When the heck will we get Stormfront back?
When will we get Stormfront back?
What are the Kikes planning next?
>what is stormfront
>what is the daily stormer
Hah, did they knock out Stormfront too? Good riddance.
I messed up I know... yeah stormfront is dead pretty much... they can access their server
hello nigger
fuck off faggot Sup Forums is a board of peace
The newposting location for stormfront is sherdog forumns. In the war room.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on what happened to stormfront?
It's not coming back.
Expect explosions all around the world from people losing their safe space.
don't worry, most of the world will be south africa tier in 5 years anyway.
We are to be replaced with black hoardes
looool (((4LQJMsX2)))
Soon the chans will go down all because of this ANTIFA bitch dying. Yup, she's a terrorist.
not if we move to deepweb or zeronet like network
I didn't even know it was out :(
I only heard of the Stormer.
>Terrorist celebrated as victim at Unite Right Rally
>Patriots became terrorists
>Internet purge
>All our data collected and archives, including here.
We cyber punk dystopians now.
and infostormer :( and they< had kitten pics
Expect many shills in this thread
voat.co is also down
Damn, they should've all gone with false-flag narrative instead of calling out that fat commie
bitch (ahem.. I mean, "a white Aryan hero who died at the hands of literal kikes") for what she was
honestly, did anyone actually read it or is this a attempt to get pol linked to it?
I didnt but it bothers me that their free speech was shut down
It disappeared, while that happens now and then, now it's been gone for a long time.
I saw it like once or twice, but it bothers me to no end they got oppressed like that.
no its not
We shall invade other forumns and let them know niggers are sub-human.
Set up a gab ai account.
>one fatty dies
>websites shut down
>google introduces mass censorship
>entire media campaigns to slander the rally
>hundreds of people including children dies
>if you offend islam you will be banned!
>keep calm and carry on goy!
>just live with it!
I came from there to /new/ after it made too many sub forums and it got boring.
The British sub forum used to be pretty good about 10 years ago. Good history, redpill and jolly banter. A good community and miles Las hysterical than some of the others
I just don't think it needed a fucking cooking forum etc ad nauseum
Anyway shit as it went it's disturbing they They've taken it down
gab ai is so shit. you can't even scroll through the messages people post it's locked to the last 5 or so whatever. you also can't view replies either. it's obviously some kike bullshit honeypot setup to fail. nobody that's sane would make it so shitty.
>goyim, you want to see what an extremist who was banned off twitter said? no problem, goyim. just give us your email, name, and password so we can traffic and monitor you better on our honeypot site
Find out tomorrow morning at 9:07 est when Stormfront Radio with Don Black is on.
As someone who is a member of the Stormfront Newslinks and article writer, I'm pretty blackpilled. I honestly do not know what the fuck I'm going to do now.
>just give us your email, name, and password so we can traffic and monitor you better on our honeypot site
They ban us from youtube/facebook/twatter, where most of us are logged in with our normie account, need phone to confirm, so that we move to gab where you can use tor/vpn to create an account, so that they can spy on us easily.
kys CIA nigger.
I put it right into firefox and I can access it. No Tor needed for me for some reason.
>Stormfront Radio
I was surprised Rense is still up.
BTW, Incendiary Radio w/ Robert Reyvolt is also good. A bit more out there, but still nice.
The Jeff Rense show repeat from the previous night is something I catch when I get home early from work and as a pregame to Stormfront Radio, but it can get pretty /x/-tier, which I'm not ready to open my mind that much for.
You can access any tor site by adding .link at the end of the address. It changes through time, it used to be different )I remember .city)
But you're not user anymore.
They will also probably ban DS.
TOR team said that they are unable to ban them.
stormfront is still up
however, their domain stormfront.org has been stolen from them by their registrar. not sure if there has been an announcement, but you can see it here
those statuses mean the domain is down and they're not allowed to transfer it
most if not all dns servers have now removed them, yet their host is still up at
add www.stormfront.org
to your hosts file
THIS is Stormfront now.
you can read all the tweets people make and view the replies without making an account on twitter you dumb faggot. it's obviously a honeypot to track people since they force you to make an account to view the site dumb fuck.
not everybody is a dumb faggot who made a facebook or twitter account so they could be tracked by google you fucking moron. this is obviously a honeypot
>goy! you got banned from twitter and want to see an extremist view? give us your name, password, and email so you can see it on our new website
most redpilled people weren't logged in getting tracked you fucking mongoloid
Pol is socialist board so why you say "we"
You guys got cucked and haven't done anything about it. Why should anyone care about losers like you? Even Trump said I shouldn't listen to you faggots.
I've seen people go on about ''muh stormfags'' and ''go back to stormfront'' for years, but I've never spoken to someone who uses Stormfront.
