Do you agree with any leftist positions?
Do you agree with any leftist positions?
I agree with the one that says nobody should be allowed in to public school without a doctor's note to prove they've gotten their circumcisions.
Im anti immigration, anti abortion, anti gay rights
I used to agree about recreational use, but changed my mind because of how a majority of people are too stupid to be responsible with it.
>12 year olds with weed lollipops
Love is love
>transgender operations
Cricumcision? Still need to pay for it. When will this discrimination end?
Large companies should be made humble in the face of national interest.
> you misspelled mutilation. circumcision=FGM
You can use leftist ideas for limited functions. Example would be natural monopolies where the cost of interferring with an industry is less than the opportunity cost of trying to compete with a monopoly.
After the events of the last year however i do not want a lefty in charge of anything
Minimum wage, progressive taxation, strong unions
FGM means taking the clit right off and sewing it shut. Women have no say in this discourse.
We should literally kill those we disagree with.
I believe the state of post-collonial countries is to a large degree determined by centuries of exploitation by the western powers.
I disagree about solving the problem, though.
Sounds like something the Jews would do. Only leftists are allowed in this thread.
And boys do ?
>universal education and healthcare is a leftist position
>this is what Russian and German Tsars were implementing
Yes. It's our heavenly covenant with g-d.
I agree with them on free trade.
And for those who don't know any better, by this I mean I favor protectionism.
I like porn, pissing off religious zealots and i cant think of a third thing.
5 year olds should be able to undergo hormone replacement therapies and be given puberty blockers
dO yUo AgReE wItH aNy LEftiSt PoSitiOnS
It wouldn't be necessary if the state mandated genital correction.
Global warming, I study Aeronomy. Let's just say I played a part at the NRO.
Trump needs to get someone to really advise him on it.
Yes, and with right wing positions, because centrism leaning slightly towards the right is what society needs to be.
hmm, k then.
Get right with g-d that's all I can say
>Let gays fuck each other in the ass in private
>No one is inherently less valuable because of skin color (but differences between races do exist)
>420 Blaze It
>Israel can fuck off
That's about it.
>No one is inherently less valuable because of skin color (but differences between races do exist)
Leftists will never admit that meaningful differences between races exist. They believe that all differences in human behavior are tied to social class.
even if i did i wouldn't admit it. the left has taken too much territory already and needs to be driven back
>Let gays fuck each other in the ass in private
No one disagrees with this. It's the fact that they need to have parades and expose themselves to kids while wearing their bondage gear that's fucking disgusting.
hence why I put that in parentheses
Animal rights and environmentalism
I agree on conservation and to some extent, a functional state health care apparatus run by the state, not the federal government.
I also support the decriminalization of some drugs.
Clitless vaginas are more aesthetically pleasing. If you remove the labias it's also more hygienic.
Hence the "in private". That shit needs to be kept in the bedroom.
I agree with most leftist positions. It's just the SJW shit pushed by middle-class rich shitbags trying to virtue signal that I hate.
Circumcision isn't virtue signaling. It actually helps you in bed.
Yes... I think. What is there to choose from with leftist positions? Can somebody list me all the leftist positions, fiscally and socially?
Legalize marijuana
>someone should pay for my poor life decisions
Hi boogie
Or asking for special legal privileges based on a fetish or sexual activity they have.
Yeah I support gay rights, think everyone has a right to visit the doctor.
>Fixing anatomy
>Pushing drugs (as long as Jews profit)
>Jews are the best
>Klll yourself
>All your money goes back to the Jews when you die
What's not to like?
You sound more like a natzbol than a communist
Fair enough, I thought that was just meant to be a continuation of leftist thought.
>Leftists will never admit that meaningful differences between races exist. They believe that all differences in human behavior are tied to social class.
Nice strawman.
Noone on the left is going to disagree with the statement blacks have darker skin pigmentation. You can divide humanity however you like and find "differences." Right-handed people have lower IQ's than left-handed people but that doesn't make them dumb niggers, the left believes people should be judged independently of race.
Yes, circumcision should be a right. And also free.
>Nice strawman.
>Noone on the left is going to disagree with the statement blacks have darker skin pigmentation.
What the fuck does that have to do with the statement you quoted?
Oy vey, that I disagree with.
I agree with this but it can't work with USA, atleast the latter
No child allowed in to public school to spread diseases! Mandatory!
Yes. I believe corporations shouldn't be able to freely polute. I also believe that the minimum wage should be raised because the cost of living isn't coming down anytime soon(never).
>the left believes people should be judged independently of race
I also believe that individuals should be judged independently regardless of race, but I also see that people of certain races are statistically more prone to certain behaviors than others and will often collectivize and push for their own interests at the expense of others, which is something the left fails to acknowledge.
Maybe their stance on big banks and things like crony capitalism and corporatism. The rest of it is just autistic screeching.
>>Leftists will never admit that meaningful differences between races exist
>Noone on the left is going to disagree with the statement blacks have darker skin pigmentation.
fucking christ leaf somebody hasn't been circumcised enough yet
There is no leftist "position." What is their position today is whatever is diametrically opposed to the injunctive norm of the status quo of the current point in time. They are disruptors.
No. I don't like accelerationist Keynesian economics, collectivism, intersectionality or Whig history. They have nothing to offer me.
That's not a meaningful difference, and I followed it up with the example of differences in racial behavior.
Pro union
Pro environmental protection laws
Pro breaking up big banks
Pro anti-war
climate change
less power in federal govt
net neutrality + online spying
Universal healthcare, unfortunately it doesn't work too well, especially in America because they have way too many nogs and spics who clog up the system by calling the ambulance over a paper cut