Sup Forums literally fell for commie propaganda. Can't make this shit up!
Sup Forums literally fell for commie propaganda. Can't make this shit up!
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after skippy i figured they were going to try to drag out the nazi angle longer than 2 weeks, i understand they are in a tricky spot. push the nazi agenda and you are faced with advocating the antifa and domestic terrorism, drop the nazi agenda and go back to russia and you have obama/clinton treason. but i guess we are back to russia
The Podesta Group belatedly filed several new disclosures with the Justice Department on Aug. 17 related to work the firm completed between 2012 and 2014 on behalf of a pro-Russia Ukrainian think tank.
Back in April, the powerful Washington lobbying firm run by Clinton ally Tony Podesta filed a document admitting its work for the pro-Russia European Centre for a Modern Ukraine may have principally benefited a foreign government. New disclosures revealed dozens of previously unreported interactions the firm made with influential government offices, including Hillary Clinton's State Department and the office of former Vice President Joe Biden, while lobbying on behalf of the center.
Anyone lobbying or doing public relations on behalf of foreign governments is required to register as a foreign agent in compliance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
i love watching the slow burn of the democratic party
No wonder Alex Jones sucks up to the russians constantly lmao it all makes sense now.
Keep typing, comrade!
please let the shooter be white
>The Russian Narrative
Nope. Not even gone archive that shit, let alone read it
Thanks Mohammedbot.
Is not true comrade.
Fake news
that meme got stale long ago time to give up
Even if it were true, doesn't delegitimize the movement. If outside support would do that, same would be true for the american revolution, that without the french would have not been won.
>Mueller appointed to investigate
>finds nothing
How dumb do these people think their audience is?
Netanyahu also props it up. So what? Just because they consider globalists a threat too doesn't make them a non threat. The enemy of my remote trading partner who is belligerent with neighbours isn't necessarily my friend.
Putin and Netanyahu are for the moment useful to my nation, while everyone from the Ukraine is only relevant to it in as far as they are a kike weapon.
People believe every word, so very.
>How dumb do these people think their audience is?
Very dumb, unfortunately.
If Russia's interests and our interests are the same then so much the better. If they want to be our friends, great. There's no reason our two countries aren't on friendly terms anyway, we fought international communism in the Cold War but that is all over now. We were friends with the Romanovs, we went to war alongside Stalin, we can be friends with Putin and Medvedev. Especially if it means we can join forces and shit on China. Fuck those gooks
The people coming in here trying to shill this must have been frozen in suspended animation since 2014
No one falls for this shit
The big lie works if you tell it enough times and scream down anyone who tries to call you on it.
>thas rite, if you disagree with my propaganda you're working for Putin!
keep kwetching
>According to their August 18 analysis, far-right and nationalist activists in the U.S. picked up a narrative pushed by Kremlin-backed media that the 2014 revolution in Ukraine was driven by neo-Nazis.
Turning neo-nazis on other neo-nazis was hilarious, i'll admit that.
>There are also anti-Trump bots and trolls tied to Russia, Kalember said, that engage with left-wing audiences to push disinformation. For now, though, the engagement is more prominent on the right because the narrative fits Russia’s aim, experts say.
And this one is dangerous.
I assume it is hard to be a friend with ex-KGB officer after your country won Cold war against communism, am I right?
the article says they can identiry the russian bots by the time they tweet.
they must keep regular russian hours!
thats a lie
Nothing fundamentally different between Russia and China. Both potentially useful, both potentially dangerous to allies we can't afford to sacrifice.
so what
Duh, if you look at the twitter bots based in Russia it's pretty obvious.
The confusing part though is why China's propaganda machine is propping up the left.
Are they working together? What are they trying to accomplish? I just don't know, but it certainly keeps me up at night.
Someone really said this to me
>If I don't believe what I read in the newspapers, what am I supposed to believe?
Russia hasn't been commie for a while now faggot
How to get paid for shitposting?
