Ask an African living in africa anything.
Ask an African living in africa anything
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Show your real flag homo
What's the deal with this?
>Lowest SAT scores
>Lowest GPA
>Lowest median income
>Lowest IQ
>Highest high school drop out rate
>Highest college drop out rate
>Highest unemployment rate
>Highest welfare useage
>Highest crime rate
>Highest homicide rate
>Highest incarceration rate
>Highest amount of sexually transmitted diseases
>Highest erectile dysfunction rate
>72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock
How did you get internet? Are you the president of Africa?
Is it hot in Africa?
I actually don't have much to say about african americans really. But yea to b3 hnst with you I don't have an answer to the whole iq thing.
plz dont come here
You will just be unemployed sitting on a street drinking cheap beer - that you cannot handle and then become a criminal.
You will not get a free house. You will not get a free car. German girls dont want you (except some leftist whales)
PLZ tell your neighbours
Also plz stop having kids, you cannot care for them anyway and a gigantic famine is just a matter of time if africas population keeps increasing so drastically without any large economic growth
How is your AIDS?
It's hit but not too hot.
We have Internet in africa but it's not yet as good as the western Internet. But we do have it.
I don't have aids. Most africans don't have aids and will never have aids. Majority of africans that it.
>Why do you own so many black slaves?
>Ask an African living in africa anything.
Do you like African Americans?
Why do you burn people alive? Have you ever eaten another human?
Show your flag, larping bitch
You don't represent us
Is the Nigerian city of Lagos really improving? Are things in Africa generally improving overall? If USA starts back the 'back to africa' movement, would you welcome American Immigrants?
How's the internet? Assuming you have money, is it difficult to get a nice home with nice, Western things in it?
Tutsi master race?
The first from the left is more like a Jewtsi
Prove it.
Change your meme flag to geopolitical one, burger.
Internet is slow, but at least it's cheap.
Most things are really cheap if you're educated and can get a good job, but a lot of poor are still because the economy is still too small. Most people are farmers or laborers, and very poor.
Most africans don't burn people alive.
Well. Rwanda, Botswana, Namibia nd Tanzania are doing extremely well. They all have stable governments, low corruption rates relative to the rest of the continent and value capitalism etc. Those are perhaps the highest potential countries in africa. The rest of the continent is really shit. Either suffering from dictatorships, horrible corruption or both.
As for lagos, not much is happening. Again the corruption there in lagos is just so high that it's almost impossible to build infrastructure etc
In africa, the internet generally is shit. Very shit at times. However there are countries like Botswana, Namibia and south Africa where the internet is somewhat respectable. The rest of the continent has shit Internet.
And yea it's very difficult to get western things as there is no real middle class on my contibent with the exceprion of botswana and south Africa.
Internet is heavily regulated in my country. Whattsapp, instagram, twitter Facebook are all illegal so I'd imagine Sup Forums is too . I'm using careful words so as not to completely give myself away and get arrested.
do not travel to Germany , you will be deported to Auschwitz ( check us B-movies for details )
Tribe isn't important here anymore. Rwanda will never recover if we live in the the past.
Fuck off burger.
Why dindu no poo poo in toilet?
You're full of bull shit. They can track your internet provider, changing your flag won't make any difference.
I see....
you're a Hutu piece of shit
I'm in the southern hemisphere. Landlocked. Can speak the main natuve language fluently. All I can say.
>Rwanda, Botswana, Namibia nd Tanzania are doing extremely well.
3 of them receive very large amount of humanitarian help. If they do so well, I guess we can stop giving you free money. Do you agree?
>I can't use flag cuz police would arest me
Seem legit. I totally believe you.
Im african and just want to say that we think that sub saharan africans are the plague here.
They immigrate to my country so they can cross to europe, but why risk death in sea when you can just stay in a country with better living but no immigration laws to deport you.
You can say that subsaharan africans are the niggers of africa.
