Tfw there will be a new flag after 1st October

>tfw there will be a new flag after 1st October

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You are absolutely right user!



biji biji, barzani cuck

Will it have the "star of david"? And will it have the bars of Aragon? Stop appropiating OUR flag you fucking thieves without history.

The message you are conveying with the estelada is that you want to be a new state in the USA.

Catalonia will never be separate from Spain

Andalucia has the first and only referendum on access to autonomy raised and made legally in Spain.

Catalans and Basques are wannabes

catalonia and granada are the best parts of spain

Pablo woke up from their siesta

How many times did you open this thread, Jordi?

daily reminder that CataluÑA is a muslim infested shithole

Yeah right, Spanish are already so butthurt about Gibraltar that their ego couldn't take losing Catalonia too. The vote simply won't matter.

the OP

are you Mariano Ragoy?

Fellow Spainfags, a question if I may: after watching that kid's father hugging an iman on tv and that pro-refugee/anti-islamophobia march on Barcelona a few days after the attack... is there hope for Catalonia or are they so beyond salvation that we need to cut them out so we can save the rest of Spain?

No, we fight cancer with cancer. Time to bring the army into Catalonia, let the legionnaires patrol the streets of Barcelona.

We won't give Catalans what they want, they'll instead get a reminder that they belong to us, now and forever.


Catalonians asking for indepence, is akin to Native Americans asking that the US goverment give back the lands the US conquered.

Catalans lost the war 300 years ago.

Catalans are a bunch of retarded lefties who want independence yet at the same time STAY in the EU. Don't fall for it.

I hope you do this shit

After Catalonia, it's time for Flander's turn.

Do Catalonians also spend too much time drunk and high on fumes to fight for it?

You worthless rebels, i hope the spanish empire crushes your pathetic insurrection by brute force !

The army and the legionaries should enter the Moncloa and the Royal Palace and clean the state of dirty rats thieves of the of government

No, Catalans are hard working and smart people, probably the smartest alongside Vasques. I am pretty sure they have Jewish ancestry, and one of the leaders of the independence movement claims as much. Regardless of their intellectual capabilities, Catalonia belongs to Spain and that is not going to change despite whatever the illegal voting result's on October 1st might show.

Lol good luck, with kikes you lose manolo, this place is not worth fighting for at this point.

So are Catalonians the Kurds of Spain but without the terrorism ?

And yet nothing like this will happen

Spanish empire disappeared long time ago

What's the deal with Catalonia, can some1 give me a quick rundown? I've read about it on wiki, but understood almost nothing. Wasn't Spain always unitarian ethnostate? I mean besides the time when it was united with Portugal.

>''We are Muslim lovers and leftists!! We have corrupted the land, see!?? No point in keeping this nice piece of land anymore! Just give to the Catalans so they can fuck off!''
Would you also give me your car for free if I took a shit in it?

Right now it's full of all sorts of niggers and sandniggers and people from all over Spain. There's nothing left to do for this place apart from watch it die.

>tfw there will never be an independent crown of aragon

People would never support the measures needed to make this place habitable again. Let us die Manolo. Spain corruption apart has few immigrants, you still have a chance without us.

The Catalan referendum is made thanks to the protection of the Popular Party.
PP does nothing to stop the referendum, they say they do, but they do nothing. PP draws political profit from independence, just as it did years ago political benefit of ETA. Thanks to independence and the illusion of unity the PP has not died

I would support this my Aragonese friend.

Not until The borbons The diferent crowns( Aragon, Castilla and Navarra) had their own laws and institutions like él justicia de Aragón and The council of Castilla

TOP KEK google image search this image

It would be awesome...

>People would never support the measures needed to make this place habitable again

The only move Spain needs to make, is to not move at all. Let Catalans destroy themselves with mass immigration and multiculturalism. Since legally speaking they have zero power, their own attempt at corrupting the land will only create separatism of the people living there.

In the end Catalans will be begin for Spain to be tougher on them.

