Holy FUCKING shit.

They LITERALLY call out social justice warriors, tumblr, and privilege bullshit.

Zoom in on the screen that's being used to brainwash Gumball- it literally has a meme that says "CELEBRATE DIFFERENCES"

Is this literally the single most based show in existence???

Other urls found in this thread:

Haven't watched the full episode yet, but it's made by a studio in Europe. How did the electric jew let this air???

Do people watch this? Looked like a Flash animation but it has a CN watermark.

"celebrate differences"


Literally displayed on a computer screen literally wired to someone's head

It's a pretty good show. They make fun of Chinese knockoffs too.

It's one of the three biggest shows on CN.

Granted, the network is circling the shitter, but it and Adventure Time are the two main shows they churn out merchandise for.

I actually recommend watching Gumball- it has fantastic writing chops.

>They make fun of Chinese knockoffs too.
that shit was golden

the writers have no filter, and it's clearly working for them

Original creator will stay involved for one more season, expect drop in writing quality soon.
The show is indeed awesome

there's an episode with an angry carnivorous turtle where the youngest kid looks through a book of dangerous reptiles and one of the pages she flips past is "the banker". i can't find the clip but enjoy a still shot.

I've seen this show like 2-3 times when my little nieces were over, it's pretty good reminds of when tv used to be for entertainment instead of for agenda.

I always knew there was a reason i liked that little blue shit

A bunch of grown men watching hours of a kids cartoon. This is why you losers are dying out.

Everyday the goalposts go down. It's like a drowning man grasp the last of the few straws while civilization gets more liberal. Watching a bunch of socially awkward people with no friends hold onto some failing cause is fun

>watching 90 seconds of a kid's cartoon displaying reason instead of SJW pandering is equivalent to being a neckbeard

w e w l a d

Looks like I hit too close to home. Go watch more cartoons to 'redpill' yourself

>Looks like I hit too close to home.

Gumball is the man. Great animation and actually fucking funny.

nice try, reddit

shitting on muh essjayWs is so 2013 mate

now it's just cringe

Cuz we watch cartoons K

I watch it with my kids. Same with Regular Show and Adventure Time.