Asian women are pure and willing to date me

>Asian women are pure and willing to date me
>white women are sluts and don't want to date me
>Sup Forums says I have to chase after the latter for racial purity

Isn't my own individual happiness more important than propulgating the white race?

Other urls found in this thread:

every fucking second couple around is WM/AF now, Brisbane will be the capital of the future hapa empire eventually

we're doomed

>t. Never known an mongoloid female outside of the internet

asians are really really gross looking without makeup. way more so than whites

So what. I'd rather be happy with an Asian woman than bitter and lonely forever.

90% of modern white women are feminist trash that have had sex before and have unrealistic standards.

Sup Forums says you have to i would say the world would be better if the asian-white coalition fucked up everyone else and lived in harmony

FUck it the world will someday be just 1 third world shithole. Have fun before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

Take the yellow pill man. I did, everything became so much better.


White men who betray their own race will be the first to go during the Day Of The Ropeā„¢