Just a reminder Sup Forums Israel is an illegitimate State
Choosing between towelheads and kikes is like shooting your foot or your hand.
Palestenians are basically white dude.
You could say the same about the kikes.
And look at how well that worked out for us.
t. newfag
No, man, the Jews love this image; they can't to this and compare Palestinians to the Nazis.
oh. ok.
Hitler was RIGHT!
lmao nah. only in ur dreams.
Sorry man, I haven't slept in about 40 hours
I meant to say:
No, man, the Jews love this image; they can point to this and compare Palestinians to the Nazis.
Okay, just remember this when Israel rules over the fragmented arab states, the Kurds March against Iran and India is at war with Pakistan.
How will Israel do anything when the Rothschilds lose their power over us?
>Israel is an illegitimate state
>Israel is dissolved (because, you know, it's an illegitimate state)
>Palestine ends up evenly split between Jews and Muslims
>Gaza still refuses to accept Palestinian Authority rule
wew lad
okay necro
You can do nothing goy.
sit down goy
By this definition wouldn't palestine be an even less legitimate state?
gas yourself.
.... and Palestine is no state at all.
for now.......
What a well thought out response.
Palestine doesn't exist.
It will soon enough.
that webm doesn't represent anything. Trump looks tired there.
The guy in the screenshot is infected by the goy disease,dont worry we will fix that
Just a reminder that I don't give a fuck what you call us I'm still living comfortably on your conquered land.
Not for long.
You know, I don't believe you. Life here is just getting better and our enemies are only getting more fractured and weak.
EL-ite. kys.
Who fucking cares about Israel besides middle-easterns and US political establishment? The International jew is much more problematic.
Kill all jews.
LOL how is posting a radically pro Israel president is helping your argument? This dude is going to help us BTFO the Palis when they refuse the peace talks again.
Because you only see the surface. What he wants you to see kike.
He lost 100s of friends in 9/11 and you will pay with your sovereignity.
Obviously the jews are to blame for 9/11 right?
The mossad did everything.
Osama Bin Laden was a jewish doll.
Just like the media.
U mad kike?
Nah,just curios about your opinion
The delusion is amazing. Yeah, Trump is a literal nazi, he's gonna go the kikes for your lazy ass.
Since when Bush is an Israeli? Your govt did this, if anything he purges American kikes.
kys jews are pure evil.
look how stupid you people look.
Saw this video before you've discovered Sup Forums faggot. And we're not Jews, we're Israelis :^) the Jews you've described are hated here as well.
Everybody here hates religious Jews idiot. I love how obvious it is you have zero idea what you're talking about.
if you're not religious you're not entitled to the land. kys.
The opposite is true, seculars were the fighting force and religious kikes are leeches. I don't need you to agree with me that I have a claim, I already own it. I have the same claim whites have on America.
Rothschild is your daddy.
>Just a reminder Sup Forums Israel is an illegitimate State Anonymous (ID: /gnJ5m/k) 08/27/17(Sun)02:40:53 No.13920
A country owning nuclear warheads, one of the most secretive intelligence agencies ever and that fought off massive coalitions of nations shortly after its first government formed is illegtimate. Wew.
No you're not, Abdul.
Yup, life is still safe and chill.
>caring if a state is "legitimate" or not
absolute cucks the lot of you, we need a 0 state "solution"
Wrong flag. If Israel is illegitimate, then its British clay.
city of london will fall.
All sand niggers must die
Choose one
hitler was right
kill all jews
Only mudshits are triggered by this
fuck off kike
oy vey he has an Israeli flag, what's a proxy?
>what's Samson option
Kys lebbo, and your entire mouth breathing family
Mohammad - "fucking your first cousins is good"
Arabs - "we on it"
Just a reminder that the last thing the world needs is another goddamn Muslim nation! We should be giving Israel the green light to genocide every single Muslim within a thousand miles of Jerusalem.
The only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian!
More legitimate then the never existed palestine.
What % of Israeli Jews are leftist, pro-homo nuts, etc? Serious question, not trolling.
Tel Aviv basically, that's about it. A little in Haifa and some rich fags. All things considered, right wing supremacy is assured.
I cannot wait for the next war in gaza. I pray for high five figure casualties, early six
Exactly. The lefty tears when these rodents get genocided are delicious
>literal mind blown
No one considers your Koran authoritative except for you. I think there's enough Muslim countries already. You people are not unique or special in any way, except that you've managed to get dumb leftists to feel sorry for you.
ITT: kikes coming to their defence because they're being called out
To the victor goes the spoils
Arabs lost time and time again and have been reduced to killing each other.
>Israelis are being outbred by Arab jews.
We need a Hollywood movie about this
I'm bored
this thread shouldn't die
I will always stay Pro Israel and Pro Israel, fuck you clerical fascists, Palestinians should go back to Jordania or Egypt
Unironically this
All semitic religions are the same crap