Why are you allowed to be a citizen of Israel and be in public office?
And they complain about RUSSIAN interference?
I fucking hate jews so much.
>the problem is allegiance to Russia goy, turn against your fellow whites
>pay no attention to dual Israeli citizens in government who control your military like a mercenary force to make more space for their cousins while you foot the bill
Really activates those almonds
Hungarians have it because of Trianon
I have just checked most of them.
They are all Jews but none of them hold Israeli citizenship.
Which is interesting because there are definitely some that hold Israeli citizenship.
Is this a new kind of disinformation?
Why wouldn't you be? The qualifications for public office are in the US Constitution. Doesn't say anything about dual citizenship. And it would be pretty dumb if it did. Think about it. An anti-Israel candidate is running for office. The knesset passes an act granting him citizenship. Now he can't hold office.
He doesn't have to accept citizenship
Are you a disinformation shill OP?
nope this is all factual the fact you didnt prove any evidence suggesting the information was wrong indicates you're mentally retarded and should kill yourself.
There is no proof that Schumer and Wasserman Schultz are Israeli citizens.
>He doesn't have to accept citizenship
That's not how citizenship works. Your fundamental error here is that you think American constitutional eligibility should be based on whether or not a foreign country grants someone citizenship. It isn't.
If you wanted to argue someone should be disqualified from office for exercising foreign citizenship, that's different. It's still unconstitutional, but at least it's based on the conduct of the office seeker, and not the conduct of a foreign government.
Ok I'll concede seems like you def know what you're talking about.
One would need to renounce. Period. The onus is on the office seeker. To lead others think otherwise is disingenuous at best.
You are being antisemitic
kill yourself.
Holy fuck they are all democrats
>gas yourself.
>the problem is allegiance to Russia goy, turn against your fellow whites
First of all: Russians are not white, they are ugrofinnic ergo asian.
Secondly: A lot of Russian Duma parliament member also has Israeli passports. The same in Ukraine, btw. They probably keep it in case if they had to evacuate to a safe place with stolen money
Famous Russian opera singer Maria Maksakova, who is also a member of Duma, said in the "Echo of Moscov" radiostation (who is also run mainly by Jews btw) that _majority_ of Russian parliament members have dual Russian-Israeli citizenship
I don't trust poles they're kike sympathizers
I give you links to legal Russian sources, dude. Use google translator if you don't believe me
>Steve Israel
It is a joke right?
this. kikes must die
>Maria Maksakova
Quite an interesting story actually. She was a deputat (United Russia) since 2011, then she fled to Ukraine with her husband, also deputat (Kommunist Party, later was infamously killed in Kiev). And then all of the sudden turns out she does have German passport, which makes her entire career in Duma illegal. Yes, it's illegal to have dual citizenship for elected officials here. Now the point is, how and why nobody in Duma "noticed" that earlier.
You must know history to understand the presence. Back then when Hitler attacked Poland, German nazis began to organize all our Jews in ghettos and closing them in them. They created hundreds ghettos all over Poland where practically 100% of our Jewish population was pushed into. Some of Jews, especially those who lived near Ribbentrop-Molotov line managed to escape to Soviet Union though. Jews who were happy enough to live on the eastern side of this line didn't have to be worried about their lives because soviets weren't hostile to them, except those Polish Jews who were classified as "capitalists": owners of shops, various businesses, factories and so on: they were being sent by soviets in train cars to Siberia, along with hundreds of thousands of Poles. The fact is that a lot of Jews, especially those impoverished ones - and such Jews were always vast majority in Poland - decided to collaborate with soviets and join soviet parties, structures, armies and officer squads. Those Jews were also responsible for sending hundreds of thousands of Poles to Siberia in 1939-1941 period, that's why it created a lot of anti-Jewish feelings amongst Polish peasantry in this region, that later backfired after 1941 when nazis attacked Soviet Union: you surely heard about pogrom in Jedwabne and so on.
So, my point is that Hitler didn't manage to conquer whole Russia. His offensive was broken, that's why he didn't have a chance to kill all Jews on territory of Russian mainland, like he did in Poland after Wansee Conference in 1942: he was murdering them for 3 years, while in Russia such industrial genocide was impossible to establish. Nazis were only killing Jews from time to time in Einsatzgruppen executions and thanks to local collaborants.
In result most of Jews in Soviet Union survived the war, because Hitler was defeated by Red Army. Soviet Union had around 3 mln Jews before 1939. After 1945 it still had around 1,5 mln
Because christcucks are called christcucks for a reason. They let jews do anything, including fucking our country as they watch.
