John Major edition
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First for getting your wanger out
How's tricks Jiquandi Snr.?
I own the anonymongs.
Worst thing about mayweather winning is all the black people on twitter acting like they've won the lottery. Retweeting all shit when you know they're purely doing it because a black guy beat a white guy as they have no interest in boxing at all.
The fucking hypocrisy makes me so angry cunts
homer simpson would have put up a better fight
in fact, sylvester stallone out of character would have put up a better fight
it seems to me anyone could've done better than mcgregor
A I expected
You can't beat black people
Conor should have just pulled out a gun
>all those throat openings
Black supremacy has been affirmed over the Irish race.
Get on my level
what has that got to do with boxing
>shit PM
>retarded globalist remainer shill
>lazy OP
literally end yourself.
why do you think we made the irish use the coloured bathrooms? fucking subhumans
what level is that
He should have punched his throat.
Mwi level
it's a meme, chill out brah
this isnt about white vs black desu,its about youth vs experience
connor was cocky and thought the 10 years he had on floyd would win him the day but floyd waited him out for 4 rounds and the potato got tired and then got chinned
People seem to forget that 50 boxers tried to beat mayweather and failed. McGregor isn't in a special loser category.
There is some truth in what he says though, blacks have a higher bone density than whites, not much but it is an edge.
Blacks not being able to swim isnt a complete meme
It was extremely boring to watch, since boxing has all these gay rules where they don't let people properly fight
I wish we had gladiator fights
I would have liked to see them both bloody at the end of it like a street fight
i watched that fight live and i tell you now your mayweather was such a bitch the entire time, the master of flinching and turtling into a shell for 7 rounds straight
That's how you win at boxing
McGregor is a retard who thought he knew how to box
It was so easy to tell who would lose this Guy animated and predicted the fight with ease
lad i hate the cunt and all but i tell you know watch the entire thing and then say that
mc Gregor didn't even go down once for 10 rounds and they pulled mc Gregor off the fight because they were shitting themselves
also proper shady shit was happening the entire fight, it was like the paco fight all over again.
Tony Cares
mcgregor was full on jelly legs, he was lucky the ref stopped it
Fucking wrecked lads.
This is why he lost
Trump curse
So all of Sup Forums were retards hating against a trump supporter while rooting for a lefty ? Hahahah
Fight was fixed.
Fuck that Europhile old fart
only in the sense that mayweather "fixed" it by letting it go on way longer than it had any right to
Decent chance it was, especially considering all the money involved.
Fuck I want to see an MMA rematch so we at least get to see a good old race street fight.
he was starting to get proper fucked but they completely shit themselves when he actually caught second wind and those fuckin commentators jesus christ cock sucking wasn't the word for it
it felt it by the end like the welsh fight could bleed away but they just wouldn't let mc Gregor do anything Floyd just did nothing till the 8th to 9th round
We were rooting for a nigger to get taught a lesson by a celt.
Mayweather=pro trump
Conor=anti trump
All you need to know
This, people with leftist views cant hold superior body strength because of estrogination of the brain
Trump curse overrides race
You wouldent want Owen Jones to best a black fascist in a fight would you
Triggered tbqh
also while were here no one in the INTERNET is gona talk about pic related like it didn't even happen
See there is justice in this world
A degenerate cultural Marxist Irishman was defeated by a black American patriot
Why do we care about some 80iq meatheads assertions when it comes to politics anyways? I don't think they know or give a shit about the military industrial complex, neo conservatism, mass immigration and Islam when they are making loads of money fighting.
he got blacked
>cultural Marxist
Friendly reminder that
rhymes with
That is all.
go away hans
Bad enough to be honest.
Why are you guys so hateful?
He criticised trump
That's all I need
German rhymes with vermin
Talks shit and then cries when gets hit back. Typical pussy nigger.
When did you become so jaded? What happened, user?
Tell me your story. I'm listening.
