Why did the good guys lose in WW2?
Why did the good guys lose in WW2?
They did not, they Won but in the process nearly lost everything. Nazi larpers and actual Nazis are in the same boat as Communists, they should both be hung
don't tell them i've got this poster
Br*tshits are the worst posters on this site next to turkroaches.
Fuck off and die you inbred turbocucks.
Still mad about Dresden Hans?
You better watch it before we topple the failed state of yours again.
And a German calling us cucked, how funny
Not mad at all considering you faggots wrecked your faggy empire yourselves and are currently losing that little island you still have left as well.
But at least you still have the Malvinas, right? :^)
>mfw people come to Sup Forums, pick up a few too many "redpills", and unironically want national socialism
I thought summer ended already?
Not all of us are as narrow-minded as him, my friend. We are just outspoken by people that haven't fully immersed themselves in the facts of history yet.
pakis need to be banned from /pol
People think that ww2? No only americans.
They didn´t 100%. You have to remember this was their attempt at super powerful semi-global communism. Someone stopped them despite overwhelming odds.
Of course today they are winning again, but we can still beat them, one last stand.
shouldn't have fucked with russia
>not realizing that Britain lost and is now in a slow death / decline ever since
Wew lad. You fought for the wrong side and God has cursed thee, soon you will be a caliphate insha´allah
So do racist
AFAIK there were many points when the tides could have turned. The most sour one for me is Poland flipping off Hitler.
You should have fought for Kolchak
? This was his main goal and motivation, to crush Soviet Commie-globalism. Everything else was just survival + basic nation building stuff.
Pakis love hitler u dumb shart
This is how I like my goys!
There were no good guys. There have never been nor ever will be good guys. They'd be destroyed or corrupted almost immediately anyway.
Because Hitler invaded the Soviet Union alone instead of planninh a pincer attack with Japan, allowing Stalin to redeploy his eastern armies and hold Hitler back at Stalingrad
The Japanese were bogged down in China, and the Soviets were on the cusp of a European invasion themselves. Had the US and UK not been corrupted by Zionists, they could have backed Germany and won the war.
Fuck off br*tcuck
It's a shame, who would've guessed that Bongs would rather throw away their global empire and get in bed with communists than support Germany?
Nazis weren't "good guys" desu. We wouldn't exist nowadays if they won.
"Cheezits are my favorite" - Abraham Lincoln
The amazing irony of it all is that while the Britcucks whined about a world possibly speaking more German, in the end they began displaying hammers and sickles while speaking Russian for a while.
because your country fought them dumbfuck