>5 years of dank meme making
>10 years of professional shitposting
>moot answered me once
>>Mueller appointed to investigate
>>finds nothing
Exactly. He was trying to find collusion, which is only one aspect of this story.
Russia is a Schrodinger's state, they become whatever their critics want at that moment
>What are they trying to accomplish?
btfo USA, no?
just invade Israel already, some of us really want to get out of here
>just invade Israel already
why would we?
Well, at least he actually reads a newspaper, instead of watchun tha Bee Bee Cee on the telly
One is a white Christian country and the other are insect people and to me that is an example of a fundamental difference
They try divide&conquer strategy on your open society to blow it up from inside. Civil war in USA is a wet dream of too many.
>The confusing part though is why China's propaganda machine is propping up the left.
For the moment China is still a kike weapon to weaken white nations, they have done well playing their assigned role.
We are far more autark than China, Europe and especially the US can do just fine without China. The other way around, not so much.
>Putin is a Commies
>Putin is an anti-Commies
>Stalin is liberalism
>Stalin killed millions
pick one your retarded Christians.
It was an international coalition of trolls who grew up raiding habbo hotel.
The fact that the FSB joined in just makes it funnier.
>Europe and especially the US can do just fine without China.
Where was your computer/smartphone produced?
Nice try soros
>muh russia
>thinking "alt-right" is a real movement
two clickbait liberal boogeymen in one sentence
DNC didnt get remotely hacked because the transfer speeds and podesta was phished by a chain mail spam that targeted multiple government orgs for years
not to mention podestas email is a citizens personal email and not even government related so i dont see how the russars did shit to effect anything
>>Putin is an anti-Commies
What do you mean? its your destiny. The whole reason the world cant touch russians. Your only function is to humble Israel before the LORD
>its your destiny
because you say so?
Then Russia is /ourguy/, innit?
Did we go back 6 months?
Not for me. The KGB lost so hard that there is no longer a KGB. Why would we be bitter about it when we won?
>The KGB lost so hard that there is no longer a KGB
lel. "KGB" is basically the only thing that survived the fall of USSR.
Putin's Russia has really big inequality in salary, unlike Socialism. Putin's Russia rebuild churches destroyed by Commies. Putin's Russia is internationally connected to dollar, unlike Commies. What, what? In you butt.
Yes it is true.
We have tens of thousands of sleeper agents all across the West, ready to carry out the final solution when ordered.
nice try aquafresh
>What next?
Putin invades Switzerland
>t. nikita sadkov
it's true
>Especially if it means we can join forces and shit on China. Fuck those gooks
why would russia want that?
am too drunk))
No no, FSB is COMPLETEY different entity comr- I mean, gospodin president
KGB is now the FSB, it's the same people. Putin is KGB/FSB.
They changed the initials your imbecile (or shill).
Burgers are stupid. They want to believe in things, causes, and people. Autistic gullible children.
And then Roskomnadzor bans Daily Stormer, lul.
There is nothing between Trump and the Russians, but what if Hilldogs people had Russians shill for Trump thinking it'd cost him neo-cons and nationalists? There is evidance of colusion because they made it. What you posted gives credence to my theory.
In Putin's Russia govt makes 75% of GDP. Putin's Russia is a welfare state with free education and healthcare. Putin's Russia build biggest mosques.
And that's a minor thing, but i have to point that out:
1. USSR was connected to dollar, although it is a sacred knowledge here
2. Rebuilding churches was Yeltsin thing.
It's hard to call Putin a commie, however, calling him anti-commie is also not good, especially if you like to mix communism and socialism.
the plan has nothing to do with me.
>lel u stupid believe in things
>deus vult flag
your deus will never vult
Russia is just a kleptocracy with the song and dance (Russia Stongz) mostly about keeping people looking at the US or wherever while a select group of blokes get their pensions out of the new state.