PS: Spics are the niggers of europe too, i wish they'd stop coming here, getting drunk and starting shit (most of them get knocked the fuck out by locals though :) )
show your flag you autist
if you're actually a real nigger i need your flag
are you an arab?
oh and what do you think the persentage of arab to berbers is?
like 90% arab?
Thanks, I needed your flag.
I cant tell you about percentages but in morocco there are 3 major races.
The berbers in the north mountains, the arabs in the middle coast and the sahrawi in the south desert
The berbers are the original people but they accepted arabs and they are the ones that signed the treaty with the first sultan to be subjucated
The arabs are definetly the majority but i wouldnt say 90%, maybe 50% with the berbers/sahrawis being 25/25 percent
The sahrawis are the black people of the south (they're our niggers, we like them) they are known for their hospitality and usually dont travel alot north of the country unless if they have to.
so at most you have a 15% semihuman population
Im not sure who you mean by subhuman, but all the 3 races i mentioned above coexist with each without any hate.
Yes we have our differences and shit gets intense sometimes but we always figure out a way to fix it without tearing down the country.
The only subhumans in here are the subsaharan immigrants and the wealthy saudis that come here for sex tourism (i think sex is illegal in saudi arabia)
How's the crime rate around where you live?
yeah i remember my uncle telling me about going to dubai and it being illegal for some dude and his girlfriend to hold hands in public
arabs are subhuman
also stop coming to europe
stay there and we're good
>also stop coming to europe
>stay there and we're good
Thats not really our problem now is it, its yours.
Imo opinion either tighten your border control OR you won't like this but maybe treat your immigrants like humans and allow them to prosper.
Most people who immigrate to europe have no chance of living a decent life, they cant get jobs and face strong discrimination from the locals, so its no wonder they turn to violence. and no they cant go back, you have no idea how hard,risky and expensive it is to immigrate there, for most people going back is not an option.
So tl;dr: its not our problem, we dont send people your way they do it themselves, either send them back or treat them like decent human beings so they can at some point actually become decent human beings.
>sand niggers actually believe this
your people are literally given free housing, food, money and jobs in germoney
and you still don't want to work
they literally let you fuck their women and their unemployment is still 7%
it's because arabs are disusing subhumans that can't think past MUH DICK
literally should be drawn and quartered
if you stay there than you're good though
Have you ever necklaced a rival?
Have you ever raped a woman?
Have you ever eaten raw flesh from an enemy?
>Internet is heavily regulated in my country. Whattsapp, instagram, twitter Facebook are all illegal so I'd imagine Sup Forums is too . I'm using careful words so as not to completely give myself away and get arrested
Go to other board to LARP, burger.
Nah this is typical bougnoule bullshit Tariq. Poor Chinese people are also immigrating to the West and they are not raping, dealing drugs and killing people like subhuman North Africans do. You are doing the classical bougnoulesque trick of putting the blame on us for your own shittiness,
Not from what i heard no, maybe to the syrian war refugees but i cant talk about them.
Im only talking about moroccans who illegaly immigrate, some of them come back and share horror stories about sleeping in the streets, having to accept illegal chinese tier labor jobs and getting zero sympathy or help from the locals.
and Sup Forums is proof of europes opinion on these filthy subhuman sandniggers, what you think of them is your opinion, but you cant expect someone to integrate into a society that thinks hes a filthy subhuman scum :/
Like i said, you are 100% responsible for creating and not fixing the problem.
You let them in, you treated them like shit, then you complain to us about their violence.
Its your problem, deal with it, we're not responsible for what happens within your borders m8
Any real Africans wanna weigh in here? How can I buy land in Africa?
