The Boomer Question

Are you woke on the BBQ?

How do we tackle this issue?

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We should euthanize every last Boomer immediately. They are the most worthless generation in the history of Western civilization.

...and we should destroy Harley Davidson and all of those stupid motorcycles too. They should be melted down to make Luger's for the officers of the 4th Reich.

Do you hate freedom?

wish you were here was a good enough album to redeem pink floyd from all the dad-rock bs that has plagued them.

unfortunately we are going to have to wait this one out. The boomers will get old and die and as soon as they do our chance to rebuild the government will arise.

This article is so fucking hilarious

And the first fucking comment
>We built everything you done got!

It makes me laugh every time I realize that we've all had the same experiences with boomers. That drawing could easily be my faggot father-in-law or anyone else's intellectually-lazy, narcissistic boomer dad.

Oh, and the women are almost all shallow hoarders.


>back when we had a 90% white country we weren't on the brink of race war constantly

what a surprise

Although I doubt that's true considering the blacks were still burning down cities in the 1960s and in the 1970s-80s the country was dangerous and crime ridden as shit

Yeah but at least it was still pretty socially-acceptable to say you didn't want to be around those blacks, nor were you expected to want to.

Back then, white flight was an option

Now, federal government demands that minorities must be forced into white neighbourhoods. That's the problem.

America needs freedom. Discrimination laws are an infringement on the right to freely associate.

>that we've all had the same experiences with boomers

Well they're all very similar people

They were born into a system that gave them everything and then rebelled against it and destroyed it. Ever since then they've had to try and justify what they did, and it gets increasingly pathetic as the years go by.

that would be racist

and racism was banned by the bill of rights (or something) just ask any boomer

There's an easy way to reach world peace you just have to drop some acid and have an orgy or something. Also adopt worldwide communism.

I've noticed that one thing young Americans can agree on whether they're on the left or on the right is that we aren't big fans of Boomers. The perspectives on 'why' differ, with those of us on the right saying what you said, and I think those on the left are mostly just trying to rebel against their neocon Boomer parents and missing the historical context that we see.

>this is what boomers actually believe


T. Boomer


>1968 to 2018

hmm, remind me guys: around what time in American history did wages begin to stagnate while the debt started to rise, causing the nation to begin its economic decline?

The left hates the boomers because the boomers ultimately abandoned racial equality and communism, world peace, no borders, etc, at least for themselves.

the 1970s crime wave resulted in a huge backlash to the hippy movement. The same boomers that spent 1969 on acid and railing against the system became "law and order" anti drug executes in the 1980s. They continued drug use (obviously) but started to pay lip service to international globalism/neoliberalism. By 1991 and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the same country boomers were convinced would inherit the earth, almost every boomer was a neoliberal globalist. Socially "liberal" but more than willing to allow international finance dominate the entire world as long as it meant they could get a reverse mortgage easier.

Sure they're willing to destroy the world and dismantle global capitalism, patriarchy, the white race, etc, just not right now. They have to enjoy retirement first.

* anti drug executives

And yes Boomers also spent the 80s snorting cocaine despite telling Gen Xers to "say no to drugs"

There's a fun scene in Back to the Future (1985) that shows how even back then they admit the world had gone to shit in a few short years.

the 1955 is an ideal wealthy white small town, but by the mid 1980s it's already full of crime, blight, poverty, recession, etc

>1968 to 2018
>the denigration of marriage with 50% divorce rates
>wide spread sexual degeneracy was normalized - leading to the AIDS crisis
>legalization of abortion - tens of millions of babies murdered
>judenification of the financial system
>the elite shifted from the WASPs who for all their faults genuinely cared about America to the Jews a bunch of cosmopolitan Israel-firsters
>mass immigration from the third world to western countries
>shipping of good factory jobs overseas
>they let 9/11 happen
>war in Iraq
>2008 financial crisis

yeah I think we would have been fine without them

I want to hear from other people with boomer parents. How would you describe your parents? I've noticed there were mostly 2 boomer parenting styles: helicopter parent or totally irresponsible and self-centered. What was your experience?

I seriously can't tell if this is satire. I mean, I think most of Sup Forums wants to go back to the 40's or 50's. Boomers did nothing but build a steaming pile of shit, national debt, and Marxism.

my parents keep giving me numbers of their friends offering me a job, i call them and they deny me the job and then my parents complain that im not taking the offers

I made a chant for demonstrations ..




Don't forget the crime rate/drug epidemic

People have already forgotten how the leftist soft crime policies of the 1970s-80s resulted an explosion of crime.

My Dad was a carpet installer. He worked really hard and provided but he was TERRIBLE with saving any money or planning for the future. He seriously didnt believe in saving money at all. My mom got addicted to internet chat rooms in the 90s and quit her cushy job with benefits to sit online all day. Eventually she had a mid life crisis and left my Dad and her family to chase a bunch of men on the internet. Im a rare case of being raised by a single father.

totally irresponsible and self-centered helicopter parent. and a single mother.

still love her though.

My mother and her boyfriend are retarded evangelicals that watch Alex Jones religiously.

My dad is a business owner that just makes it through the day and does his own thing. I was raised by him alone and he never really understood or cared to learn about parenting.

Your story reminds me of someone I knew in high school whose mom got addicted to Final Fantasy 11 online and it tore the whole family apart

You would be surprised how many families were torn apart by internet access. I knew alot of boomer and gen X women who were zombified by computer screens.

We'll keep Velvet Underground, Beefheart, Red Krayola, and a couple others.

You can have the rest of whatever other garbage you "created and developed," thanks.

Boomers haven't built shit, we're still using 1960s homes and infrastructure in CA. Worthless fucking generation.

