Lads, everyone migrate over to BitChute...
It's a decentralized site where you can post and view videos. It uses the torrent network, so all videos are hosted in a p2p format.
Also, the comment section allows posting of pics/gifs. Join the movement:
Lads, everyone migrate over to BitChute...
It's a decentralized site where you can post and view videos. It uses the torrent network, so all videos are hosted in a p2p format.
Also, the comment section allows posting of pics/gifs. Join the movement:
WTF since when does YouTube shut off comments without uploader consent?
Today it begins...but the shitshow doesn't go down Officially until this Thursday.
The Jews are ramping up their war against us..... they are going to shut down all the Chans soon too....
so it's a LBRY fork ?
I will be moving to bitchute mostly spending more time there I hope others follow
>bitch ute
Yeah nah mate
You should call it "Bitchtube" because bitching is certainly the only thing you White conservashits and your pathetic dying race is good at nowadays.
stop being so mean :(
y-y-you will not replace...
oh who am I kidding. Us whites are such loser cucks. I think Imma go kill myself now. I just can't stand a future where we're all such bitchboy betas compared to blacks and arabs.
god I hate us pathetic white people so much.
to be honest at least when they do shut it down, I'm going to enjoy sceptic tears too much
I agree, us whites are such losers. Why fight a losing fight? Refugees welcome I guess
>Bitch Ute
What does BitChute say about things such as censoring, free speech....etc?
Are they just another Youtube? Would they censor Andrew Anglin for example? How about Moonman videos? What's their threshold of tolerance?
>that flag
>us (((whites)))
cuckchan in a nutshell
You motherfucking kangaroo fuck motherfucking motherfucker asshole shitshow fuck
>bitch oot
What kind of shitty name is this?
here bump, i hope a new video hosting site actually takes off
Ya wudda shudda gudda gotta bugga lugga?
/ourguys/ for sure
>can't get an obvious joke
Also fyi I nazipost on 8/pol/ daily, people always seem to agree with me there.
Honestly jews are our best posters. Real Sup Forumsacks understand this
gonna start transferring over important alt-right videos from youtube. what others are staples of our movement?
Lmao it was an obvious joke
Real Sup Forumsacks know pol is a Zionist board
I fucking love this, it's like the early days of Youtube when things were totally random and chaotic
Post them on pornhub also
God, I wish they weren't using Disqus though. Data mining like crazy.
Who's (((movement)))?
But honestly, I would head to the
Armenian Nation channel. Tons of great stuff there. Or type evola in the search bar.
>>Armenian Nation channel. Tons of great stuff there
link? search doesn't come up with anything
countdown before the pedo takeover
you're right. i started watching a video and it was very "interesting" like youtube before the jews took it over
Just keep putting up all the vidro's you enjoy before they disapear.
Also upload them on other sites.
What a stupid ass name
if you want videos from youtube use hooktube
put hooktube in any youtube url to automatically save it on a different website
now with hook
The search function is below shit tier and disque is a big no no, for the rest it might be the youtube killer. Way better than Libry because no need to download some spyware
Murdoch Murdoch, before the copies get taken down
Oh shit I remember youtube before they put their (((algorithms))) in place, I could spend hours hopping from one video to another - you never knew what you might find!
Why would you call your site Bitch Ute?
what does bitch ute even mean?
The name and interface are terrible.
It means if you don't reply to this post you mother will die in her sleep tonight.
...nice to see we have multiple alternatives now
g-g-god bless you!
>be shill
>free market alternatives arise from kikery
>oy vey this is no good
>gotta find a reason to bitch and complain about an escape route from worldwide censorship, speech and thought policing
>muh name
>muh bad optics
What sort of name is "BITCHUTE"?
I do not like this.
So where are our bunkers for when that happens? 8?
uploaded a handful of classics now keep the requests coming my way.
>tfw it doesn't work on your non-botnet browser due to not supporting WebRTC
I'm a retarded for thinking a website with a bad interface and a name containing bitch in it will never take off.?
>The Terms, and your relationship with BitChute under the Terms, shall be governed by English law. You and BitChute agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England to resolve any legal matter arising from the Terms.
so the UK government will have full access and criticising israel is illegal?
>Paddy Tarleton, Mr. Bond and some Moon Man (under construction)
>The Impartial Truth
Thanks Kiwi, subscribed
>bitch ute
which one of you bogan cuntbags came up with this stroke of genius?
>they are going to shut down all the Chans soon too....
says who
I imangine little bit soldiers jumping off a plane with a parachute
subbed back. youre doing good work mate
>non botnet
overly nervous Boomers and lefties invested in new tech 2.0 Bubble for the n+1 time
Other great alternatives:
When the war comes, I'm going to make you watch my whole cock fill every female member of your family whilst you watch. Then I'll finish with you, I will rape you to death.
I'll start uploading my content on there (that got no views on YT). If Styxhexenhammer666 approves of it, I will follow suit as he's the authority on video platforms.
Youtubes alternatives will not succeed.
What we need is a browser based add on which detects a partially censored video.
Then injects its own comment section in the users web page. The comments themselves can be hosted on an external service.
