For most of my life I've had issues with gender dysphoria, and they've only grown with time. At this point I'd be lying to myself if I said I wasn't trans.
Obviously however, this is a problem because being a trannie is simple degeneracy
My question for Sup Forums is, how do I overcome this mental illness without diving further into degeneracy by trying to become a woman?
Don't go asking the drunks and card players in your local internet saloon.
Easton Bennett
Seek psychological help. Focus on testosterone boosting activities, foods, etc. Religion. I do believe I read about a medication or something other than 120 volts that helped people with gender dysphoria become more normal.
Jaxon Watson
Your war is a spiritual war; and /x/ is busy with skinwalkers and other irrelevant shit. Here's an idea. Run with it.
Run with it until you reach a point where you say to yourself "THIS SHIT HAS TO STOP!". And you'll figure it out from there.
If you don't reach that point; so what? Ideology does give a shit about gender. And think; you'd be the world's first transgender Nazi.
Isaiah Edwards
Killing yourself might solve the problem
Chase Green
>world's first transgender nazi You obviously have never stumbled across Tumblr my friend.
Brody Taylor
Being trans is ok. You shouldn't be ashamed.
James Morgan
I think this is a troll post from /bant/ because they are so asshurt about being reminded that they are Sup Forums's bitch earlier.
Luke Peterson
I've had gender identity problems off and on. But realize there is no way to transform you into the opposite sex. Frankensteining your genitalia doesnt do anything except mutilate you. Work from there
Brayden Lopez
Thank you, anons I'm gonna start getting into lifting, hopefully that'll help. That being said, should I see a psychologist/psychiatrist, or go down the therapy route? Also I've been kinda avoiding this since many of them will just push for going forward with HRT and SRS
That's the thing though, attempt was appreciated, but it's a slippery slope you can't ever climb back up
That's a conclusion I've reached, even if I'm somehow convinced to accept it SRS is WAY out of the question.