/csg/ - Christianity General: Romans 6:23 Edition

For all things Christian
Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants alike are welcome to discuss theology. Try to be polite.

Atheists also welcome, but try to be constructive.

Pastebin for believers and curious folk.


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Liturgical year A

Today's mass

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings for mass
First Reading: Isaiah 22:19-23
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 138:1-3, 6, 8
Gospel: Matthew 16:13-20
Second reading: Romans 11:33-36

Today's rosary: The Glorious Mysteries

Good Scenes to watch

>Jesus Anime
>Jesus of Nazareth Sermon on the Mount:
>Jesus chases Jews out of the Temple
>Jesus gives sight to the Blind....and takes sight from those who can see
>Roman Centurion has more faith than anyone in Israel

>Ben Hur scenes

Other urls found in this thread:












Reminder the New Testament is one of the most reliable texts from that period and we have literally thousands of manuscripts to cross reference and 98% of the errors found are simple transcription errors that do not change the meaning of the passage in any meaningful way.



Daily reminder that Christians were the ones who let kikes take over Europe









We have a /christian/ imageboard and discord, all Christian denominations that observe the Nicene Creed are welcome to join us. Links are in pic related. God bless!
















Best Youtube channel for Christian apologetics.

>christianity general

whats the s for m8?

It's an acronym not an abbreviation


Is there a church that has a good balance between ritual and sermons?

Went to a traditional Latin mass and whilst it was beautiful the sermon was only about 15 ish minutes. Which left it all feeling kind of mechanical and scripted without any help to understand biblical living and Christs life and teachings outside an extreemly bare minimum

Went to an independent baptist Church and found the opposite to be true
That picture is a bit dishonest as it includes every single mansucript from the credit card sized fragment from the 100s to the bibles created just before the printing press in the mid 15th century. only very few are actually ancient documents even if you are true about its accuracy.

Why are christians these days to passive and fucking pathetic?


Thats a nice picture did you make it yourself?

Went to see Jesus Christ Superstar last night lads. Reminded me that even though I've been shilling for Jesus on here since 2009, I've been slacking off recently. Keep testifying bros.


save it friend, its all yours

It's useful for shutting down "my church is the original church" divisiveness you see in Christian threads anyway

How do we defeat Google censorship?

Christians just want to be quiet. That said, who do you think the traditionalist conservative "right wing" is and has always been? Don't let perceptions fool you. The number one enemies of Christianity control all the media you see. Christians are quiet, but know the difference between right and wrong because it's in black and white inscribed on our hearts.

Thanks, its very helpful to have them all together like that

ah, the problem is you're quoting John, which everyone knows is complete bullshit.

Holy shit, Batman, you serious? So a virgin birth, water into wine, raising the dead, casting out demons, the saints get out of their tombs, etc all history??? BWAHAHA go be an hero you flog




Christianity was the worst thing to happen to white people.
- Introduced Jews and philo-semitism into Europe
- Inculcated this weak and pathetic beta mindset of living enemies and turning the other cheek
- It's schism in the 16th century destroyed European unity
- It tainted the legacy of the Roman Empire

>be the only christian in czechia
>no one gives a shit about you
>come to the christcuck-infested Sup Forums
>still no one gives a shit

It was pagan Romans who brought jews to Europe and Christians who kept them in their place for 2,000 years.

What do you have reason for thinking those things are inadmissible?

Remember, you can't just say 'because miracles don't happen'. That would be question-begging, i.e., assuming the position that is in contention.

>Kierkegaard beginner

Lel no

>kept them in their place
In the bank? Yeah, they sure hated that.

no it wasnt, liberal jews were the worst thing to happen to white people europe was great up untill the (((french revolution)))


Was Jesus born under regin of the Herod who died in 4 BC or during the Census of Quirinius in 6 AD?

What's the point of kicking out jews when you let them in few years later? It's like bragging that you quited smoking 20 times.

Hagsaw ridge is missing

Those dates are inaccurate because historians don't use the bible as a source. It's a problem, because of the bibles place as a holy book historians won't use it as a basis for investigation. Which is a bit silly because the Bible is 100% accurate in terms of describing what was occuring during Jesus life. Everything matches up.

Do you think (((secular))) society will ever kick out the jews?

Well, pagan romans still hold the record of kikes killed.

The pope is a cryptocommunist. Deus vult my ass.

Begone heretic.

Good thread.

Any calvinist/presbyterian here?

The crusaders got a good few of them. And the nazis accidentally a few hundred thousand with typhus and starvation.

>The crusaders got a good few of them.
And sacked Constantinopole.
Fucking BASED.

Germans did that

These daily shitposting threads sure are great.

Germans did what?

sack Constantinople

Friendly reminder that pol is an atheist board.

Fuck off sandniggers

Bump for this

As crusaders. So i guess knights templar and their guests weren't catholic anymore under grunwald? Nor were westerners during hussite wars?

Daily reminder there is NOTHING wrong with white women worshipping big black dick like in your pic. God loves nothing more than mixed children!

Morally, there is not, no. What is the moral basis for being against miscegenation? There is none. Christianity isn't concerned with that. Neither is atheism or paganism.

Atheism isn't a moral ideology. It's not even an ideology, just a lack of faith into deities. Paganism lacks cohesive ideology because it's not a unified religion.

what a load of claptrap, you pagan polytheists

>be Alexios IV Angelos
>Be shit Bazileus
>Bully catholics in your empire
>Oh no my subjects are throwing a hissy fit
>invite white trash Franks into your FUCKING CAPITAL to reestablish your rule
>"You wanna retake the Holy Land and help me along the way? I'll pay you money"
>You have no way to pay them because your shitty empire is broke
>They loot your city
>to this day byzaboos are still mad for something they directly caused

>Worship One (1) eternal God
>Somehow polytheist
this is your brain on unitarianism

So the alternatives to Christianity are not preferable if you don't like miscegenation.

On the other hand, the Bible clearly shows that God's preferred political system is traditionalist, tribalist ethnonationalism, as in ancient Israel, with strict commands against miscegenation.

>Deuteronomy 7:3–4
>You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly.

Atheism requires just as much faith as any religious belief... unless you have proof your assuredness relies on faith of that which you do not know.

There are no NT Biblical justifications for being for or against miscegenation, the OT has a few passages like that. The Apocryphal texts are rather clearly against it though if you consider it Canon. In general someone who race mixes has rejected their father and mother and culture and likely God.

Brothers in Christ, I'm going through a hard time right now. I won't give the full story but I was saved and immediately fell into the whole fundamental Baptist movement. I've been absolutely miserable and can't go five minutes without everything I believe being questioned. Even within my own church and denomination nobody can agree on doctrine for more than a couple minutes. Need some kind of guidance help.

Current in Africa converting godless and Muslim blacks.


>pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you to truth
>Consult your pastor
>read your Bible

>someone who race mixes has rejected their father and mother and culture
Just lile Christ wanted?

What do you lads think of Anglicanism?

It's theology seems very accurate.

I also like how it's a middle way between Catholicism and Protestantism.

>Female and gay clergy
>It's theology seems very accurate

Depends on the diocese.
But yes, they're heretics.

>be the only christian in czechia