Help me pick my vacation Sup Forums

I want to take a 1 or 2 week vacation to somewhere incredibly scenic (not city scenic, nature scenic). The population being redpilled or shitlib doesn't really matter as I'll probably be in rural areas mostly where more will be conservative anyway. I should let you know I love mountains, but if I have to I can give them up for other beautiful and awe-inspiring shit. Very clear skies are also appealing (not much starlight in burgerland) Safety shouldn't be a big issue unless the place is really dangerous.

Four countries ranked in order of likelihood I'll go:
1. Chile (would probably rent a car and drive from the northern part to the southern tip, stopping as I go)
2. Tanzania (yes there's nogs, but if I pretend I'm a european who's come and conquered the beautiful land like the old imperialists did it will all be fine, would mostly see serengeti and consider kilimanjaro)
3. New Zealand (haven't researched a ton yet so info is nice)
4. Australia (would probably be mostly Queensland)

Nigger I really don't care

Pretty much anywhere, really. But Australia is getting toward the top of my list. I would recommend it during what we call Summer because it's insufferable in those kinds of places even when they allege that it's supposed to be winter.

Only thing you miss out on is that shit's all dry due to the dry season. Probably best to catch it just before/after the dry season.

Go with New Zealand. Pretty and largely unspoilt. Like Chile, but with English-speaking people.


I like Chile because of the variety of climates from north to south and that it literally has the world's clearest skies. It has desert, glacier, mountain, plains, beaches, everything and much of it beautiful. What all does NZ have to offer?

What scenery does it have to offer?


Not bad, but I think I'll be sticking to my other options. I'm sure it's beautiful, but these other countries simply have so many different types of landscapes and so many of them.


Chile should be fun if you're not a stranger to travel. Never been there, but they have quite the spectrum of climate, nature, and the rest in a very narrow strip of land.

Just go to Montana, glacier nation park my nigga

Ex-burger here lived in Chile for 10+ years now Peru.
Driving the entire length of the country is boring. Start on the 4th region (La Serena) and drive til Temuco. (9th).

>waah my money doesn't give me enough intelligence to make an informed choice
>help me Sup Forums


Best you visit north Korea before it no longer exists.

There's nothing in Montana but tumbleweeds, poor people, butthurt injuns, and foreigners shitting up the Jewish nation park system.

Nobody should go there, ever.

Most beautiful places in America:
Glacier National Park
Yosemite National Park
Zion National Park
Grand Canyon

You could hit all of those in two weeks and you could even add in Crater National Park, Devil's Tower, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and Arches National Park to boot. Just tour the West's best parks. Badlands and the black hills of the Dakotas is pretty cool too but it's really out of the way unless you want to see Rushmore too. If you do, make sure to stop at Wall.

Spoken like a fag who has never been to Montana.

Thanks, will add that bit of info.

Are you fucking kidding me? Have you never been to Glacier National Park you fucking cunt? It's beautiful there.

What utter bullshit. You can't even see the world's biggest ball of twine if you take two months to cross I-80 and expect to see all that.

I buried my heart on Wounded Knee faggot. Don't assume.

Just did Yellowstone, Tetons, badlands, and Rushmore this summer otherwise I might.

Go to the highlands of Scotland. I've just been there, it's a huwite paradise.

I saw all of that in less than two weeks. You're a fag if you don't know how to drive. You've probably never been outside of gay boulevard in Los Angeles where you suck off men for dollar bills.

You ever pissed right on the glacial divide you cunt? You tell me how it feels to relieve yourself knowing full well half goes to the Pacific and the other half to the Atlantic at the same time.

Try to fucking do that in goddamn Montana

You don't know how to drive, then. It's that simple.

I guess you just hate America then

Patagonia, Chile/Argentina
Mt. Fitz Roy, Argentina
Hebrides, Scotland
Waimanu Valley, Hawaii
Nova Scotia, Candada

The continental divide is in Montana you dumbfuck.

This guy is a fucking moron who doesn't know anything. Ignore him.

Wyoming is better. Eat shit.

There's sign in Colorado where you can get out and take a piss set up by the National Park System.

You don't know anything. Even South Dakota has better things than Montana.