cap.Make the nazi say something catchy like ,,bamboozld" so when there is a win for Sup Forums they will post this as a meme.Be wary of what is happening in world,just like shadman.A left win politician lost to right one?Prop up a scene and draw it.Something like a fusion between ben garrison and shadman.

The Jew isn't Anne Frank, so yes, you are a Sup Forumsfag.


And remember,the only thing that you need is consistency.It wont be like snal here is your succes.Be persisten in what you do,post regulary,react to what is happening right now.Mayweather versus mcgregor?Make them women and make them fight on będzie with pillows,nude.That is spammable on pol.

/u/ is pretty comfy

>Draw that scene,just go full shadman without the gayality.
well I probably wont drop the gayality, but I get what you're saying. Be and offensive edgy little shit.
Everyone here is surprisingly kind.
And I will remember you, user!

If you really want to trigger them redraw pic-related.

become /ourdrawfag/ and help us redpill normies.

Change it to anal vore and combine it with that king fu high school clip where the girl sucks a guy's head into her vagina and uses the cunt of the north star to crush his skull with her vaginal contractions
you could call it the Analconda maybe

Naw, the "Swallocaust" really rustled degenerate jimmies, if I could draw I'd do it.
t. /d/egenerate

you have to non consensually fuck women that claims to be "lesbian" straight.

>I got a request on /u/ to draw a Nazi fucking a jew
gib link

Also gib higher resolution. I want to read that map in the background.
>Alemania Nazi

>I actually like shadman
holy fuck


Fuck I don't know how to link to another thread I'm retarded

The other board's non-crossposting anons are retarded.
They amputate every part of their board they fear, and send it here.

No wonder Sup Forums became a fucking behemoth with generalized contempt for brainwashed liberals and normalfags.
As alwais, these faggots created their worse enemy.

I wanna fug a girl who is an IRL Rosianna Rabbit

Petty, narcissistic, suicidal, vain, gross, slutty, and made out of soft lumps.


like the nip said,don't be like maldraw
>pic related

The tits are too high.The bottom of the jew's tits should be below the top of her right hand.

Disregard that, the bottom of the right tit should be slightly above the top of the right hand.