Nigger kill yourself, I've seen Paki's more intelligent than you. MM link to an archive of all their videos from the about page on their YouTube account.
Dumb nigger.
How does ad revenue work there?
The only way to make it successful is to mix in red pilled vids wit h normie vids. The only way to get normies to post there is to let them generate ad revenue
No. It's utter shit. I uploaded a 2160p, 60-fps gaming video (TIE Fighter with nearest-neighbor upscaling), and it got compressed from 200 MB to 10 MB. The resulting video is neither 2160p nor 60 FPS.
Best bet is Hooktube then. If they add comment sections then we can deny Youtube revenue while still watching, commenting on and sharing the video.
it seems to works on firefox with webRTC disabled
2160p is a fucking joke. You cannot see the difference between that and 1080p on an ordinary sized monitor.
A ute for a bitch
>finally a chance for a youtube alternative
>no open standards to prevent this from happening again
>still tied down to whatever the new company deems fit to host
It's used to see imperfections in kpop videos. Haein from Laboum looks absolutely hideous in 2160p.
Holy shit, I hadn't seen that. Time to stop shilling Pale Moon.
It's a p2p node network. I prefer since it uses #IPFS and provides rewards through the steemit user platform
One that's easy to remember, like duckduckgo.
I have no doubt the creators deliberately made it ambiguous for that reason.
Yes you are. Believe it or not, there are actually people living in a place called Bangkok (just an example).
BitChute is the only realistic way to combat the Goliath that is Youtube. Using a P2P network as opposed to having videos stored in hundreds of expensive servers throughout the world is the only way to mitigate the costs of running a video sharing network. They are also explicitly pro free speech, which is a plus.
someone seems salty, forgot your antidepressents today? Go be divisive somewhere else
oi faggots, uplaod your memes and webms as well, dont spam fash shit
This is the most traffic this site has gotten in months if we load the front page with hardcore blackpill shit there will be ZERO normie population and it will die
It's a p2p node network. I prefer since it uses #IPFS and provides rewards through the steemit user platform
And how will this solve the monetization problem or the centralization?
This is great, Jewgle kikes BTFO. Can't wait till it gets more content, the whole expedited service thing should make it fast
why not zeronet?
its a whole web based on that principle, not just one single video site.
its free, open source and super easy to install and use (even on Wangblows Microsucks).
It does not provide much privacy on itself (you have tor for that and routing everything on zeronet through tor is literally just one click) but focuses on anti-censorship.
This is how the "starting page" looks like, on the left you have all the sub-sites such as videos or torrents, there are even mail and twitter-replacements.
> Lads, everyone migrate over to BitChute...
Just read their terms and privacy policy and it checks out. (as much as a western hosted site on the open web can)
Lets see how it goes once they have received a a bunch of scary legal threats and had the the FBI on their back. Then we will see what they are made of.
Look what they did to Kim dot com over a few copyright violations. I hope BitChute have their shit ready...
So what's the best browser then?
Brave doesn't work with my GPU for some reason.
They need to get the fuck off of Disqus though. Multiple sites have had their Disqus revoked due to controversial topics, and I'm sure Bitchute will have plenty of that. They should spend some time developing their own commenting system so they can be totally independent.
no, all of those and Gab are all centralized. One partyvan or policy change later and all your content is gone forever.
it's not easy to remember bitchute, it's phonetical dogshit too is better.
Apparently, Zeronet has multiple major security flaws in its design. Weev was in a pol thread a few days ago explaining it in great detail, maybe you can find the archive on 4plebs.
its open source anyway, just fork it. Eliminate the blocking content and recompile.
>Paddy, Moonman, Bond and Impartial Truths goose bump creating and inspiring third reich videos
Please elaborate
Weev is a kikenigger from mexico!
He keeps repeating the same trite, long disproven FUD.
Zeronet is pretty good, there is no major security flaw. He is just a dumbass because he does not get it into his wetback skull that Zeronet is not Tor and that it does not aim to be. Thats why he keeps harping about "muh privacy".
Unfortunately this moron ignores that the standard clearnet is much, much more dangerous to whatever he thinks makes zeronet dangerous.
not a single normie will use it, way to "Darknet" like., minds and bitchute are the better compromise
The more these companies step out of line the more Trump is going to bring down the antitrust hammer.
We still the to solve the problem of domain registrars shutting /ourguys/ down. If we can't even get a domain in the future, we're fucked.
>not a single normie will use it
yeah, kiddo, thats what they said about the www during the 90s too.
Times change.
Also and I cant repeat this often enough: Zeronet can function as a backup for the clearnet just fine. Post the articles, websites, comments... whatever on zeronet and mirror them on the clearnet. That way if (((they))) take down the clearnet site, no data is lost.
Right now if a clearnet site is lost no one can access it anymore, not the normies and not us. With clearnet + zeronet at least the non-morons will still be able to access it.
too bad that Sup Forums will go apeshit over "muh regulations r socialism".
fuck this reddit spacing, it looked like whole paragraphs when I typed it into the reply windows. wtf.
Nothing wrong with spacing. My father doesn't know what the fuck paragraphs or punctuation are, so it's a breath of fresh air, if you're used to seeing a massive chunk of text.