Which countries are best for business?
you think we're the aggressors you literal fucking moron?
you unironically think that germoney lets immigrants in so they can then treat them like subhuman scum?
no you stupid fucking retard
they let them in with optimistic intent, they give them houses, jobs, food
and then you spin it around like we're the reason those retards chimp out?
fucking laughable
also you think that the morrocans you send here that slept on benches are also not responsible?
if they weren't retards and took money so they can but a hotel room or something they could sleep over a roof
you're literally a moron that just blames europe because you're to naive to admit that your countrymen are retards
fucking kys
Open a business in your own country you neo colonial parasite. We don't want you here to steal more of our land and resources.
fucking based
are you a real nigger?
>Moroccans come here illegaly
>Immediately flock to densely populated neighborhood were only other Moroccans live
>Receive monthly welfare from state
>Hang out on the street all day, yell at women, do nothing but eating sunflower seeds, smoke hasj
>Only speak Arabic or Tamazight
>No sign of wanting to integrate whatsoever
Gee I wonder why the local population dislikes you. If Morocco is so great like they all love to insist, why the fuck don't they stay there?
>Im only talking about moroccans who illegaly immigrate
It literally happened and happens until recently to countrymen in my country. I'm not responsible for my diaspora to get construction work, gardening or housekeeping jobs and get money under table and without labor agreements.
The same can say about portuguese working ilegally to other portuguese and illegal immigrants working to portuguese. Try legal route next time - tell to our hillibillie diaspora too.
DCR, CAR, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, which one
Come to South Africa so us whites can enslave you with money we print.
>you think we're the aggressors you literal fucking moron?
Not what i said, i think you're dumbasses that let immigrants in and then complain about immigrants.
>you unironically think that germoney lets immigrants in
Theres your problem right there.
>so they can then treat them like subhuman scum?
Not intentional but you do.
>no you stupid fucking retard
No need for namecalling, im trying to actually have a civilized discussion here
>they let them in with optimistic intent.
While i do believe you have good intent, intent doesnt matter not in the least bit, and the reality is the opposite
>they give them houses, jobs, food
lol i dont think theres any place in the world where people get free houses, maybe food stamps and shitty below minimum wage labor, food however is not whats required for a decent living, being allowed to earn your living, and prosper and respect are funemental things if you want to integrate immigrants
>and then you spin it around like we're the reason those retards chimp out?
Not spining it around, its the truth, you let them in and put them in a situation that gives them no option but to go back home (very hard pill to swallow) or lash out violently
Take this situation for example and i want you to be honest about it, america brought black slaves from africa who turned out to be subhuman filth, does that mean its africas problem? or is it americas problem for bringing in foreigners to their country, treating them like shit and leaving them no option to live a decent life? be honest to yourself m8
>cont below
>also you think that the morrocans you send here that slept on benches are also not responsible?
First of all we dont send anyone your way, this really isnt a conspiracy but believe what you want.
Second, yes they are also responsible, if you think that illegaly immigrating to europe with the dream that you'll be able to live the same as european man is retarded, anyone who thinks that should be burned alive, but a goverment that thinks letting in foreign immigrants in like that, treats them like dirt and then compplains about immigrant problems is even more retarded
>if they weren't retards and took money so they can but a hotel room or something they could sleep over a roof
What money? you do know that wellfare is offered to citizens not illegals, illegals get deported m8 wake up and stop being dellusional, only source of income for an illegal is below minimum wage chinese labor, they're lucky if your farmers let them sleep in the barn
>you're literally a moron that just blames europe because you're to naive to admit that your countrymen are retards
>fucking kys
No need to get angry m8, im actually not trying to piss you off even do you sound like a naive ignorant child.
Just trying to redpill you on the situation from an actually impartial viewpoint (im not an immigrant and have no intention go to your diversity shithole unless if im going there as user the conqueror)
You have to understand the problem if you want to solve it, blaiming it on the symptom isnt gonna do shit m8 but whatever floats your boat.
you are a child
also stop strawmanning
no one said anything about a conspiracy
also you're objectively wrong on 100% of the things you said
in the places you usually go there is zero let me repeat 0 racism that would make those degenerates chimp out
also the money i refereed to was money they can get from morocco so they aren't homeless when they get to europe
The legal ones get loans from their banks. But part of those who also cause problems are 2nd/3rd gen, man. Netherlands and Belgium bought entire villages of them - you can't personalise a country or blame an user for the traitor politicians of those countries and the entire diaspora and descendents of it.