And to the point where she says about israeli citizens in Duma. In her interview to Echo
she correctly points out that there is absolutely no legal way to terminate Israeli citizenship. It's simply impossible. Now, this law that forbids dual citizeship was in place since 2006, and if what she says about other deputats is true (although frankly i think both she and her former allies lie all the time), then it's huge, because the laws turns out to be nothing more than a tool to oust certain politicians deemed to be disloyal to Putin as jewish agents. However i haven't heard of any case when this tool was used.
Israeli passport is very convenient if you are are a criminal or a politician with wealth being kept offshore. If situation begins to deteriorate, you can always escape to Israel, and nobody will touch you there. Well, Russia kind of became a "neighbour" of Israel lately, but this state has a nuclear weapon, so i doubt that Russia would try to do smth stupid.
Fuck, you have a lot of Jews there, and only one is a Democrat. American politics is becoming a lot clearer now.
Because the USA is a Jewish colony just like the British empire was
Fuel Air Bomb couldn't do that?
>so i doubt that Russia would try to do smth stupid
Literally no actual reason to start some shit because of few rich escapees. It happens all the time.
>Israeli passport is very convenient if you are are a criminal or a politician with wealth being kept offshore.
Don't know about that part. I can imagine better options. However if you are ethnic jew, then yes, it comes handy should you become unwelcome in your country.
>Holy fuck they are all democrats
Funny thing is that Israelis hate democrats, they consider them as traitors who want to destroy Israel and bow down to muslims. Currently zionists see a hope in republicans again, who only give a lip service to Israel, but are not Jewish themselves.
Pallyposting in a homoerotic thread
Why do we allow pedos to hold positions in DC? Make stupid decisions, win stupid prizes.
Literal subhuman products of incest
Do you have any proof that even one of them is a citizen of Israel?
After 1400 years of inbreeding, they are no longer human
Only canadians and faggots hate Israel
i loled hard
Only canadians and faggots like Israel
You can google either arab inbreeding or muslim inbreeding
It's a legitimate question mate. You made a claim so present your evidence
Its a "fuck your sister for racial purity" type deal
Its no wonder naziboos like these pieces of shit
Stormweenies, correctly, self identify as untermenschen
Jews play the role of ubermenschen
Remember that meme when White men told jews to get the fuck on the train? Wait, that wasn't a meme.
I hear your streets are filled with the unemployed, your beaches filled with used needles. Can you confirm?
I dont believe the Holocaust. Stalin had not yet purged the Jews from the Party
I don't know how it works in the States and in Israel, but in Europe there are countries where you can lose your dual citizenship if you serve another country in any kind of public office.
His parents were close relatives his skin is the colour of a freshly laid turd, hes poor
israel will fall
> sandnigger detected
"Hot damn, things seem to be heating up here in America, better go back to lair in Israel and think up a plan"
It's like something in 60's batman lmao
Gnight, unironic Jew worshippers
In years 1990-1999 Russia was ruled by so called 'semya' (family): a mafia-like society circle consisted mostly of Jews. It was also a period when Poland had "the best" relations with Russia, because these guys cared only about money and giving out Russia for foreign exploitation. They didn't care about developing Russian potential and regaining of former soviet influence. Campaign in Chechnya that was begun by Yeltzin was made only because they were afraid of disintegration of Russia and full chaos that it could create, but it wasn't dictated by imperialistic doctrine. Some guys from the 'semya' managed to persuade Yeltzin to change Russian national anthem to "Patriotic song" by Michail Glinka. This song didn't have any lyrics, so Russians basically stood like retards looking in front of themselves when the anthem was played, without uttering even one word. And now funny thing: this anthem was based on a Polish religious song that was played many times during anti-Russian events in earlier centuries.
Unfortunately in 2000 Putin took power. Everybody from the 'semya' thought that he is fully controlable and will be a humble servant, just like he served Sobczak by carring his bags. But Putin managed to kick out 'semya' from power and replaced them with other group: "silovniki" : mainly Putin's friends from KGB times. Russia-boos say that "Putin removed thieves and stopped corruption", which is not entirely true. 'Silovniki' came to power with a slogan: "ok, guys, you are stealing here alone, but you forgot about us, we want to steal too". The thing that differs 'silovniki' from 'semya' is a fact that they care about growing Russia's military and political potential to secure their power in the country to paranoid levels: and that's why Poland doesn't like them anymore as much as we liked 'semya' :(