The US knows it and also knows that it can play up the propaganda and it will work for the Russians too, because they want the sabre rattling just as much.
Alex Jones and Julian Assange are both Russian shills
Look, the idea that we'll ever go to war against Israel, especially because of some destiny, is some smoloko-tier bullcrap. We are in good relations, even if we assume that Mossad wrecking Middle East is 146% true and Putin is fully aware of it. I mean, we've promised help to the FUCKING QATAR, when other shitskins turned on them.
Triggered much?
There has always been anxiety about the Steppe scum to the south. If you want actual geopolitics there is the matter of the Russian Far East, a region currently undergoing a major yellowing process. Putin has resorted to bribing people with free money and land to move out there to keep China's filthy mitts off it. It's not like they haven't smacked each other around before, Russia and China fought for like six months in 1969. Also China is talking about making its own NATO, how is that in Russia's interest? Just saying, I'd rather work with one of them than have them work with each other and if I have to choose between Russia and China, I'll take the white guys.
Why would Russia need to amplify the Alt Right when CNN does that ten times better than any rinky dink paid russian trolls or bots could do.
Why everybody bitching about DailyStormer and doxing stormfags and simultaneously everybody forgets about fucking Richard Spencer
Spencer has fucked the entire right movement and nobody cares about him.
Trying this again, sweetie? So desperate. All this salt is giving me hypertension. Your masters are too stupid to beat us and cringeworthy threads like this drive that home. Ty for the free attention
>Also China is talking about making its own NATO, how is that in Russia's interest? Just saying, I'd rather work with one of them than have them work with each other
This is idealistic approach now. Yeltsin wanted to be ally, as well as early Putin. Your elites decided to screw them. Now you're dealing with one of these guys + no free elections to reset relationships in a legit way. I'd say prepare to fight both.
>2. Rebuilding churches was Yeltsin thing.
This. Besides, he did one very right, good thing, even though he messed up with a lot of others.
Unfortunately, under Putin, sovietist sentiments are on the rise, the youth likes Stalin, many dream of rebuilding the USSR 2.0. This looks as bad as if it's some kind of deliberate subversion
It's so funny, the media comes up with all kinds of intricate theories as to why Trump won the presidency. Why is that so hard to understand considering the republicans success at every other level of elected office?
Also what I don't understand is why does denying the strength of the republican party versus the democratic party mean so much.?
I don't understand how that helps the democrats.
This has been going on for years, you're pretty new if you think Russians started with Trump.
Lot of stuff Sup Forums believes is Russian disinfo, articles and papers about Russian disinfo AKA Active measures have been published for years,
Pretty sure this was a consequence of, and not a condition of...
The Russian media covered Trump because US Mainstream media attacked him. People went looking for alternative media because they couldn't trust the MSM, and American run Russian media outlets (nothing to do with the Government) ran the stories people clicked on.
The Russian Government can inject 1 million pro Trump/anti Hillary stories into their news papers, but it's completely pointless if no one reads it. Like most companies, they create the content that gets the clicks. If people are clicking on Trump articles or Anti Hillary articles, or finding the site in search engines after they Google for those topics, that's where the business is.
This has nothing to do with the Russian Governments bias, and everything to do with US MSM bias and obvious financial ties with the democratic party.
Please help me understand
Which Story on RT is clearly false?
What the hell is this timeline.
Are we really getting this low in retarded news level?
Who the fuck is buying this?
why the fuck can't russia just leave us alone? i really think that the only thing that will stop them is a full scale nuclear war. first they hacked the election and prevented Hillary from yesqueenslaaaaying, and now they're supporting nazis online.
we need troops on the ground in russia asap.
It's the go-to punchline on Ylilauta for all the Finnish leftists. We just couldn't possibly be nationalistic without Russian influence.
Oy vey, why don't the goyim hate themselves, their culture, their country and history anymore? After all we have done to show them """tru freedom"" and the (((correct))) history in 90s?