>you are a child
>also stop strawmanning
You're kind of contradicting yourself here, you say im strawmanning yet you ignore 90% of my arguments and then call me a child, but whatever.
>no one said anything about a conspiracy
True, but you do seem to believe that we're actively sending people your way just to sabotage or maybe we just think its funny, am i wrong?
>also you're objectively wrong on 100% of the things you said
>how to prove someone is wrong
>tell them they''re 100% wrong on everything they said
Ok, looks like we're making some real progress here
>in the places you usually go there is zero let me repeat 0 racism that would make those degenerates chimp out
ofc theres zero racism in moroccan neighborhoods, thats because they're moroccan neighborhoods populated by moroccans.
Thats like saying theres zero racism in china town or black hoods
>also the money i refereed to was money they can get from morocco so they aren't homeless when they get to europe
idk if you know this but going to europe is already pretty fucking expensive, people who go there have to take loans, i had a family member going around asking for loans to go and promising hes gonna pay it back after he makes loads of cash in italy (he didnt)
Most people who go to europe are actually expected to send money back to their families, not the other way around m8
i can blame whoever i want
niggers by themselves i can tolerate
but when they leave their shithole so they can shit where europeans eat then they're scum
they should improve their country
they shouldn't strive to be parasites
You are not responsible for what happens to our countries, but here's what you're not getting: The liberals are the ones letting Muslims in. The people on Sup Forums are the ones who don't like it but don't have the numbers to vote in pro-European politicians.
Eventually most white people are going to have to chose between fighting for their freedom of just meekly dying.
What do you think of Eurasians?
>literally no arguments check
>reply to my "you racis arguments" check
>plebbit spacing check
>still strawmannig check
not acknowledge when facts prove him wrong checkeroni
listen to me m8
stop blaming the place your people see as better than theirs
europe is superior in every way to your shithole and it's currently losing money and the respect of it's own people by accepting literal goatfuckers
i'm calling you a child because you still think that 80 IQ people are able to be successful in a society inhabited by 100IQ people
i'm not gonna argue basic shit anymore to a plebbit retard
this is my last (You)
>be me
>walking home from downtown
>try to hail a cab
>a dozen cabs pass me by while I'm waving a fist full of cash
>not one picks me up
>filthy fucking terrorist Muslims
>finally a car sees me and takes interest
>3 half-niggers in the car
>"Hey what's up?" front seat passenger asks
>"I'm going down to x and Y street, I have 20 bucks for you", me
>"oh yea lemme see it", him while reaching out to grab my cash
>"let me in and then you get your money", me
>"yeah just lemme see it", him again reaching out to grab my cash
>I was waving it in front of their face what else more is there to see
>I become hostile, I know what they are up to
>"y-you can't say that to me! hey get back here!", him as they drive slowly along beside me
>"Fuck you ya faggots, fuck off right now", me
>"We're trying to help you", him
>"Oh yea sure, I hand you cash while not in car and you drive away? Fuck you niggers.", me
>"Fuck off right now!", me
>"Is that a knife in your hand?", he
>"we have a shotgun, wanna get a shotgun pulled on you?", him
>"Fucking do it ya cunt", me
>"You got a knife in your hand, we are calling the police!"
>"Fucking do it you faggots, you're trolling along beside me as I walk, trying to rip me off", me
>"You're not a cab, you're trying to rip me off, you wanna call the cops? Cool, I'll call the cops too, it's happening right now, here we go! 9-1-........" ,me
>They drive off like bitches while calling me a pussy and throwing garbage all over the street.
Filthy half nigger terrorist brown people, everyone. This is what non-white people are like.
