Why are whites so inferior?

I hate being white.

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you forgot to post boxing related photo faggot.

There is a way out for you

>posts picture of a jewish actor from a tv show about jewish people in new york
>in a thread about white people

Thats cute but..

Because we allow ourselves to be guilt tripped too easily and let others take advantage.

Fucking nigger ref

wH*tes = subhumans

White skin is a disease, a mutation.

It will be bred out by the superior race. No amount of ebola, hiv, genocide can stop the superior black race.

I've seen 3 women with mixed baby in stroller.

Whiteboys stay at home posting on Sup Forums, attending bern rallies, fapping, while the superior bbc race conquers the streets.

Wake the fuck up, who do you think voted in the superior black cocks into the country? Women. They hate white men and soon they will openly show it, by having interracial sex openly. Once the evil constraints of white society, beauracracy, is broken down, women can finally stop suppressing their natural urges, and have groupsex openly, with as many black men as they want.

Realize women would rather be the 4th meathole for an african conquerer, than be asked for a date by another pasty white boy like yourself.


no you hate being a faggot

>conquers the streets.
how is the street life treating ya?

I don't care what anyone says, Seinfeld is better than the garbage comedies out today. They weren't afraid to make fun of things. Even one of their episodes is banned from TV because of a bunch of pissed off long legged Puerto Ricans and proto-SJWs. They offend pretty much every race and never get preachy. Its a breath. Of fresh air to watch today.

OP hates being white, I hate being only 52% white.

What? White women overwhelming voted Trump even after all his sexual assault bullshit. I live in TX. Every time I go to the store I see shit tons of white kids with white parents running around, a lot of them blonde, just like my daughter. Are you some kind of cuck or some shit? Your fantasy doesn't equal reality faggot.

>Mayweather wins


too easy too influence, whites have always been trying to fit in to whatever group they see in TV and movies. from clothing to music to ideas and values white people are a blank canvas where you can paint whatever you want, the few that have some sort of self (uninfluenced) identity and are not even proud of it are constantly being
brainwashed into forgetting it and not only that but to feel ashamed of it and the ones that are proud of being white proud of being of a particular nationality, proud of having a rich and prosperous history or proud of the achievements of their respective civilizations are demonized and made into public enemies.

but here is the problem they are too easy to brainwash and manipulate, most people who oppose this bull, still fall for the identity politics, and or support controlled opposition. The Only Way To Fix This Is By Going Against The Establishment Both Democrat And Republican As They Are One And The Same


I've seen a woman with a mixed child grow instantly depressed seeing three blondes run past their parents. The toll is inevitable.

As for you...clean up your own streets and stop being the race most prone to abusing your women. Mayweather was not immune to his nigger impulses.

Then again, niggers are a step up from nigresses from being abuses. At least you hold that mantle.

>when the only good post in the thread is a fucking leaf

I also hate being white

>inb4 nigger larper jew

Nope. White people should be exterminated, coming from a former nazi.

How do I get a black gf bros?


wtf when did taylor swift appear on seinfield

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Nanny mercilessly beats toddler

You forgot that we live in Australia cunt and your kind are all seen as subhumans

>Why are whites so inferior?

Let's examine blacks:

>Lowest SAT scores
>Lowest GPA
>Lowest median income
>Lowest IQ
>Highest high school drop out rate
>Highest college drop out rate
>Highest unemployment rate
>Highest welfare useage
>Highest crime rate
>Highest homicide rate
>Highest incarceration rate
>Highest amount of sexually transmitted diseases
>Highest erectile dysfunction rate
>72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock

Feel better about yourself now?

I hate whites like you too user


this is a breath of fresh air right here.

White need to be eradicated from this planet.

Only trannies have a gap. Give me a thick black woman with thighs. Anything less is faggotry.

Most users on this site would glady take all those negatives, and way more, if it meant being tall/built/handsome and most importantly, hung.

>still thinks that Australia is a white state

Enjoy rich Wang's dick

Why would you hatee to be as glorious, with culture, history, aesthetics as we are?

Everyone one of those pussy white boys would get destroyed by any nigger you find. They are just better than us.

Go to Walmart, & be white. Um, that's pretty much it. They want your genes, & generally better stability. Source? Straight from many black women's own mouths I've heard or read.

Like this


AHAHHAHA self hating cuck fuck off back to plebbit

If "muh dick" is really what you value, then you may as well be a nigger at heart.

Do you really think that portuguese fasciist militias of the 30's or the italian ones or the german ones, were the modern portuguese, italian or german cucks of today? you have no much ideia.

>nazis are weak
>which is why it took a seven nation army to stop them
For an unfair fight, they did better than expected

While it's true that black people have denser muscle mass, but all humans have the same weak points. We might lack the lack of empathy that they carry via the MAOA-L gene and they might come back for a group attack (if their group isn't already present), but the central line still exists. Not to mention the knee caps, fingers, ETC. Yes, it is sad that the average white male has declined with subversion, but skill can be taught. Intelligence and empathy not so much.

said the abo

>I hate being white.
Self loathing are the WORST peoples.
You have so much and complain?
You're a stain on the collective consciousness. Go play on a highway.

I love white men. Their skin tone. Their hair. I love brown and blue eyes. I like their huge cocks in my throat too. White men can be strong, dominate, a natural leader and a good father. White man let's me travel with him to different places and take cute pics together. Not to mention have tons of money to spoil his bitch with.

Sorry youre not like that OP