I remember telling tripfag Caesar that McGregor will lose because he has no experience pacing 12 rounds and he said he's fit and been sparring so that wouldn't be an issue. Tripfags BTFO.
Maybe in a fucking scouse accent you mongaloid.
Ww2 should have ended with all Germans in death camps
The fact you won't pay Poland reparation is disgusting
>he criticised Trump
So do I. The guy is a provocative, degenerate, unprofessional, and unprincipled ape.
Anyway, afaik he's pretty apolitical, though he did criticise anti-trump protestors.
ITT: Banned boxing thread masquerades as /britpol/
>The fact you won't pay Poland reparation is disgusting
Too little too late.
Then you deserve to be knocked out too
Fuck off rulefag
Why is Merkel so anti white?
>hating the queen
>not a cultural marxist
This is the ONLY map that matters.
I don't think she is.
Fuck you.
>hating the queen
Friendly reminder that the Queen used to look like Anne Frank.
Coincidence? I think not.
A better question is why you like Trump. I'd rather he was president than Hillary, but that doesn't negate the fact he's a degenerate, impulsive cunt.
I'm no rulefag. Just hoping for some brit Sup Forums
Why can't you pronounce zwei properly?
because she couldn't get any g*rman males to date her. good riddance anyways, we don't need more g*rmans.
I can and I do.
Trump is sending more troops to Afghanistan. He's constantly back tracking on campaign promises (America first )
Labour's pivot to negating Brexit with a never ending transition period is a real betrayal of voters. Labour won seats last time not because of "muh pro EU" vote, but because the British people heard on television that Corbyn was committed to the referendum decision and that we would leave the EU. As they were confident that the election wasn't about Brexit, because both main parties agreed on leaving, they voted on domestic matters. Now that Labour has effectively said we're staying in the EU, they've betrayed that trust.
Another election now. Ditch May. Get Mogg or Davies in. Sack the pro-EU Conservative MPs. Make it absolutely clear to the people that this is n emergency election, a choice between anti Brexit Labour and pro Brexit Conservative. Watch as Labour gets smashed in the North for the betrayal.
No you bavarian faggot it's
South Germans are inept subhumans.
>black people are glad the black man won
Why you have to be mad?
I wish this did happen because then prussia wouldn't be able to force g*rmany into a unified country
Oh, you mean "zwo", pronounced like "tsvo"? It's a remnant of middle high German.
Does no one else see this as nightmarish? Two semi naked sub humans punching the shit out of each while Jews and WASP wearing expensive suits sit in the frontrows baying for blood.
It's like The Running Man, except without the cool shit.
The only bad person in that image is Merkel.
The only good person in that image is Merkel.
Fuck off back to Nigger forest your torte eating faggots, Niedersachsen is true Germany.
I think Mogg would make a fine Prime Minister. I have no earthly idea why anyone wanted to vote for Theresa May. She just came out of the blue.
>Praise Kek
>Based Trump amirite?
>Cultural Marxism!
>Objectivism is based.
>Lol just privatise everything praise kek
>Based Brownskins can stay haha
>Mummy May!
>The West is fighting back against globalism
>Le dank helicopter
>Muh brilliant white race
>Muh Pan-Europeanism
This is a lie. Niedersachsen should be given to the Netherlands tbqh.
>I think Mogg would make a fine Prime Minister.
>I have no earthly idea why anyone wanted to vote for Theresa May.
>She just came out of the blue.
Hmm, I forget I'm in Sup Forums, not /his/
This magnificent user speaks the truth.
>not /his/
Or /hers/, shitlord
How to spot a client state
>union jack
No he wouldn't.
I try to contribute to conversations I know nothing about, give me some leeway here
>Cultural marxism
>Muh brilliant white race
Don't forget:
Why not.
Hannoverians are true Germanic's, not your faggot Nigger forest berry eating leather trouser wearing Austrian Hill Nonces.
Fucking hell I did laugh at this