>but here's what you're not getting: The liberals are the ones letting Muslims in. The people on Sup Forums are the ones who don't like it but don't have the numbers to vote in pro-European politicians.
Thats exactly what im trying to say here, its NOT our problem, its yours, fix it inside your country, its YOUR people who are causing the problem by letting immigrants in, we're not the ones forcing you to take them.
and for the record, i do agree with you that alot (not all, certainly not the first generation who were brought there to fight your war and stayed there, worked hard in your country and earned their place) of immigrants are scum, they're actually come here in the summer and stirr shit up
I understand its a hard pill to swallow but if you're actually honest to yourself you'll see that im right on many points.
Im not gonna reply to you either since you're basically just spouting facebook tier memes now.
PS: ive been on Sup Forums a long time before Sup Forums even existed and probably way longer than you.
>tries to hitchhike waving a fist full of cash
>expects something good to happen
>literally goes full autist when he realizes hes gonna get ripped off (probably raped too)
>actually pulls out a weapon
>they were just bluffing with the shotgun, if you believed them you're an even bigger autist
>they drive off cuz they dont wanna deal with knife wielding autist
you won't like this friend but you're the real nigger here.
And here i thought the leafs were actually kind of cool.
West Africans are niggers. East Africans were not slaves, and most of us hate the nigger culture in the USA.
yea, I'm the real nigger because I expect people to be as honorable as me.
I'm the real nigger because I will not succumb to the forces of evil. And will respond with force when accosted.
Fuck you , ya piece of shit. You're not even human.
Most of our diaspora in France shits on France and his ancestral homeland, they are just there for the money. And probably due to their new economic status and difference with his ancestral homeland still big with advantages, they will probably stay there forever being crypto French doing in hidden pt rituals. The only difference is that they blow up, drive trucks or brings knives unless some woman reverts and marry a maghrebin,and their child does this sort of thing.
Give temporary work visas and about the raperefugees suspend UN convention agreement.
EU becoming a suicide pact to impose (((European))) values of diversity and cultural enrichment worsening even the cuck policies of UN. I don't to be forced to have the same lgbt and raperefugees policies as sweden bc we have mimick nordcucks and nordcucks rule economically and council of human rights in EU. If they - EU bureaucrats and UK politiciand haven't learnt what people and fears, the hope that Brexit voters had with unwanted immigration has, they are retarted and bribed at the same time. Even Turnbull and Trump make fun of them
>yea, I'm the real nigger because I expect people to be as honorable as me.
Friend, listen, if you think hitchhiking with a fist full of cash you're really as dumb as a nigger.
>I'm the real nigger because I will not succumb to the forces of evil. And will respond with force when accosted.
If you start sperging at the slightest form of conforntation and starting calling people fucking niggers in public and pull out a knife you are a nigger
thats literally nigger behaviour
>Fuck you , ya piece of shit. You're not even human.
Told you you're not gonna like it, but its the truth leaf.
>for most people going back is not an option.
They need to kill themselves then. Because Europe is not their home. We feel that we are being invaded by hostile forces.One day, we'll have a heroic strong leader who will make them leave or die.
Waving cash as cabs is how you hail them you stupid fuck.
>>filthy fucking terrorist Muslims
This is what triggered you.
You're not human, you are like them.
That same night, before I even got downtown... Some stupid nigger tries to open the door of the bus 100 meters before the stop (the bus is going FAST) The nigger gets angry because the door won't open and starts punching the door until the bus stops. Leaves in a huff as if the bus has wronged IT. Yes IT. Niggers ARE NOT HUMAN! THEY ARE ORCS!
I will not back down in the face of evil. I will not turn the other cheek. Fuck you. You are the nigger. You are the Muslims, and you are the terrorist subhuman. What, you're mad because your subhuman blood brothers couldn't succeed in ripping me off? Fuck you. You'll get what's coming to you.
