How do you manage to keep yourself together amongst this cancerous modern world?

How do you do it? Every day. It's always the same shit you see everyday. Morals and traditions are becoming extinct. Everyone around me is a zealot of popular culture and social media. Their religion is Hollywood. It just makes me even more jaded. Politics even bothers me more, I see a shitshow every day and I can do nothing about it. It's suffering to live in real time and watch as the country becomes more brown and becomes more savage and degenerate and stupid.

Other urls found in this thread:

You get over it by shitposting and desperately trying to do whatever to trigger people to make you laugh before you turn into Peter Hitchens

You turn off your phone and pc, go outside and get fit

Become open minded

I smoke a lot of weed

Work hard, drink harder

You find joy in the little things in life. Beautiful sunsets, peaceful forest walks, quiet misty mornings, and so on. No amount of worldy bullshit can take these things away from us.
Have ou ever wondered why art flourishes in times of strife?

Op, I reccomend that you go outside and watch the next sunset for about 5 minutes. Just sit there and watch it. Take it all in.

Confess time.

I started drinking 2 months ago. Only dark beer with 7% alcohol. 1L a day. It is very cheap here. You can buy 1L with 1.5 euros. Only during the evenings. Then the deep sleep strikes my head.
The recent politics in my country are so fucking chucked, it hurts; illegal immigrants are getting here more and more here. The population is not even asked if we agree on certain social and political changes and they are done without the public opinion. The EU is funding over the will of the population immigrantion centers, investing over 600.000 euros in these fucking projects.
We have over 4 million native people out of this country, working overseas. Our 40% is in poverty. More than 60.000 children are on the streets. Hospitals are death centers (unless you have money for private heatlhcare. Good luck with that, though, because it costs a fortune). Our forrests are sold to foreign agencies (you can see from google earth the massive deforestation made in the Carpathian Mountains). More and more women are getting married to turks and arabs. The kids are raised jihadi.
In 50 years from now a big massacre will occur here.
How do I cope with this ?
Drinking beer (can't sort myself out, is so, so hard), and admiring the beautiful view I get here. The only thing that keeps me going are the beautiful moments of autumn, rain, thunder, fog, and industrial-ambiental music. Very sad music that strikes me right in the kokoro.

FUCK, why the fuck I am a tree fucking hugger ?
Here is the flag !

Ignorance is Bliss

ride the tiger


No matter how unhappy i am there is always that little flame of hope inside me stopping me from going full nihilist.

I'm getting ready to take an extended break from Sup Forums or maybe Sup Forums as a whole if I keep finding myself back at Sup Forums like I did today.

Spending too much time here will make you feel surrounded by degeneracy - odd for a place that's so against it, but we all know why that is.

I think I can still stay tuned in if I watch Alex Jones everyday.

cgdct, slice of life, siscon, ecchi, harem, moe
its all that matters anymore

emotion leaves the body at some point

i learned that people are mostly shit early on, so i just interact minimally.

that said, the surreality of today is very entertaining.
also pic related keeps me going

Lift, eat, sleep. Go for a run every other day. Read Sup Forums.

I haven't. I'm a housebound alcoholic with no friends and I will never experience love.

I live in the past. I never watch movies, tv shows or listen to music anymore. I'll either passively watch tv or listen to talk radio, or right wing edgy podcasts. I'm miserable and angry all the time. Sometimes I think hate is the only thing that really keeps me going.

Tbf I think this was inevitable whether I became redpilled or not. But it certainly helped the isolation process.

That was clearly made by an atheist.

Probably one with homosexual feelings.

My country literally doesn't have any of your problems, so i wouldn't even know.

The last time I saw a nigger was at least a couple of years ago....

But if you have emotional problems i suggest reading books, it's good for calming down.

Warhammer 40k novels are a good start.

When you change yourself, you change the world

You have the options to change things. What I mean by that is turn off the technology, don't listen to the shills. Find something to get into, an art or hobby or even some volunteering.
We have forgotten that you can as an individual have a profound effect on the society that you wish to make, so choose to live without the bullshit and the degeneracy and try to live a moral life.

Have a wank

Okay then. I just got 15% more racist.

tfw youre polish

the point is that somehow with the success of having GMO whiteys in the near future is one of the few reasons i'm alive today

My beautiful wife and my selfish desire to provide for my family.

This, too. But don't you dare admit because people will criticize you and then go get drunk theirselves.

I got a job and started going out of my parent's house more often.

Haven't drank alcohol in 2 years. And only drank it occasionally before then.
Don't do any drugs at all.

You focus on yourself, they were meant to be slaves.