Not really, no, and that's the root of our problems. Spain is pretty much UK pretending to be France. That means we're made up of several kingdoms and peoples with different cultures and languages, but rather than keep up with the more or less feudal laws that we had before, some faggots decided to look up to France and turn Spain into a proper modern nation-state. Of course the French had a revolution that pretty much annihilated all regional languages and cultures before centralising the country. That didn't happen to Spain. Franco tried, though, but he tried to do it in a seriously half-assed way.


The begging would be so intense, the word itself needs two lose two g's to show the purity of the feeling.

Tougher how? Sending even more niggers, Javier? People here are cucked but all the niggers and sandniggers are only your fault for not having tougher immigration laws and making secret deals with Morocco.

You really think that shit, Jordi?

We are all under the chains of the EU, but Catalans are no strangers to cuckholding. Making protest to scare off tourists while chanting about needing more refugees? Making selling illegal in the streets, legal? Voting a political movement who wants to give free citizenship to anyone who puts a foot on Spain?
Don't fool yourself.

interesting, tell me more about this secrets deals

In fact Madrid sends all the shit to Catalonia on purpose...

Ex french counties need to settle down

Fuck off retard, France must be annihilated.

madrid, place of the autochthonous spanish rednecks

"It's not that we are a degenerate region full of faggots and muslim-lovers that embarrasses the rest of the country, it's because the Spanish government are somehow political geniuses who are always plotting the downfall of Catalonia using the most underhanded tactics possible"

You Oriolets are a joke.


That would be the South, dear. Are you even Spanish, or just some larper with a proxy?

The south is not spain, is al-andalus, land fo moors, not rednecks, fascist old retarded rednecks only in madrid.

Factually incorrect.


Nice memes, buffoon. I have been amused and I no longer need your services, begone.

I don't respect independence movements that just want to secede because of da money.

I think a lot of Catalans actually identify as Spanish, but they vote for independence because they want to lessen their tax burden.

yes, I vote PP, Spain need buffons

They are escaping to Israel bc you are infected with muslims and even hug them when they try to kill you. Look at your Catalan rabbi said. You're no longer with the kikes, you are with the fucking Muslim brotherhood now.
This isn't funny anymore.

>he thinks Catalonia will gain independence

Learn about history before you talk shit, Mohamed

>How many times did you open this thread, Jordi?
Shill threads
Sage and repotr

I hope the guardia civil is brought in to close all the voting boots on October 1st, it will cause so much butthurt for the cucktalans.

>implying Rajoy or any other PP politician is smart enough to hatch some machiavellian scheme to destroy Catalonia

>fascist old retarded rednecks only in madrid.
>implying Madrid is not almost as cucked as Cataluña
The leftovers of the fascists and Francoists mostly live in small cities and villages in Andalusia and Castille la Mancha and Castille y Leon

They police Ceuta and Melilla in exchange for rights for the Moors in Spain.

I'm not saying people here aren't retarded or cucked, I'm saying PP and PSOE are allowing tons of panchitos, niggers and sandniggers into Spain, this is a fact not propaganda or a lie.

The kikes are funding the independence movement which means we like it or not is already arranged to happen.

I know, exciting isn't it?

Catalonians are cucks. The spic version of Scots.

You shouldn't be posting here ahmed, pry minister is going to jail you for thought crime.

Your country used to be called Al Andulus and it was literally a Caliphate. Spaniards are Arabs.

The Germans actually liberated us pretty quick. The problem is we have more muslims than back then right now. At least we have no muslim mayor anywhere yet muhammad, you are an actual caliphate right now where you can be jailed for insulting muhammad, so stfu.

Andalycia shoukd be independant.

Can someone tell me what is actually going to happen If (really when) yes/independence side wins.

Is Spain going to send in the army?

It cannot win because it is against the constitution, the poll done by the government of Catalunya is illegal. Spain won't do anything at all, because it doesn't need to do anything about it. What are Catalans going to do, coup the Spanish government with their non-existent military¿?

Spain will send an army

>Al Andulus and it was literally a Caliphate.

That explains why Brits are so obsessed with maintaining Gibraltar, the land of their ancestors. Also know as Jabal'Tariq in Arab.