Real flag or fuck off Obongo
what's life like in Africa, I hear its tough
>Waving cash as cabs is how you hail them you stupid fuck.
Not really, you just wave and call taxi, if you are waving cash to grab a cab then you're a stupid nigger thats just asking to get mugged.
Also the car that stopped wasnt a cab
>>>filthy fucking terrorist Muslims
>This is what triggered you.
Not true but you'll argue otherwise
>You're not human, you are like them.
Right now i rather be like them than be like you lol.
>That same night, before I even got downtown... Some stupid nigger tries to open the door of the bus 100 meters before the stop (the bus is going FAST) The nigger gets angry because the door won't open and starts punching the door until the bus stops. Leaves in a huff as if the bus has wronged IT. Yes IT. Niggers ARE NOT HUMAN! THEY ARE ORCS!
Hey atleast he didnt pull out a knife and start calling the bus a STUPID FUCKING NIGGER
>I will not back down in the face of evil. I will not turn the other cheek. Fuck you. You are the nigger. You are the Muslims, and you are the terrorist subhuman. What, you're mad because your subhuman blood brothers couldn't succeed in ripping me off? Fuck you. You'll get what's coming to you.
Except you're an autist and probably not even your fellow leafs take you seriously.
Also im starting to doubt that you're actually a real white leaf, can you shed some light on your ancestry please?
How does it feel to be a nigger?
eastern europeans are niggers aswell to be honest.
I mean idk about lithuana but the balkans are defenitly up there with scum of the planet
>Hey atleast he didnt pull out a knife and start calling the bus a STUPID FUCKING NIGGER
You are beyond retarded. It is obvious by your lack of ability to create even remotely valid comparisons. You're obviously some sort of half nigger hybrid. Not human
>Right now i rather be like them than be like you lol.
So you admit that you are half nigger that seeks to rip off and steal from people rather than stand tall in the face of injustice. Typical of a subhuman scumbag Moroccan.
>half nigger
you're a dumb fuck m8
moroccans are full niggers.
still rather be a nigger than be you
you still havent shed any light on your ancestry.
>meme flag
Confirmed for LARPing burger, no African countries except for South Africa and Egypt are legit unless they provide proofs.
>90%, maybe
arabs in morocco only 15% i know many guys thinks they arabs but dna test show another thing
More human than you... man
Piece of shit nigger. I spit upon your disgusting monkey like form.
Can you unhide your flag? Or are you just a larping faggot?
Send a nigger to lithuanian village - NIGGER is a walking zoo
I've been to your country, and it's not that bad for a Muslim country. That being said, if Europe (or the US) should become Muslim, we would be in a situation analogous to how the Berbers are treated in your country, and how the Copts are treated in Egypt.
We are trying to undo what the lefty cucks are doing to us by voting. But of course if voting can't solve the problem then the only other options are fight or flight.
In the meantime, Sup Forums is a place where we can come to express views and vent rage that we can't do in public for fear of losing our jobs and so on.
Are Africans worried about sub-race mixing? Despite the, they all look the same, there is a lot of variation on the sub-saharan part of the continent.
The more I am reading, the more I believe you're the real autist. The reason all the cab's drove past you were because you look like an overweight neckbeard
>I've been to your country, and it's not that bad for a Muslim country.
Thanks i guess?
>That being said, if Europe (or the US) should become Muslim,
You shouldn't become muslim, an islamic country is the worst form of opression since you can't criticize islam and if its applied as law you're fucked
My country is only kind of ok because islam is _mostly_ not applied in the law, with the exception of some family law (marriage,adultery etc) you are allowed to leave islam and practice other religions but you cant preach, but if you're a native and you leave you're pretty much gonna get ostracized so you have to keep it secret like me and deal with the morons constantly nagging about why you dont practice
>we would be in a situation analogous to how the Berbers are treated in your country, and how the Copts are treated in Egypt.
