Sup Forums when will you start to cycle and give up the automojew?

Sup Forums when will you start to cycle and give up the automojew?

> No longer borrowing money from the merchant banks to pay for whatever shitty car you drive
> Not giving money to the funders of islamic terrorism to fuel the fucking things
> Clean up the air of our beautiful homelands
> Promotes good physical fitness and opposes a sedentary lifestyle
> Areas with high levels of cycling have a stronger community ties and local iedntity

> Literally none when we get rid of the car

Other urls found in this thread:

> No fucking identifying number on your bike allowing the government to track you

tack on a cheap meth motor

>2 hours a day just to get to work and back home opposed than just half an hour using my car
I don't support the idea of spending even more than 9 hours a day just to be able to earn a living, simply because I believe that one should work to live, not live to work. But yeah sure, aside from driving to work everyday I support the idea of riding your bike everywhere else.

My point is, if you think that getting rid of modern motorized fast travel is a "good idea" then you're a jobless cuck that doesn't know what he's talking about.

A vast majority of Americans live too far away from work to bike.

ride to work - get run over.
too many cunts in cars here

When society stops being increasingly hostile to cyclists. Had enough of it.

Never, you faggots make driving experience terrible. Go fucking cycling in your backyard.

When jobs don't require the gasolinejew as a god damned prerequisite. I walk as much as I can even after getting my new car. I fucking hate driving.

>bad driver

furthermore stop wearing fucking spandex.

You're not racing the tour de france.

> No longer borrowing money from the merchant banks to pay for whatever shitty car you drive
I bought a used one because I'm not retarded
> Not giving money to the funders of islamic terrorism to fuel the fucking things
I use Russian gas
> Clean up the air of our beautiful homelands
See above. Methane only combusts into CO2 and water, and produces negligible NOx.
> Promotes good physical fitness and opposes a sedentary lifestyle
Well, you have a point there.
> Areas with high levels of cycling have a stronger community ties and local iedntity
Because they're usually poor areas. Poor people rely on each other more than rich people. If I need something I'm gonna hop in my car and drive to nearest store, I'm not gonna ask my neighbour.

> Literally none when we get rid of the car

>Sweaty and smelly as fuck when you get to the office
>Cyclists have a much higher chance of getting killed in a crash
>Takes a hell of a lot longer to get to work
>Can't take any freight with you
>For long distances it's physically tiring and you have no other choice but do it even if it's been a really long day and you'd much rather not
>Freeze your ass off in winter
>Cook your head off in summer
>Get all wet and muddied like a pleb every time it rains

Yeah, no cons at all


cycling is for mongoloid, hipster children

I swim, like an alpha

When you cunts stop being assholes and taking up the whole goddamned road. Why do you have to cycle side by side with your friends? It's FUCKING ANNOYING. Don't you realize your fastest cycling speed is turtle speed compared to someone doing 100km/h?
I gotplaces to be, let me fucking get over and we're cool, cycle all you want.

Yesterday I encountered a gorup of about 15 cyclists who were all actually cycling in a single line allowing motorists to pass them easily. I think it's the first time in my life that I've ever seen that.
I had to wait for all of them to clear an off ramp because I didn't have time to overtake them all safely and pass in front, but I didn't mind.

I don't peruse the cyclefag.
I chadstride 3.8 km every day after work.

Faggots the lot of you

Cycling is for women, and men with only 1 testicle.

It's faggy and lacks the utility of a car.

A car can transport a family away from danger. A bicycle only allows a cowardly man to escape danger while his family dies.

No, cycling is not for men at all.

never im not giving up my clubby

/n/fag here, I already ride my bike 4-5 days every week, on yesterday ride I did 170km. I have pretty gud legs.

What we need to develop and invest in is the electric bicycle

That way, you can use the motor for long distance speed, and manual for once you get into town

Also make cities more pedestrian/bike centric, rather than car centric. Cars are the main reasons that cities are soulless dens of depression. All the noise, the honking, imagine how peaceful a car-less city would be.

meh. i don't want vinegary balls

If you want to ride a bike go to France or Holland.

>exerting yourself and breathing heavily
>on a road behind a cars exhaust

Why do people do this?

stay off my roads, spandex covered assholes.

vroom vroom, motherfuckers, make smart choices or get hit.

>> No longer borrowing money from the merchant banks to pay for whatever shitty car you drive
You don't do this if you aren't poor.
>> Not giving money to the funders of islamic terrorism to fuel the fucking things
Most of America's oil is produced domestically or from cuck places like Canada
>> Clean up the air of our beautiful homelands
>Cycling removes pollution!
I know you're retarded, Achmed, but at least try to hide it.
>> Promotes good physical fitness and opposes a sedentary lifestyle
You can still promote that without adding 2 hours to your work commute
>> Areas with high levels of cycling have a stronger community ties and local iedntity
Among faggot cyclists maybe, nonkrmal people hate those fucks.
> No fucking identifying number on your bike allowing the government to track you
>Implying the government isn't tracking you regardless of whether or not you have a car
>Reddit spacing
Gas yourself

I've been commuting to work on a bike for 26 years. I don't ride in the winter, not enough light, buts it's a great way to stay fit and not get pissed about traffic.