Stop black-pilling yourself and/or trying to black-pill Sup Forums. There are 1 of 2 responses to your post:

1) you're a shill, you have an agenda that's based in black-pilling us, driving down our motivation, making us feel futile for whatever reason, and my answer to that is a resounding fuck you as I'm sure anyone on Sup Forums will reciprocate.

2) You really are looking for answers in which case:
>morals and traditions are becoming extinct
Wrong. Not only has Trump been fighting tooth and nail to preserve our traditions and morals, but the American people themselves have been doing the same. That's reality, right outside your door.
>everyone is a zealot of pop culture/social media
Not everyone. Just the plebs and normies. You know how to stop this? Slowly drip red pills into conversations, interactions, etc but the catch is YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO SOCIALLY INTERACT WITH PEOPLE DUMBASS. Stop closing yourself away and being reclusive, get out there, interact, talk, chill and relax with others.
>Their religion is Hollywood
Hollywood is failing. It's crumbling. It's losing traction because people aren't buying their sjw bullshit. Most every movie is a net-loss.
>politics are a shit-show
politics have always been a shit-show, focus on policy, bills, etc. and stop watching MSM

Almost certain you're a shill but whatever this will help others.

Be a man. Stand up for your folk. Shoot blacks and browns. Life is cheap. Give it up for something greater, like your heritage and your family. I will too.

how do Turks and Arabs get to Romania?What are they doing there?

Similar feeling here, I pretty much started doing the opposite of what "clean your room" guy said. Drink good beer, enjoy nature, quit worrying about being fit/getting women/having friends/nice house/stuff/etc. After being a chad in my 20s the only thing that really matters to me anymore is being left the hell alone.

Fitness, books and contemplation


Yep its like I guess I shouldn't stab myself in the throat because_________

make money and spend it travelling to beautiful places with no people around and drink. trying not to drink though


Same, also checked

Training body and mind. Daily. Prepairing for the inevitable.
Making sure that my genes will come out of this clusterfuck of state enforced diversity.

>That get

What did Kek mean by this?

Return to traditionalist ideals and develop practices. Neo-Traditionalism, not LARPing like a yesteryear traditionalist, but embracing what you can and building up. Familial traditions can be a platform to develop better ones for your progeny, religious traditions can serve as well.

The best thing that we can do is lead by example in a world of modern values where the norm is consumption without thought. Begin by disengaging as much as possible from the tangles of this consumption (i.e. become financially independent, strive for subsistence living, break into the producer class yourself and start your own business) and work on being more engaged with your community, helping to steward it as you are able. It's easy to underestimate the power that a strong place in the community will do for one when it comes time to talk about personal values (i.e. race realism, etc) and you will find those in the modern world easier to persuade of the folly of modernity if you are well established.

You realise that this is (((their))) plan? They're flooding the market with low value genes right now and suppressing the volume high value genes so their value of their own genetic holdings will be maximised.

The problem is that they aren't going to help you when the welfare dries up and the brown tide of Islamic hate drags you from your house.

We are in dark times, but keep fighting because if there is a resurgence of /ourside/, we need you.

I am giving life one last real try; get a good job, get a house, find peace, be a good person and uphold good values and principals. If it doesn't work for me, maybe I'll go live in the woods or devote my life to preserving and spreading the knowledge feminists and "the left" try to suppress.

Years ago I had checked out of society, I hated everyone and wanted to watch them burn... But then, I found new hope in people, saw the achievements of the west (belittle them all you want you pessimists) I began to like England and thought there was hope for a better future, but just as this happened they started to truly ruin Europe and the UK by inviting in the third world to set up shop and drag us down.

Just live for yourself and atleast try to secure our future with a stable job, home, good values and white babies.

to elaborate, the only way to fail is not to try!

But if I fail this time though, fuck everything, I'll tell everyone the truths they don't want to hear at the expense of everything else in my life. One last bright burst before I become homeless or dead.

>Exercise daily,
>Eat healthy (refined sugar makes you weak &depressed)
>Microdose lsd to stay grounded/ redpilled,
>Develop passion for a hobby. preferably one that gets you outside and socializing

>Cardio exercise for brain benefits
>Weight training exercise for heightened testosterone production (brain benefits)
>High quality nutrition (Organic dairy, organic grass fed beef, organic chicken, fatty fish high in omega 3's, probiotics like yogurt or sauerkraut, blueberries, green tea, cruciferous vegetables)
>A skill you can work on over time that has deferred gratification (piano/musical instruments, sports, carpentry, gardening, welding, etc. Something you must suck at for a time so you can measure your progress over time)

Keep yourself healthy by eating good quality food, exercising, diversifying your daily experiences and seeking situations for novelty's sake to expand your mind, all while working on becoming a master at something, will help you get through these confusing, frenetic days.

