You know how the stupid feminists think "the patriarchy" is behind everything? How they think of it as this shapeless, vague, evil entity that controls society?
Thats you with jews, you retard
You know how the stupid feminists think "the patriarchy" is behind everything? How they think of it as this shapeless, vague, evil entity that controls society?
Thats you with jews, you retard
When Sup Forums complains about jews it's usually by looking up specific people in news stories on wikipedia and noting that they're jews.
Except that this boogeyman is real.
Except the jews really are in charge of everything. How is a group that is 2% of the US population in charge of most of Hollywood and the music industry, the global banking industry, and 77% of the US state department? They also managed to be overrepresented in every degeneracy like pornography. Explain this.
Jews exist though
We know who they are and their intentions are quite clear.
That's the main difference
The Patriarchy exists though, in the Middle East. In the culture that liberal women are so eager to import.
Those are traps. I'll pass.
At this point I'm convinced all non-black chicks are trannies.
>What is evidence
Gas yourself.
These feminist whores, on the other hand, blamed white men when a black president was in charge. The same black president who tried to stop a white man (Trump) from becoming president, even though he (obama) had nothing to personally gain from trump's victory, if he was playing fair.
>Pic related.
>take a break shlomo.
The difference is, the patriarchy is an amorphous system that no one can see or even really define. Jews are real, tangible people that actually exist.
The patriarchy is real, but it's also good. All feminists secretly love it. They all read Fifty Shades of Grey and want to be beaten by a handsome billionaire.
I don't secretly want to be genocided by fucking kikes. I can say that while maintaining my integrity. I hate them at every level.
>Jews exist though
They are only social construct.
Real Judaism has never been tried.
are those jewish?
So no happenings then? S A G E
>Taking things on Sup Forums seriously
who was it that said this is all some kind of test women give to men some time to see how much shit they put up with and men are failing by giving them what they say they want
i'll just leave this here.
So far, the argument seems to sum up to:
>a lot of successful people are jewish
>some jewish public people have said horrible, mean, viscious things
hardly compelling evidence, honestly
Except our boogeyman is obvious if your IQ isn't 2 digit and can look around yourself and see for yourself. The "patriarchy" wasn't expelled from every country in the world for thousands of years, Jews did. Doesn't that tell you something? The people pushing for multiculturalism and destruction of nations and unity in media aren't patriarchal, but they are always Jewish. Those verified manipulators on social media who push for the divide of society and aggression among civil groups aren't patriarchal, but they are always Jewish. Homo and transsexuality? Again, not patriarchy, but always Jewish. Banks, debt and monetary slavery? Again, Jews, no patriarchy. What are we even arguing here, our boogeyman is clear as day. Patriarchy is just a feminist meme, invented again, by Jews.
are they circumcised?
You can stop baiting now Stian.