Notch is going all in on the PizzaGate stuff
Holy shit
Let's hope he stays safe...
He needs to immediately say he's not sucidial
This guy lurked way too much on Sup Forums.
So have we made any progress on that plan to tunnel underneath the restaurant and dig a basement so that this story isn't so easily debunked?
Billionares do lurk Sup Forums afterall
Are you talking about when they lied about not having a basement when the building obviously does? Why do you choose to believe unproven claims by criminals instead of the lords truth?
Watching notch have an insane melt down is pretty fucking funny.
The "Podestas look like the abducters of Madeleine McCann" is one of the most absurd pieces of "evidence" in pizzagate. I can't believe someone as smart as Notch is putting that out as a good argument.
Cringe. He sounds like tin hatted lunatic. I thought he had better proof
I bless him with everything that I can, I commend and respect his bravery, and I love him now that he seems to be aligned with the truth, God, and divinity :)
I hope he's protected from some fucking divine authority figure, and that this, and full knowledge of PZG8, and complete awareness of it, gets out to essentially everyone in civilization and society.
Have much love, and have no fear :)
I find it retarded that in this Twitter thread he blames the Alt-Right for fueling the race war and acts as if the Alt-Right isn't a product of the so-called ''alt-left's'' anti-white racism.
He preaches about telling the truth then does this shit....
divide and conquerer here;
Could you elaborate on how I'm D&C?
didn't he tweet out;
(pizzagate is real)
Dude must be fucking drunk as fuck
Yup they do.
>redpills his audience of millions on pizzagate
>yeahhhhhh butttttt he doesn't like what millions of people have been brainwashed to believe are evil nazis who want to holocaust pitbulls n shit so never mind
I was only replying to an user. I ain't trying to derail this, so I'll stop.
To play devils advocate he could mean they store it in the basement at his house or something. Or he's lying about the whole 'muh organic tomato harvest' and just buys cans of commercial pizza sauce
Mate how new are you? Notch made minecraft popular with Sup Forumss help. He's always posted here this is common knowledge, we used to mock him about his game
Fair enough, but he's definitely a liar:
Well he wasnt a billionare then
>With two community-centric restaurants and support of various causes, James Alefantis is committed to the common good
Fuck me it reads like something out of an Ayn Rand novel. Are these people even self-aware?
Is he falling for the pizzagate bait or is he baiting the pizzagate followers?
he's always been a 4channer faggot, he gained popularity through Sup Forums
Nope he meant this
This shit is international
Pic related : in the office of Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo with our cuck president Emmanuel Macron
yes you dumb idiot retard gay nigger faggot jew kike bitch whore
>the swirl
holy shit
anyone notice the bust of Antoninus in the new planet of the apes film? or maybe it was something else
freaked me out but it leads one to imagine that this is a more common symbol to pedowooders than one might think
I think they're demons actually, and they are.
inb4 minecraft man gets suicided to the back of the head with 4 bullets
>inb4 wikileaks is unreliable
>inb4 those emails were hacked i-i mean faked
>inb4 assange is trump puppet
>inb4 assange is putin puppet
>nothing suspicious or worth researching guys, go to bed, it's late, i'm tired, burger etc
Exactly and "1987"
Can't be coincidence
I give him 18 months
Is this what peak based looks like?
>it's another "Sup Forums redpills some celebrity" episode
Omg I love those!
Are they going to kill him?
Don't be silly, he's just going to suffer a "robbery gone awry" where the robbers didn't actually take anything and simply disappear from the media.
they ?
CIA will
this can happen to the best of us. pizzagate is a giant piece of collective hallucination.
honestly they will probably just ridicule him
pizzagate is a pretty fringe / nutty topic to a lot of normies
im not trying to diss pizzagate, but its just the way things are
Natural hairline doesn't match.
Jaw line doesn't match.
Skull configuration doesn't match.
Pizzagate is pure lunacy. But it's good that we all came out against pedophilia.
Yeah, CTR would just flock to the threads because they didn't want us to waste our time and our own people cared because we were ruining some faggot kike's "job" as the 29th (or near it) most influential person in DC who runs a pizza place.
This. Why would they kidnap her themselves when they supposedly have arrangements in place to provide them with fresh children?
Pizzagate is getting the ol holocaust treatment
He laid out a surprisingly coherent case there. I wonder why so few people are talking about it? Don't his tweets usually get a lot of attention?
>used to
I had feeling people still do
I don't think they did that one though there are more reasons to think they did than just that facial match. I think they were there at the time, they happen to look like the photo of the suspects, John has a secretary handling his emails, they delete a large number of emails around then, etc.
Devils advocate, they wouldn't need to kidnap this girl in question. But if they did and wanted to, it was likely they committed on the spot.
>James stood naked at the edge of a cliff.
Godspeed Notch
To join the cult, you must get your hands dirty. They must commit a serious crime to surrender as collateral.
tell notch pizzagate was some dumb shit cooked up on here that was taken up by schizophrenics
>"And the spiral people are freaking out from is from TRUE DETECTIVE"
Notch you dumbass they got it from an FBI release
>0.01$ have been deposited in your account
you have no excuse to not treat your illness straya
You guys who believe in these conspiracy theories are schizophrenic and paranoid, I wonder what your families have to deal with in their daily lives because of your paranoid delusions and reading into hidden menacing messages in random words and subtexts
>$0.00000001 has been deposited into your account
WTF I love child sex now
Hahaha holy shit you based autistic swede.
It does. She is just twice older, broken from abuse so she has different facial mimics.
But seriously, this faggot made it huge with selling minecraft. Why is he risking his wealth and the rest of his life to spend that wealth exposing this shit. Doesn't he know what's going to happen to him?
next week/month he is murdered and his account is taken over and used to express schizophrenic delusions and suicidal ideation, then his death is revealed, declared suicide, no autopsy
nothing will happen to him besides people on twitter making fun of him for being a retard
might kill himself eventually like his dad tho
You have no excuse to keep sucking nigger dick, faggot.
and the narrative begins...
+ it's only a visualization how they think she should be looking like at this age. When she dissapeared she was much younger
they look like dark chocolate and dark chocolate is delicious
now take your antipsychotics
My entire family believes pizzagate. I'm talking about my entire extended family of about 124 people. All christian. All armed to the teeth. All willing to lay down their lives to save god's children.
Top notch!
>0.0004 shekels have been deposited into your account!
looking forward to watching them die on television
eugenics is good
>t.cletus and his inbred bloodline
>Haitian special extra cheese
there it is
As absurd the claim is, the evidence is just as absurd. The chance of two people who look exactly like the sketch making a trip to the exact same area at the exact same time is lower than the chance of being struck by lightning twice in a row.
This extraordinary claim has extraordinary evidence. Just not any serious legal agent that would risk their career ( and life ) to research this further using the resources of the state.
Notch is probably in the know, his shitty game is played by millions of kids. Fucking pedo
How good is sleep. I just love bed.
why is he talking about this? he's worth over a billion...does he want to be suicided?