The rest of us just have to wait. White America is the key. If they decide to go extinct we all do.
If they decide to fight we all will.

"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering".
Friedrich Nietzsche
I am fighting for something greater than myself. I have decided not to give up even when it looks bleak.

Workout, read books.

Influence those closest to you.

Don't despair, this is an uphill battle, and realising that we are small fry isn't reason to give in.

Focus on yourself, better yourself.

Don't despair.

The true battle is in the mind/spirit. We are born into this shit world, we realize how wrong everything is and we react by withdrawing and becoming bitter. However this reaction is still part of the game - its just the other side of the coin. Just seek truth in the middle way.

Most of us here have detuned from the normie matrix only to tune into the 24/7 hate matrix. It is possible to be aware of things without giving into the misantrophy. I recommend taking a break from Sup Forums for a bit (we all come back eventually no matter what anyway), going for walks and setting a daily exercise routine and meditating. Its cliché but it truly does work, I've been through it and came through the other side first hand. Just focus on making your little bubble of the world a little better each day and momentum spirals upwards.

By having an unhealthy addiction to naked anime girls.

>How do you manage to keep yourself together amongst this cancerous modern world?
I'm not a baby back bitch that focuses on the external world for a sense of accomplishment, and happiness.

Fucking pathetic, please see the world so you know how completely fucking great you have it. Fucking bitch.

I spend most of my time masturbating to cartoons and browsing Sup Forums. I also play videogames, watch a little bit of anime and sleep a lot.
If I had access to a loaded gun or some other method of easy suicide I'd probably have checked out already, almost 24 years old and absolutely nothing has made me want to live after I failed to an hero by drinking some insect poison at 13.

Personally I took the gold pill over the black.
There's nothing I can do to save people who do desperately want to be killed in the street by muslims, so their parents can go hug Muslim preachers or go on the news to talk about how they forgive the terrorist. It's beyond cucked, it's Stockholm syndrome.

There's no point debating with leftists, group i know admitted they love that anyone doing wrong think will get arrested and doxxed, and don't care in the slightest when their hypocrisies are laid bare.

Fuck em. I focus on improving myself and my life and my bank account, and it keeps me busy. My only hope now is that when there's MAJOR happenings: Trump assassinated, Korean peninsula wars, etc, that I'll be watching on multiple big screens, preferably from my mansion.
If I have enough one day if like to fund political stuff, but for now I focus on earning.

I don't choose to see that part of the world
I read wise, ancient books

>How do you do it?

By always remembering two things:

* That I am Pure Consciousness, which is infinite and eternal, experiencing life in a temporary human form.

* That what we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable, which means that nothing is impossible.

I keep thinking this world is not worth living in.
But meanwhile, I keep doing better for myself for some reason.
I could honestly go by working 1/3 of what I do now, but I just do it because I've got nothing else to do.
I should have offed myself multiple times now, but I still hang on to the thought that rational thought will ultimately win.
Otherwise, I'm just enjoying the shit-show.

me too bud
smoking weed has actually made me more right wing

You're the fucking niggers of Europe right after the Russians.

Meditation, prayer, community.

After 4 years of """cleaning toilets""" in UK I praise Lord every day to be back in 99.96% white ethnostate.
Folks at job must be thinking I'm crazy just because I smile to myself - but I do it for a good reason.

me too m8 im on the same path

>Tfw I'm only 20 and I feel the same way

Fuck it all. I'm not depressed but fuck anything but family and the occasional outing with friends. It's best to just work and drink and every now and then blow your cash on whatever your hobbies are

I feel you op. I contemplate the same thing at least weekly. I find joy in small things that make me happy even though things could have been more joyful without the current state of things. For example doing anything outside with other people around for me is ruined the second I hear someone speak sandnigger. I study something I'm passionate about that hopefully eventually will take me to a better location and let me earn a ton of money doing something I love. Other than that I socialize somewhat with hosting game and dinner nights during my education which feeds my innate need for attention that I dislike about myself. At least that's a fun time and I get to spend it with what I think is not horrible people. Also I have a son but unfortunately a lot of our quality time is ruined by a flood of sandniggers and their totally savage shitlings. When it all comes around I feel myself hanging from a thin thread because the fest of the world is just a gigantic shit fest that just keeps spinning. I'm 110% worried for my son's future. My best advice is to try to find something you love doing and immerse yourself in that and live for yourself only.

Thread theme:

I went to school to study rock in hopes of avoiding the communist rhetoric of university. I'm surrounded by fat girls who run ever club, are incapable of doing math, and consistently bitch about charlottesville and white men. All of my professors crack jokes about Trump. The department also has a culty vibe to it. We discussed for an entire class period how scientists can impart the truth of science to the peon masses because they're all scientifically illiterate and too dumb to understand man made climate change.

send help pls.

islam is the answer OP. drop the racism shit though.

