Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
the answer is always suicide
B for sure. Nice tits and it also has a good looking dick
Fuck off faggot!
That is one manly vagina
i'd still go for the guy. you're not really gay if you wouldn't fuck transmen
neither, thats not how sexual attraction works you faggot, if youre into trannies thats your thing
A: Take away her testosterone, make her grow her hair out, make her shave all over, make her stop exercising. Bingo, you've got yourself a regular woman again.
but what if its a trannie male to female?
>you can't say neither
Want to fucking bet?
Cripples are disgusting.
Then you're wasting everyone's time.
if you're straight you should be able to fuck a really sexy woman even if she's trans
B obviously.
ahhh... no
Announcing sage is against the rules.
And gay men should have no problem fucking A. What are you fags waiting then? Go straight and find yourself a ripped waifu and start making babies.
I hope this thread was worth your ban faggot.
Damn I wanna lay her in that gorgeous scenery
yeah i said that i would. gay men should be able to fuck transmen. and straight guys she be able to fuck transwomen
Neither, why would my sexual attention go towards either? Both are mentally ill 3dpigs.
so you base your entire attraction to women around the vagina? there are no transwomen you're attracted to in the least?
How is this even a question?
C. shoot self in head with FAL
>implying that what people will fuck is any indication of the morality of man or the mental state of the individual in said description
Astolfo dump?
Who said anything about fucking trash? Go out there and be straight. You have no reason to be ashamed of fucking other men. All you need is a wife with some hormone adjustments and you can reproduce. Get married and have kids. No excuses.
Neither. Only after marriage and I ain't marrying someone with severe mental illness
A, fucking B makes you gay, its still a man
Neither. I am not sexually attracted to either and saying that anyone who says neither is sexually insecure is just retarded leftwing nonsense. That woman looks like a dude and the dude looks like a woman but is still a mentally ill dude. Shoot them both and kill the fag enablers
I'd do right.
B. You can fuck his ass and close your eyes. A hole is a hole.
That's a huge member
>fuck conor mcgregor or a tranny with a big dick
hard choice desu
im not going to seek out transmen. im just saying i wouldn't reject someone because of it
gguys..? this is shopped right?
One is not attracted to the entirety of a body, but features of it. I'm inclined towards B, because i am attracted towards feminine features, but the penis will stop me from seeking intercourse.
I can barely look at A for more than a second
you just don't want to fuck trans people no matter how attractive they are. that's kind of insulting to anyone you've ever been with saying genitals matter the most to you
Right, all the way, benis makes it even better, no homo.
Tranny genocide confirmed
I've seen this gif many times, where's my source
You're a fag, so of course you'd go for the dick.
Neither, one has a vagina but masculine features and the others has a dick yet feminine features.
Nothing insecure about that.
You're gonna get banned for this
If you are seriously browsing Sup Forums this day and age and you reply to a thread that is literally nothing but gay porn and "well Sup Forums?"
Report and sage you stupid fucks jesus fucking christ they might as well post a picture that says "THIS IS THE MOST OBVIOUS BAIT/SLIDE THREAD EVER" as a thread and you fucking retards will still take it and reply rather than reporting it.
Fucking kys. Pathetic and sad this even needs to be said.
the transman has the vagina. im not attracted to the right at all
>never stick your dick in crazy is a popular euphemism many people can relate to.
>but if they have mutilated genitals, a 40% suicide rate, and you don't find them attractive you're somehow a bigot for not fucking them
You want people to go against their natural instincts for self preservation and evolutionary biology to pick the best mate.
Pleb tier: chick with a dick
Patrician: man with vagina
>hurr di durr you have to chose one of these freaks or you are insecure
Yeah, i don't think it works like that, aussie shitposter.
>one of these draws your sexual attentions
Oy vey, why are you oppressing the poor asexual a by invalidating their preferences?
You are a monster.
Haven't seen this image in a long time. I'm not really particularly attracted to either and would turn down both opportunity if at all able but gun to my head I'd choose B, and it would be gay as shit becuase thats a man.
Homosexual and heterosexual by defenition deal in terms of a sex, there is no room for any "gender" crap there, Buck over there on the left in A is a member of the opposite sex which means it would be heterosexual while B is a member of the same sex which means it is homosexual. I'm perfectly OK with being a tiny bit gay, especially if that consistency in logic gives me more solid ground to stand on when I tell you to fuck off with your gender identify bullshit.
if you think someone is a 10 and then you find out that they're trans and decide you're not attracted because of that, you're insulting yourself and everyone you've ever been attracted to
Both are gay.
I choose neither.
Abstaining from sex is always a choice, fuck your false dilemma.
Pro sport and Hollywood is full of trannies.
So is this thread. Don't see you moaning about that.
>given the option to have sex
>the option
>neither is invalid
>one of these draws your sexual attention
>the only reason blabla bla
I only fuck red haired 5'5 girls, so fuck off