While i dont really think the berbers are in a terrible situation, since they are just as much a part of the country as arabs (the berber language has been made an official language, they have their own national tv channel, and berber is being thought in schools in berber areas)
However they are indeed getting their pagan history replaced by muslim tradition, for example the berber pagan ritual that sacrifices virgins (for sex) to a fertility goat god has mostly been replaced the islamic eid kbir sheep sacrifice ritual, and the current berbers dont know their history is being rewritten
>We are trying to undo what the lefty cucks are doing to us by voting. But of course if voting can't solve the problem then the only other options are fight or flight.
If you ask me you lost the battle a long time ago, immigrants are there to stay but suit yourself.
>In the meantime, Sup Forums is a place where we can come to express views and vent rage that we can't do in public for fear of losing our jobs and so on.
Sure, you can vent and rage, im just trying to shed some light on the situation from my "subhuman nigger" prespective
How does it feel to know that everything was better under colonial governance? Do African people celebrate their perceived history of victimization like African Americans or is the focus laid on themselves and the problems with the archaic tribalistic way of life?
>How does it feel to know that everything was better under colonial governance?
either trolling or just ignorant but heres a good read on the subject.
>Most people who immigrate to europe have no chance of living a decent life,
And they never will because they are uneducated and absolutely worthless for the economy. Experts have found that the average Arab/African refugee who comes to Germany needs 8 more years of education to be ready for a job.There's shit like picking up garbage that could be a way to earn a bit but they don't want to do it. (Understandably so). So in the end they all end up pickpotteting, robbing, dealing drugs or just sitting around. Maybe do some sports betting.
Germany already had its fair share of people who "fell through the social net". Now they're importing millions at a time when the population should decrease due to the digitalization of life.
And yeah it's not your problem but it will be if you keep refusing to take the fucking Moroccan gangsters back that have LARPed as 17 year old Syrians. Germany and Europe won't stay cucked forever and Africa is finished without the foreign aid.
>And yeah it's not your problem but it will be if you keep refusing to take the fucking Moroccan gangsters back that have LARPed as 17 year old Syrians. Germany and Europe won't stay cucked forever and Africa is finished without the foreign aid.
How come? You seem to be under the impression that morocco lives off europe but thats not true.
The only aid we need is military aid, and political veto power.
For example morocco is at an arms race with algeria, algeria is supported by large foreign military countries such as russia, so morocco needs europe/us support in supplying arms to be able to compete
If europe is gone then algeria wont have european support and neither does morocco.
Morocco is actually a large exporter to europe, france is a fucking leech here, most of our phosphate (a mineral mostly found only in morocco) is going to france because of the independence treaty.
So no i dont think europe going down is going to affect morocco more than it would affect any other country (i mean face shit is gonna hit the fan everywhere if europe goes under)
That said i do support your fight for getting back control of your country, but the battle is lost, you're the jew puppets and you're really barking up the wrong tree and just wasting time when you say its our fault
Also we're not refusing to take back moroccans, all moroccan citizens are free to enter the country whenever they please and waste a shitload of money trying to make they re-entry in the summer as smooth as possible to encourage more to come back.
Also morocco heavily cooperates with spain when it comes to border countrol.
We also cooperate heavily when it comes to terrorism intelligence, and morocco has warned about several attacks before they happened.
What more do you want? do you want us to send moroccan cops to germany to police the moroccans there?
>morocco needs europe/us support
Out of all the bitching and moaning in this thread, that is the one real takeaway from the whole thing. "Oh we need this, we need that".
Absolutely kill yourselves. Civilization has no use for retards who are 100 years behind. Any help that goes to your sub 80 iq asses is STOLEN from hardworking people who EARNED IT. FUCKING DIE.
You probably live on wellfare and autismbux
You're more of a leech to the US than the entire population of africa combined.
Also you replied to a post explaining how Morocco doesn't need foreign aid yet you deducted the opposite.
Now who's the sub 80IQ subhuman landwhale?