What's your opinion on Black/White Mulattos who look full white? They're rare but pic related is a Half Black girl, she's a famous Pop singer named "Halsey". She's been outcastes by the Black community because she looks so white.
What is your opinion On Mulattos who look full white
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If they're able to visually integrate they won't lower social trust, so I don't give a shit until their mess of an identity starts to manifest.
It will. Identity = genetics
Sterilize them, put them in reservation. Kill parents
Mulatto, Mustee, Quadroon, Octoroon, Terceron, ...
Many of them still bleach their skin and do cosmetic surgery to look like more european
Anyway the 'one drop rule' means automatically the sickle-cell trait
>she looks so white
Only with make-up and lighting like arabs do
Looks like arab/south-american
>I swear my daughter is half black, my white wife is faithful to me, and a staunch feminist, she'd never have fucked a white guy!
>'one drop role' means automatically the sickle cell traitor
Are you retarded?
>Identity = genetics
If they don't look different, and they don't act different, and they don't tell their children that they're different, then the 'identity' of being different isn't transferred or expressed. It dies with them.
Dolezal 2.0
>Are you retarded?
No but you are indeed
Genetics peak for themselves
>Genetics peak for themselves
Genetics speak for themselves
Sickle cell predominantly affects African Americans
Sterilize or liquidate.
Her dad isnt even full on wog so its not that shocking. It's not like her dad is some charcoal black, straight from the Congo nigger or anything.
They arent.
The Nazis were okay with 1/4th Jews.
The Democrats invented the 1 drop rule.
0% negro blood now.fuck off.
>Half Black girl
No she's not. Her Dad is a mulatto or less.
Thats unbelievably cruel to.the fauna of the world, deportation to.their integration to.the negroid community.
All negroid blooded persons sent to Africa to be integrated as Africans, in 1 generation Africans will make them indistinguishable.
A good example of a mullato that looks mullato
I doubt it. Most American pavement apes are already heavily mixed.