>15 cyclists who were all actually cycling in a single line allowing motorists to pass them easily.
Cycling single file makes it harder to overtake because it increases the effective length meaning you need a larger gap in oncoming traffic. That said I stopped riding in large groups because I kept getting in arguments with them for not taking opportunities to let people pass.

You're not even wrong that cyclists often lack common courtesy and seem to take pride in pissing off the other people they're forever telling to "share the road".

The majority of cyclists and motorists shouldn't be on the road desu, it's just that bad motorists are far more dangerous and thus probably deserve more scorn.

>Cycling single file makes it harder to overtake because it increases the effective length meaning you need a larger gap in oncoming traffic.

Usually the road is large enough to allow two cars and a bike on it very easily.
In Italy we're used to someone taking up a bit more than his lane to overtake someone when there isn't enough space, and we just move over to the right.
On roads large enough we do it even with cars.
The slow guy moves to the right, the incoming traffic does as well, and you pass in the middle.

I want to but can't. I hate cars but there are too many meth addicts, short-fused tradies and third worlders on the road here.

Fun on weekends but motorcycle commuting is tedious

crushes yr balls, m8.

>has almost all the problems of a bicycle
>still uses about as much fuel as a car
>now you're not only more likely to get killed by someone crashing into you, but you're extremely more likely to crash on your own and kill yourself

good choice m8 keep it up

I would like to argue motorcycles are superior mode of traveling in cities.

>faster than car
>more fun
>less expensive
>gr8 experience to ride with your gf behind you
>her boobs bump into your back everytiem you hit a pothole

Even the hijabi mulimas ride bikes now, there is no reason to travel in car like a fag

>Usually the road is large enough to allow two cars and a bike on it very easily.
It often isn't, motorists have a very poor understanding of how much space a cyclist needs. Our highway code specifies that they ought to be given as much space as you would any other vehicle, for instance.

I don't know much about your roads so maybe you're right that they're wide enough. If they're wide enough for you to overtake another car with oncoming traffic then why isn't it wide enough to do the same with a group of bicycles riding two or maybe 3 in a row?

Do Indians ever say anything that isn't full of sexual reference? You're like a nation of /r9k/ virgins.

>If they're wide enough for you to overtake another car with oncoming traffic

Most of them aren't, but most are wide enough to overtake a bicycle.
Some aren't even wide enough to do that, but those are low traffic roads anyway.
Our traffic laws also say that bicycles should be given the same space as anyone else, but

>following traffic laws


Sorry Abdallah, I didn't mean to offend your sensitivities. But yeah I like riding my bike with my gf with me.

I still think it's a good way to travel in cities where cars are much slower.

You´re just roadniggers.
More bikers die every day yet you´re the ones bitching about everything and demanding cities to be adapted to your fucking hobby.

I don't live too far away, just 13 miles. Problem is that it's right through Jigaboo-town. I could carry a gun, but if I get knocked off the bike going full speed, I'm not sure I'll have the gun into action fast enough.

But I own my car out right :3

>small penis prosthetic

>calls others fags
>drives a fucking hairdryer

>your fucking hobby
It isn't, I've pretty much completely given it up.

I don't see how more bikers dying is relevant at all. It's as much about making the commute as stress free as possible and reducing congestion as it is about reducing deaths.

Those legs are to die for.

I agree with the basic advantages of biking.... however.

Leaning over in a hunched over position for as long as a daily commute requires will lead to SEVERELY tight hips.

Also, resting your bodyweight on your taint on a small bike seat is both uncomfortable and can lead to nerve and blood flow problems to your ballsack (completely serious).

the true red pill...mopeds and motorcycles.

Do you also fuck other men in the ass after the shower?

Fucking faggot.

I ride my bike everywhere.
It's cardio which some people pay gym fees for, which they travel to by car.
I support this idea.
However, I understand there's plenty of countries where it's not feasible at all to do so

>T. Dutchman

>thinks everyone is in bicycle range of everything
>has no car
>hey everyone should ride a bike now!
i hear yo momma callin u

You got an MB5 bro? I had one too until the gas tank rusted through.

Mopeds are the final solution to the transportation question.

And what if you need to move something like 5 big boxes

I'm buying one in 2 weeks or so, right after I'm done with my exams :D

It fucking snows, and temperature here get easily hit -30 plus severe wind chill.

>Cyclist are cancer.
>Take up road, slow down traffic, act like entitled manchildren.
>Virtue signalling bourgeoisie faggots.

TLDR: Cyclist are as bad as pedos.

>not cycling in single file
Literally illegal here

Don't worry goyim. Once you have given up on cars like a good serf, gvt will start making cycling Id and registration mandatory complete with taxes and fines.

Why cycle when you can velomobile?

he says that while all his cities literally record his every movement.

as to answer your question - it's called walking to work.

i live in a crowded suburb