Same. I got proffesors who claim that "communism didn't work in Russia because they started poor"

Really..... I made myself unpopulair by claiming that it was because of communism. I study history btw

Plz send help


Just laugh at the zealots.

I know some day islam will save us.

I hope this backfires on them big time. This type of censorship is so vile and evil. It's un-American but what do you expect from a company run by money-loving Jews?

the bette midler effect

Gunporn, et al.

Atleast you are not born an Indian

The only thing that drives me is the knowledge that everything will burn in a few years when tensions rise. I will enjoy this moment with the thought that Sup Forums was right. This thriving decadence nowadays is sickening.
Would also love to have enough money to buy a cottage somewhere in the outskirts of Norway with enough supplies and internet for a few years, but it's probably already too late to save enough.

controversy equals exposure

Bro if I was Indian I would feel right at fucking home. Half of my neighbors are Indian, there is an Indian-owned liquor store down the street next to a Krishna church. I am living in India: Deluxe Loo edition.

The fuck kind of town is this? I don't mind living in a deluxe edition of this shit hole, how different is it from a white neighborhood?

>Everyone around me is a zealot of popular culture and social media. Their religion is Hollywood.
read adorno

>How do you manage to keep yourself together amongst this cancerous modern world?
Keep your head down in public
Don't get wasted and go on rants
Don't eat junk food
Don't watch television

Mostly just hobbies, increasing earning potential, and making normies uncomfortable. For some reason normies fucking love me and always invite me to boring, stupid social gatherings that revolve around drinking and degeneracy. Wait until they have a few drinks while you discretely dump yours out, then start questioning their beliefs.

Arabs bought a lot of land in Romania shortly after the revolution in 1989. Very sneaky. This has been revealed recently (like 10 years ago). Our politicians betrayed us to the point of selling the land with the future of our own people.
And some women are falling for them (usually out of being unaware of the dangers) because :
1) they are rich and material promising (this is one of the most critical point)
2) they fall in love with the "beautiful languange" and with their face features

This is the case with some turks too.
The similarity in both cases : these women are dominated to the point they are afraid of talking and they cope with it (many cases of such were revealed in our media. Romanian women being abused by these turks and arabs. You know the drill)

It is not an easy thing to be even, balanced. So many attempts. Like, for 6 years so far. My kness got weaker under the weight on my shoulders. This year is my first when I broke down and started to feel more and more defeated. Especially after I've had a pretty tough breakup. She was a blonde, thin and fine woman. Too bad life's not fair and so fucking savage.
>pic related

that nigger chicken has a kfc tattoo

and checked

I took the black pill long ago, and my life outlook improved tenfold. Once you've come to terms with the fact that it's over, destruction is imminent, it makes it easier to stop caring so much about things out of your control. I just keep to myself completely. It's comfortable.

>womynz are abused :'((((

being completely serious here: women want to be abused by high value guys. they'll say they hate it but they will always keep going back to dominant guys.

if those guys started pampering and worshipping women, THAT'S when women would start dumping them one by one.

link to music??

Well I don't watch TV or listen to the radio. It's full of left wing shills on the road to killing themselves. I browse Sup Forums which gives me hope from time to time and the bantz are solid too. I also read and exercise. I play vidya, dnd and anime to relax. I realize for the mess in the west to be sorted it has to get bad. I mean collapse and blow up bad. But I hope for a massive happening that ignites some sort of conflict which allows me to kill some niggers.
We live in a great time line in some sense. Trump winning and Brexit. I just hope the happenings continue.

LSD is bluepilled. Wtf is wrong with you?

I have to plug myself back in lala land for a few weeks just to get shit done, I can't be pissed off on pol and also be productive in the real world at the same time.


t. never taken a psychedelic

I mean it's a nothing town, like the cheap housing and suburbs that cover half the country, not much good or bad to say about

Here are some examples of what I like to listen. They are revelatory to me. At least I embrance my shadow. But the dark side is I'm doing it a bit too much :

Abused with black eye and mistreated to the point she called for help desperately. Many of them were forced to stay locked into rooms, kneel before the oldest man in the house and kiss their feet, kids ripped off from her and indoctrinated religiously. Many women came back after years of planning (because it is sketchy for a woman to leave those islamic lands without its spouse). Their voice was distorted and face not filmed during those confessions.
So just fuck off with violence. I'm not saying you should become so tender to the point she's asking you to be more rough and tough. But no falling into the other extreme, where she's begging you with tears into the eyes to stop beating her.

I read a lot.