I've spoken with the most radical white nationalists, yet none of them even use Stormfront.
What's the deal with Stormfront? Was it even a real site, or just some failed honeypot?
I think Ramzpaul is the only person I know who used Stormfront, and even then that was just because Stormfront were talking shit about him.
Fuck off Nazi piece of shit.
Why take down stormfront? It has been irrelevant for many years.
(((ICAAN))) seized their domain name. Pro-white groups are being unpersoned from the internet.
stormfront is an fbi honeypot run by a cuckservative boomer scum. it's just a place to gather and herd impotent old guy whites so they don't actually join something real.
ok here's apparently the statement
>unable to ban them
I'm not talking about TOR ban, I'm talking about .link suffix being disabled for DS.
That's what I am thinking. There has been zero backlash from the site being shut down. You'd think some people who use the site would come here and talk about how Stormfront got shut down, but there aren't any. I've only seen people wondering why there are no Stormfront users talking about it. It's like they disappeared.
Low-hanging fruit. No friends -- attacked everyone. They weren't really active anywhere else. WN1.0.
It's a real site with dedicated users. If you want to hear some of the users, feel free to give any of the radio show archives a listen renseradioarchives.com
it's certainly probable.
stormfront was in clear violation of their registrars terms with their bigotry, and they had received numerous complaints, but they were still up for this long. also the fbi connection with the owner and his kid.
stormfront was never on this board. it was literally jidf, government agents, and retard faggots from other boards who spammed that crap. it caught on cause that impotent literal cuckold moot made a sticky saying "MUH STORMFRONT" so idiots who didn't know any better believed it.
stormfront is cuckservative boomer retards who despise alt-right and only stick together in their honeypot. they aren't out there doing psyops it's just a boogeyman
it's fitting that a newfag from Sup Forums would kill stormfront
Derek Black cucked out. Did you read his article in the New York Times recently?
If they're real people I want them to come here.
We to push back against the anti-racist radical centrists who have infested Sup Forums.
Don has mentioned Sup Forums on several occasions and even named dropped "peppy the frog"
what he said
think there was a podcast. yeah, he's been a problem for a long time
it's worthless. they're brain dead boomers who won't ever learn. their problem is "race mixing" not importing 100 million spics who have 5 babies and want to go fight mudslimes in the middle east for israel
stormfags and paultards bullied out of lf were Sup Forums's main wastes of space
The Don and Derek Black show on WPBR!!!
stormfront is welcome here
>alt cucks can't even keep a forum online
>stormfront is welcome here
Hell truly has frozen over.
We're living in interesting times.
>getting identified on the basis of your jacked up teeth
They are a good anti reddit medicine. Much like the bronies.
I'd love for you niggers to go back. The (((National Socialism))) shilling here is getting out of hand.
>Alt left cucks can't even Dodge a slow moving vehicle on a legal roadway
no dumb fuck i was on /n/ 10 years ago and know how it was. it was pretty much 70% economic ancap/capitalism/socialism/communism/news with 29% being about kikes and 1% nigger hate. stormfront is complete shit filled with impotent fucking retard boomers going on about muh niggers. yeah niggers are disgusting and should die, but race mixing isn't the problem. importing 100 million spics who have babies with their own race is doing x10000 more damage.
everything about stormfront is from /new/ when the dumb fuck moot made the original sticky about muh stormfront shit and newfaggots fell for it. of course Sup Forums always hated niggers, but it isn't like the fucking shit website stormfront and also focused on economics, news, geopolitics, and the real issues not just "NIGGERS" like the fucking boomers living in the 60's not talking about the changing issues
> www.stormfront.org
>to your hosts file
Only IP addresses are the real internet. DNS is a just a fancy convenience.
I don't like Stormfront but, I don't like the kikes enacting their final solution censorship shit that they've been doing lately to anything even slightly right leaning. These kikes are using the death of that fat communist bitch to attempt to turn American internet into China. If stormfront wants to make generals here until they get a darkweb status, I don't really care anymore.
Not sure. I bet Andrew Anglin will have updates as they come. gab.ai
pol, you're next
I'm gonna shill for "HostsMan" windows app.
It's an easy to edit hosts file program, has an auto update list for hosts to block adds/viruses/crap:
Never, you lost.
Where do you think all the jew info dumps come from thin air?
You don't need the daily Stormer or Stormfront if you have Sup Forums, we'll be okay, yeah?
I wonder if people will finally wake up when they take Sup Forums down
Hopefully never.
They called the Muslim immigration 10 years before anyone else
>first they came for the dailystormertards
>and I sat there jerking to traps
>then they came for the stormfags
>and I sat there jerking to traps
>then they came for me
>and then I came for them