Is he a freemason?
Is he a freemason?
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nah probably not. Might be a closet RC like some of us.
Don't know. But listening to him and cleaning my room really makes me want to be an Authoritarian Libertarian. Some people need to die in this world to restore order and liberty.
>Authoritarian Libertarian.
Ow my brain.
what makes you think this is true? if he is he's really really bad at expressing any sort of symbolism, his bible series was extremely lacking in the symbolism of the mystery religion
So what, you put people in prison until they've sorted themselves out?
>Hey wait how can you be Authoritarian if your libertarian? What about the NAP?
I recognize no NAP with cultures that are hostile to the libertarion principles of liberty and equality of oppertunity. IE Communists and Islamists as a study of history would show that both are subversive, hostile and suprmeicist in nature. They must be removed from the face of the earth in a holy crusade of free men. KEK VULT.
>Ok so you want to kill commies and muslims. What about the government going all "authoritarian" on the people?
I contend that a study of the original constiution and bill of rights would show that the founding fathers were authoritarian in regards to the government and placed huge limitations on the powers of the new government. I am sorry to say that these bulwarks and dykes erected by these great men are in need of great repair and they have been damaged over the last 200 years by less reputable indivudals and the very communists I declare holy crusade against.
We the people must again be the authoritarian and benevelant soverign of the nation and bend the government back to our will. I am ever growing my CopyPasta and welcome challenges to my arguments. As well I am going over the constituaton and rewriting the amendmants and adding some new ones that our forfathers could never have thought were needed in our modern age. Who then would have thought that shall not be infringed or even the 9th and 10th amendmant would be so abused.
Quite possibly
I wonder how easy it is to launder money through patreon.
no he's a jesuit
Ok so my brain hurts a little less as I know where you are coming from however can still collectively defend ourselves (wipe out undesirables) and not be authoritarian.
Its moments like these you need benevolent libertarian dictators.
Walter White's son had a donation website for his cancer treatment.
V easy.
Dictators no. But a new party. One dedicated to liberty and being aggressive in establishing that. Also where the authoritarian aspects come in. Some more of my thoughts.
Prime Ethics of an Authoritarian Libertarian and a Lion
Promote individual liberties and care of the people - Promote the liberties of the individual so that the individual is free to look to his own responsibility and interests.
Promotion and care of the Nation state - It is the responsibility of the government to promote the founding principles of the nation and to put forth and defend aggressively the interests of the nation.
Building upon the traditions of our fore fathers - The advances of our nation and its people should be always promoted by its leaders and governments and it is the the duty of the government to use those advances that can improve the liberties and well being of the people and the interests of the nation.
>Authoritarian Libertarian
kys. you have no idea what you're talking about.
if you're the same kid from two years ago, why have you not killed yourself yet?
Why not use incentives? There are binders full of drug addicts who would sterilise themselves for a few hundred quid. We can send them letters, or seek them out in therapy and offer this service. The cost of paying for a sterilised heroin addict is much lesser than the long term societal cost of having the maladjusted sprogs of a drug addict kicking around, causing mayhem, not mention it may begin to remove the genetic markers for addiction from the gene pool.
>I recognize no NAP with cultures that are hostile to the libertarion principles of liberty and equality of oppertunity.
>shoot whoever I disagree with
Post like these make wonder if Sup Forums is turning to shit or if Sup Forums is was always shit and i'm just out growing it. Probably a little of both.
There was always retards, but they were mocked and ridiculed so they kept their stupidity to themselves. Now there is rampant shitposting and no one cares.
just a cia nigger being a cia nigger, don't take it too serious. Nothing a bullet can stop.
Is he an atheist? Atheists are excluded from masonry.
He strides a thin line between red and blue pilled.
It's hard to tell....
He's legitimately intelligent.... but he COULD be subverted.
jury's out.
We call them purple pilled, basically controlled opposition that's just near the door of the cave but doesn't let his followers reach the ultimate red pill.
I think he hasn't been properly red pilled yet.....
But it might happen.
>But it might happen.