Both came from middle class families and smart (supposedly). My old man was a drug addict and my mom was basically the tv mom from requiem for a dream. Both liberals and both thwarted our extended families attempts to give us kids a good life out of their own selfishness. both died broke and my siblings and I are still trying to become respectable people and not on the edge of poverty but the world hates white people so...

Their motto: you can be whatever you want to be if you try hard enough, and do unto others. muh butt.

Why is narcissism and hoarding so prevalent with that generation? There is an area of town where you can just tell they're all hoarders.

Their dilapidated brains probably think of the explosion of technological advancements and internet. Of course they neglect that all of this was ignored by the average person and only imapcted industry until businesses started adopting PCs and only then did the average person have any interest in the internet and computers.

>All this millennial and gen Z asshurt
Caricature boomer, idpol is garbage whether it comes from whites, blacks, mexicans or whoever. You guys need to learn to respect your elders, Sup Forums could've been avoided if parents were allowed to hit their children like back in my day.

*Caricature boomer is right

Boomers are very strange, they are drones -- not unlike any previous generation, for example their parents who are drones as well, but they had strong beliefs in pride of people and country, so they built shit, cared more deeply of their culture and nation. Boomers are drones, but more of a "I am going to get what is mine" mentality, so many boomers just did nothing but sit on a couch and watch TV, it's insane. I don't know many boomers who care at all about the country or it's people, only in shallow platitudes.

i think you're missing the point of the image

Spoken like someone who didn't kick off the computer revolution. Boomers are badass.

Boomers don't care enough about their children or country to hit them, "to make it better". Sup Forums is unironically similar to the boomer's parents, strongly believing in our people and the nation. Seems like millennials should be the ones doing the hitting, until boomers decide they should grow the fuck up.

literally nobody thinks this.

Boomers care about spiderman movies and LGBTQ rights. They are the opposite of badass.

>did nothing but sit on a couch and watch TV
Greatest didn't have tv
Boomers did this
X did this
Millenials had the net

Problem found

>Sup Forums is unironically similar to the boomer's parents, strongly believing in our people and the nation. S
>Sup Forums is similar to my left-leaning grandparents who fought against the Axis in WWII
rrrriiiiiigghhht lmao

>le buttmad boomer epicly troles /pole/
please fuck off back to facebook

A very tiny amount of people worked hard to promote computers.

The vast majority of Boomers rejected computers initially because the TV satisfied their desire to sit around and waste time after a day of working for their corporate masters and consuming products.

Computers only became popular after the Boomer's corporate masters saw the benefit of computers in business. Only then did Boomers realise they could use the computer to consume more corporate products and fill their life with useless entertainment to the fill the void left by a complete lack of accomplishments.

You can tell that there are people with boomer parents in the thread because they dont fall for the bait.

>left-leaning grandparents

Facebook is quickly become the old people's home of the internet, isn't it Sup Forums?

A vast majority of the ones I supported in my Help Desk days were so fucking clueless on the basics of PCs even in 2008. They were surpassed by tech so quickly.

bro he said "respect your elders" and "back in my day" all in the same post.

>muh grandparents fought for a world without Nazis!
>could you imagine a future where you would be speaking German!!!
Typical boomer

>melt down anachronistic motorcycles to make anachronistic guns

My mom was born in 1955 and never learned to use a computer. I even bought her a laptop two years ago and she's never even opened it. She can use her android smartphone semi-okay though so it's not like she couldn't learn, she's just lazy. My whole childhood I heard all about her grand plans to "go to school to learn the computer" and the first dozen or so times I got my hopes up thinking,"hey, maybe she could get a decent job and we wouldn't be ridiculously poor!", but it never happened. I became an emancipated minor at 17 after things got much, much worse and now I'm married with a nice life while she is still broke and living off welfare/disability.

Dad was never there, mom was insane helicopter lunatic. However they both thought ensuring your kids had good material conditions was all parenting was.

>"i showed up to your sports practice so you owe me, even though i know you don't give a fuck if i show up or not, because you know it's a thinly disguised way to get emotional leverage over you. now help me do insane and unnecessary house cleaning bullshit for a house that doesn't have any visitors because i'm unbearable" --my parents

You think they would have figured something was wrong when I started stealing alcohol and amphetamines and hacking school computers.

>you need to fix your attitude
>i don't get it, why don't you do something productive
>why aren't you taking school seriously

Gee, I dunno, maybe because you wouldn't let me skip grades when i asked to after i got 90th percentile SAT scores when I was 8 and I spent years coming home and crying in the bathroom because i was so bored and hated school so much.

Rorty, Facault, Derrida, Dworkin, beatniks. Thank you boomers for discovering and popularizing these wonderful authors.

Mom was a neurotic nigress, dad I only saw he wee-end because he had another family (wife and son).

When I confronted him about it, he told me that it was something that a lot of people did and it was nothing to get worked up over.

That's the day I understood that boomers have no morals and got everything handed to them on a silver platter.

My Mom and Dad met in the Air Force. When She was young, she was far more motivated, but then divorced my father because "He was never here!" He was 20 years older than her and was busy trying to support my family, but that was never enough.
Fast forward 15 years, and she became a hoarder. Clothing from dead relatives, excessive furniture. I grew up never being allowed to use a closet.
She remarried and I have a younger brother out it. We talk often about when she passes away, that we will have to spend weeks getting arid of all the stocked up shit.

Why is that injun crying trails of paint?

the elders I respect is my grandpa that fought in ww2 for the US and my great grandpa that fought ww1 for the germans
not my cunt dad who was born late then turned into an immaculated cunt by my libtard mom

That was a lot of words to say absolutely nothing


The boomers are arguably the main problem. Demanding cuckservative policies so they can be as comfy as possible.

But talking to them is like talking to a brick.

yet you lose the republican vote