Give me one good reason why we shouldn’t allow these war machines in the military Pol?

>Works out daily.
>Perfect body. Takes care of xerself.
>Tougher and stronger than the average Sup Forums poster.
>Willing to defend our country and die for it.
>A positive influence in society and for your children. A role model that they can look up to.

So tell me Pol, why are we against them joining the military?

They don't exist

"Pol" Begone, Thot

>absolutely no stamina
>lacks agility required
>40% suicide rate being given a gun in a high pressure situation
>has to stretch their infected inverted dick hole daily
Just that last one is good enough. Can you imagine Bruce Jenner out in enemy territory shoving a medical dildo device in it's open wound while keeping watch?


Who is this beauty?

I think the USA should authorize shit tons more mercenary companies to operate in foreign countries. You want American boots keeping the peace in your third world shit hole then pay for it.
If some of those mercenary company want to employ traps. So be it. (pic related)That said you are fucking DEGENERATE. Keep your shit behind closed doors or throw it in the face of Muslims as you murder jihadis for the jews. Keep it out of the main stream I don't want you contaminating anyone's children with your fucking body dysphoria mind virus.
You don't help anorexics and bulimics lose weight do you? DEGENERATE.

you are retarded if you think (((bodybuilders))) are fit for the military.

As an added bonus I think that it makes for a nice surprise for when they are captured and the enemy wants to rape them. Don't you think?

I only see positives for allowing them in the military.

They can't pass the drug test.