Especially when he realizes that jews don't keep their promises about "You'll be spared, Goy"
Because that would be too expensive, but claiming it is free!
Has anyone asked him? Go for a 1 on 1 with him if you can afford it.
It's funny because Church actually started to translate the Bible in to native languages so that people could read it on their own not just get the interpretation from the priests.
Now we are back to (((them))) telling us how it be.
He is a brainlet. Still unironically believes in psychoanalysis and Freud. How embarrassing
also he buys into the stupidly infantile idea that nazis were evil and allies were good. you could offer the black/white paradigm to an educated person regarding any other topic than ww2, and they would laugh in your face for how dumb and simplistic it is. but nazis were evil oy vey. i lost all respect for petersosn when i heard him talk about how hitler was superevil.
Sage. This can be researched with ease. Even if he was, it would be ridiculous to put so much time and effort into defending ideas not associated with or kind to Freemasons.
nazis were evil. hitler was evil.
Universities are business, not principled institutions anymore. Appealing to 2intelligent4u atheists and faggots has been deemed good business for a decade or more.
your mom is evil
a stupidly infantile idea.
he opposes all sorts of tyranny and extremist ideologies. if you had any moral integrity you would too.
If you mean the "Hitler was more evil than we think" (paraphrased) video then he was making a slightly more nuanced point than that. He was saying that Hitler was evil because he exhibited self-destructive tendencies and never even desired to win.
It's a poor argument based on psycho-analytic assumptions but it's more interesting than "muh 6 million" I suppose.
>nazis were evil
When he was on Molymeme talking about lampshading being the most ebil thing done in human history.
A scamming crypto jew, out for your money.
better than being a bitter crypto nazi virgin out for revenge on the world for your own short comings
judaism is an extremist ideology. without an organised tightly knit countermovement (that would be perceived as extremist) white people will be eradicated soon.
so you are saying that a couple jews can eradicate 700 million or more whites?
Yeah very interesting take on Hitler. He was even more evil than you think. Wow such original thinking. Hitler never wanted to win is not just an original thought it's also extensively backed up by facts and documentary evidence and not in any way the fruit of a brainlet psychoanalytical mind that believes in debunked Freudian concepts.
I genuinely feel bad for people who can't see through his inane psychoanalytical bullshit.
t. when donated all your swiss Francs to Peterson
TIMESTAMP NOW. I can't believe this stupid man is a role model and father figure for so many polacks
Im a patreon for months
t. messy bedroom
It's still more interesting than whining about consequences, a sort of virtue ethics approach. I'm not saying it's convincing, just that I see why it might be to his rabble.
He actually responded.
>meme flag
>ad hominem
He had to research it to arrive to the conclusion that Jews didn't get turned into lampshades by evil nazis. Oh dear.
>Peterson does not address the commenter’s blatant anti-Semitism or historical revisionism and seems to be more concerned that his argument is being critiqued. But, shouldn’t the ignorance and malevolent falsehoods on display in those comments be challenged?
wow, jordan peterson is a blatant anti semite
Sad that he bitched out on this.
>Prevailing theme is that ancient myths and legends are propagated because the stories are good advice that helps the society and the story format makes them easy to remember and transmit.
Oh no, actually they meant something totally different this time.
Like it or not, this is the state religion of the postwar West. If he went full heretic on the Third Reich, no other part of his message would reach an audience. So I'm glad he doesn't, and if he truly believes it and isn't just hiding his power level that's absolutely fine with me.
He's virulently anti-soviet (fair enough) based on Solzhenitsyn's work.
>100% unironically believes Soviet acquired confessions and statements of Nazi "Death camps" in occupied territories.
Stop thinking in hyperbole's, Peterson makes a lot of really good points about a bunch of subjects, but that does not mean that everything he personally believes or states are absolute truth or absolute shit.
Think of your parents, and what they taught you, surely, most of our western mothers and fathers have been thoroughly propagated with holocaust education, but does this mean that everything they taught you is illegitimate?
>t. nazi with clean room
Yeah but Jord the Lord is better educated than my parents on global topics.
>Authoritarian Libertarian